'''Demonstrate adding a rule-based component that forces some tokens to not be entities, before the NER tagger is applied. This is used to hotfix the issue in https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/2870 , present as of spaCy v2.0.16. ''' import spacy from spacy.attrs import ENT_IOB def fix_space_tags(doc): ent_iobs = doc.to_array([ENT_IOB]) for i, token in enumerate(doc): if token.is_space: # Sets 'O' tag (0 is None, so I is 1, O is 2) ent_iobs[i] = 2 doc.from_array([ENT_IOB], ent_iobs.reshape((len(doc), 1))) return doc def main(): nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') text = u'''This is some crazy test where I dont need an Apple Watch to make things bug''' doc = nlp(text) print('Before', doc.ents) nlp.add_pipe(fix_space_tags, name='fix-ner', before='ner') doc = nlp(text) print('After', doc.ents) if __name__ == '__main__': main()