//- πŸ’« DOCS > API > LEXEME

include ../../_includes/_mixins

p An entry in the vocabulary.

+h(2, "attributes") Attributes

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code vocab]
        +cell #[code Vocab]

        +cell #[code lower]
        +cell int
        +cell Lower-case form of the word.

        +cell #[code lower_]
        +cell unicode
        +cell Lower-case form of the word.

        +cell #[code shape]
        +cell int
        +cell Transform of the word's string, to show orthographic features.

        +cell #[code shape_]
        +cell unicode
        +cell Transform of the word's string, to show orthographic features.

        +cell #[code prefix]
        +cell int
        +cell Length-N substring from the start of the word. Defaults to #[code N=1].

        +cell #[code prefix_]
        +cell unicode
        +cell Length-N substring from the start of the word. Defaults to #[code N=1].

        +cell #[code suffix]
        +cell int
        +cell Length-N substring from the end of the word. Defaults to #[code N=3].

        +cell #[code suffix_]
        +cell unicode
        +cell Length-N substring from the start of the word. Defaults to #[code N=3].

        +cell #[code is_alpha]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code word.orth_.isalpha()].

        +cell #[code is_ascii]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code [any(ord(c) >= 128 for c in word.orth_)]].

        +cell #[code is_digit]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code word.orth_.isdigit()].

        +cell #[code is_lower]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code word.orth_.islower()].

        +cell #[code is_title]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code word.orth_.istitle()].

        +cell #[code is_punct]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code word.orth_.ispunct()].

        +cell #[code is_space]
        +cell bool
        +cell Equivalent to #[code word.orth_.isspace()].

        +cell #[code like_url]
        +cell bool
        +cell Does the word resemble a URL?

        +cell #[code like_num]
        +cell bool
        +cell Does the word represent a number? e.g. β€œ10.9”, β€œ10”, β€œten”, etc.

        +cell #[code like_email]
        +cell bool
        +cell Does the word resemble an email address?

        +cell #[code is_oov]
        +cell bool
        +cell Is the word out-of-vocabulary?

        +cell #[code is_stop]
        +cell bool
        +cell Is the word part of a "stop list"?

        +cell #[code lang]
        +cell int
        +cell Language of the parent vocabulary.
        +cell #[code lang_]
        +cell unicode
        +cell Language of the parent vocabulary.

        +cell #[code prob]
        +cell float
        +cell Smoothed log probability estimate of token's type.

        +cell #[code sentiment]
        +cell float
        +cell A scalar value indicating the positivity or negativity of the token.
        +cell #[code lex_id]
        +cell int
        +cell ID of the token's lexical type.

        +cell #[code text]
        +cell unicode
        +cell Verbatim text content.

+h(2, "init") Lexeme.__init__
    +tag method

p Create a #[code Lexeme] object.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code vocab]
        +cell #[code Vocab]
        +cell The parent vocabulary.

        +cell #[code orth]
        +cell int
        +cell The orth id of the lexeme.

        +cell return
        +cell #[code Lexeme]
        +cell The newly constructed object.

+h(2, "set_flag") Lexeme.set_flag
    +tag method

p Change the value of a boolean flag.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code flag_id]
        +cell int
        +cell The attribute ID of the flag to set.

        +cell #[code value]
        +cell bool
        +cell The new value of the flag.

        +cell return
        +cell #[code None]
        +cell -

+h(2, "check_flag") Lexeme.check_flag
    +tag method

p Check the value of a boolean flag.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code flag_id]
        +cell int
        +cell The attribute ID of the flag to query.

        +cell return
        +cell bool
        +cell The value of the flag.

+h(2, "similarity") Lexeme.similarity
    +tag method

p Compute a semantic similarity estimate. Defaults to cosine over vectors.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code other]
        +cell -
            |  The object to compare with. By default, accepts #[code Doc],
            |  #[code Span], #[code Token] and #[code Lexeme] objects.

        +cell return
        +cell float
        +cell A scalar similarity score. Higher is more similar.

+h(2, "vector") Lexeme.vector
    +tag property

p A real-valued meaning representation.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell return
        +cell #[code numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype='float32']]
        +cell A real-valued meaning representation.

+h(2, "has_vector") Lexeme.has_vector
    +tag property

p A boolean value indicating whether a word vector is associated with the object.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell return
        +cell bool
        +cell Whether a word vector is associated with the object.