//- 💫 MAIN JAVASCRIPT //- Note: Will be compiled using Babel before deployment. 'use strict' const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document); const $$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); class ProgressBar { /** * Animated reading progress bar. * @param {String} selector – CSS selector of progress bar element. */ constructor(selector) { this.el = $(selector); this.scrollY = 0; this.sizes = this.updateSizes(); this.el.setAttribute('max', 100); this.init(); } init() { window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { this.scrollY = (window.pageYOffset || document.scrollTop) - (document.clientTop || 0); requestAnimationFrame(this.update.bind(this)); }, false); window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.sizes = this.updateSizes(); requestAnimationFrame(this.update.bind(this)); }) } update() { const offset = 100 - ((this.sizes.height - this.scrollY - this.sizes.vh) / this.sizes.height * 100); this.el.setAttribute('value', (this.scrollY == 0) ? 0 : offset || 0); } updateSizes() { const body = document.body; const html = document.documentElement; return { height: Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight), vh: Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) } } } class SectionHighlighter { /** * Hightlight section in viewport in sidebar, using in-view library. * @param {String} sectionAttr - Data attribute of sections. * @param {String} navAttr - Data attribute of navigation items. * @param {String} activeClass – Class name of active element. */ constructor(sectionAttr, navAttr, activeClass = 'is-active') { this.sections = [...$$(`[${navAttr}]`)]; this.navAttr = navAttr; this.sectionAttr = sectionAttr; this.activeClass = activeClass; inView(`[${sectionAttr}]`).on('enter', this.highlightSection.bind(this)); } highlightSection(section) { const id = section.getAttribute(this.sectionAttr); const el = $(`[${this.navAttr}="${id}"]`); if (el) { this.sections.forEach(el => el.classList.remove(this.activeClass)); el.classList.add(this.activeClass); } } } class Templater { /** * Mini templating engine based on data attributes. Selects elements based * on a data-tpl and data-tpl-key attribute and can set textContent * and innterHtml. * * @param {String} templateId - Template section, e.g. value of data-tpl. */ constructor(templateId) { this.templateId = templateId; } get(key) { return $(`[data-tpl="${this.templateId}"][data-tpl-key="${key}"]`); } fill(key, value, html = false) { const el = this.get(key); if (html) el.innerHTML = value || ''; else el.textContent = value || ''; return el; } } class ModelLoader { /** * Load model meta from GitHub and update model details on site. Uses the * Templater mini template engine to update DOM. * * @param {String} repo - Path tp GitHub repository containing releases. * @param {Array} models - List of model IDs, e.g. "en_core_web_sm". * @param {Object} licenses - License IDs mapped to URLs. * @param {Object} accKeys - Available accuracy keys mapped to display labels. */ constructor(repo, models = [], licenses = {}, accKeys = {}) { this.url = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${repo}/master`; this.repo = `https://github.com/${repo}`; this.modelIds = models; this.licenses = licenses; this.accKeys = accKeys; this.chartColor = '#09a3d5'; this.chartOptions = { type: 'bar', options: { responsive: true, scales: { yAxes: [{ label: 'Accuracy', ticks: { suggestedMin: 70 }}], xAxes: [{ barPercentage: 0.425 }] }} } Chart.defaults.global.legend.position = 'bottom'; Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily = "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol'"; this.init(); } init() { this.modelIds.forEach(modelId => new Templater(modelId).get('table').setAttribute('data-loading', '')); fetch(`${this.url}/compatibility.json`) .then(res => this.handleResponse(res)) .then(json => json.ok ? this.getModels(json['spacy']) : this.modelIds.forEach(modelId => this.showError(modelId))) } handleResponse(res) { if (res.ok) return res.json().then(json => Object.assign({}, json, { ok: res.ok })) else return ({ ok: res.ok }) } getModels(compat) { this.compat = compat; for (let modelId of this.modelIds) { const version = this.getLatestVersion(modelId, compat); if (!version) { this.showError(modelId); return; } fetch(`${this.url}/meta/${modelId}-${version}.json`) .then(res => this.handleResponse(res)) .then(json => json.ok ? this.render(json) : this.showError(modelId)) } // make sure scroll positions for progress bar etc. are recalculated window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } showError(modelId) { const template = new Templater(modelId); template.get('table').removeAttribute('data-loading'); template.get('error').style.display = 'block'; for (let key of ['sources', 'pipeline', 'author', 'license']) { template.get(key).parentElement.parentElement.style.display = 'none'; } } /** * Update model details in tables. Currently quite hacky :( */ render({ lang, name, version, sources, pipeline, url, author, license, accuracy, size, description, notes }) { const modelId = `${lang}_${name}`; const model = `${modelId}-${version}`; const template = new Templater(modelId); const getSources = s => (s instanceof Array) ? s.join(', ') : s; const getPipeline = p => p.map(comp => `<code>${comp}</code>`).join(', '); const getLink = (t, l) => `<a href="${l}" target="_blank">${t}</a>`; const keys = { version, size, description, notes } Object.keys(keys).forEach(key => template.fill(key, keys[key])); if (sources) template.fill('sources', getSources(sources)); if (pipeline && pipeline.length) template.fill('pipeline', getPipeline(pipeline), true); else template.get('pipeline').parentElement.parentElement.style.display = 'none'; if (author) template.fill('author', url ? getLink(author, url) : author, true); if (license) template.fill('license', this.licenses[license] ? getLink(license, this.licenses[license]) : license, true); template.get('download').setAttribute('href', `${this.repo}/releases/tag/${model}`); if (accuracy) this.renderAccuracy(template, accuracy, modelId); this.renderCompat(template, modelId); template.get('table').removeAttribute('data-loading'); } renderCompat(template, modelId) { template.get('compat-wrapper').style.display = 'table-row'; const options = Object.keys(this.compat).map(v => `<option value="${v}">v${v}</option>`).join(''); template .fill('compat', '<option selected disabled>spaCy version</option>' + options, true) .addEventListener('change', ev => { const result = this.compat[ev.target.value][modelId]; if (result) template.fill('compat-versions', `<code>${modelId}-${result[0]}</code>`, true); else template.fill('compat-versions', ''); }); } renderAccuracy(template, accuracy, modelId, compare=false) { template.get('accuracy-wrapper').style.display = 'block'; const metaKeys = Object.keys(this.accKeys).map(k => accuracy[k] ? k : false).filter(k => k); for (let key of metaKeys) { template.fill(key, accuracy[key].toFixed(2)).parentElement.style.display = 'table-row'; } this.chartOptions.options.legend = { display: compare } new Chart(`chart_${modelId}`, Object.assign({}, this.chartOptions, { data: { datasets: [{ label: modelId, data: metaKeys.map(key => accuracy[key].toFixed(2)), backgroundColor: this.chartColor }], labels: metaKeys.map(key => this.accKeys[key]) }})) } getLatestVersion(model, compat = {}) { for (let spacy_v of Object.keys(compat)) { const models = compat[spacy_v]; if (models[model]) return models[model][0]; } } } class Changelog { /** * Fetch and render changelog from GitHub. Clones a template node (table row) * to avoid doubling templating markup in JavaScript. * * @param {String} user - GitHub username. * @param {String} repo - Repository to fetch releases from. */ constructor(user, repo) { this.url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${user}/${repo}/releases`; this.template = new Templater('changelog'); fetch(this.url) .then(res => this.handleResponse(res)) .then(json => json.ok ? this.render(json) : false) } /** * Get template section from template row. Slightly hacky, but does make sense. */ $(item, id) { return item.querySelector(`[data-changelog="${id}"]`); } handleResponse(res) { if (res.ok) return res.json().then(json => Object.assign({}, json, { ok: res.ok })) else return ({ ok: res.ok }) } render(json) { this.template.get('error').style.display = 'none'; this.template.get('table').style.display = 'block'; this.row = this.template.get('item'); this.releases = this.template.get('releases'); this.prereleases = this.template.get('prereleases'); Object.values(json) .filter(release => release.name) .forEach(release => this.renderRelease(release)); this.row.remove(); // make sure scroll positions for progress bar etc. are recalculated window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } /** * Clone the template row and populate with content from API response. * https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#list-releases-for-a-repository * * @param {String} name - Release title. * @param {String} tag (tag_name) - Release tag. * @param {String} url (html_url) - URL to the release page on GitHub. * @param {String} date (published_at) - Timestamp of release publication. * @param {Boolean} pre (prerelease) - Whether the release is a prerelease. */ renderRelease({ name, tag_name: tag, html_url: url, published_at: date, prerelease: pre }) { const container = pre ? this.prereleases : this.releases; const row = this.row.cloneNode(true); this.$(row, 'date').textContent = date.split('T')[0]; this.$(row, 'tag').innerHTML = `<a href="${url}" target="_blank"><code>${tag}</code></a>`; this.$(row, 'title').textContent = (name.split(': ').length == 2) ? name.split(': ')[1] : name; container.appendChild(row); } } class GitHubEmbed { /** * Embed code from GitHub repositories, similar to Gist embeds. Fetches the * raw text and places it inside element. * Usage: <pre><code data-gh-embed="spacy/master/examples/x.py"></code><pre> * * @param {String} user - GitHub user or organization. * @param {String} attr - Data attribute used to select containers. Attribute * value should be path to file relative to user. */ constructor(user, attr) { this.url = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${user}`; this.attr = attr; this.error = `\nCan't fetch code example from GitHub :(\n\nPlease use the link below to view the example. If you've come across\na broken link, we always appreciate a pull request to the repository,\nor a report on the issue tracker. Thanks!`; [...$$(`[${this.attr}]`)].forEach(el => this.embed(el)); } embed(el) { el.parentElement.setAttribute('data-loading', ''); fetch(`${this.url}/${el.getAttribute(this.attr)}`) .then(res => res.text().then(text => ({ text, ok: res.ok }))) .then(({ text, ok }) => { el.textContent = ok ? text : this.error; if (ok && window.Prism) Prism.highlightElement(el); }) el.parentElement.removeAttribute('data-loading'); } }