#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess from setuptools import setup from glob import glob import sys import os from os import path from os.path import splitext from setuptools import Extension from distutils import sysconfig import platform print sys.argv # PyPy --- NB! PyPy doesn't really work, it segfaults all over the place. But, # this is necessary to get it compile. # We have to resort to monkey-patching to set the compiler, because pypy broke # ALL the EVERTHING. pre_patch_customize_compiler = sysconfig.customize_compiler def my_customize_compiler(compiler): pre_patch_customize_compiler(compiler) compiler.compiler_cxx = ['c++'] if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': sysconfig.customize_compiler = my_customize_compiler def install_headers(): dest_dir = path.join(sys.prefix, 'include', 'murmurhash') if not path.exists(dest_dir): shutil.copytree('murmurhash/headers/murmurhash', dest_dir) install_headers() includes = ['.', path.join(sys.prefix, 'include')] def clean(ext): for src in ext.sources: if src.endswith('.c') or src.endswith('cpp'): so = src.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.so' html = src.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.html' if os.path.exists(so): os.unlink(so) if os.path.exists(html): os.unlink(html) def name_to_path(mod_name, ext): return '%s.%s' % (mod_name.replace('.', '/'), ext) def c_ext(mod_name, language, includes, compile_args): mod_path = name_to_path(mod_name, language) return Extension(mod_name, [mod_path], include_dirs=includes, extra_compile_args=compile_args, extra_link_args=compile_args) def cython_ext(mod_name, language, includes, compile_args): import Cython.Distutils import Cython.Build mod_path = mod_name.replace('.', '/') + '.pyx' if language == 'cpp': language = 'c++' ext = Extension(mod_name, [mod_path], language=language, include_dirs=includes, extra_compile_args=compile_args) return Cython.Build.cythonize([ext])[0] def run_setup(exts): setup( name='spacy', packages=['spacy', 'spacy.en', 'spacy.syntax'], description="Industrial-strength NLP", author='Matthew Honnibal', author_email='honnibal@gmail.com', version='0.29', url="http://honnibal.github.io/spaCy/", package_data={"spacy": ["*.pxd"], "spacy.en": ["*.pxd", "data/pos/*", "data/wordnet/*", "data/tokenizer/*", "data/vocab/*"], "spacy.syntax": ["*.pxd"]}, ext_modules=exts, license="Dual: Commercial or AGPL", install_requires=['murmurhash', 'cymem', 'preshed', 'thinc', "unidecode", ], setup_requires=["headers_workaround"], ) import headers_workaround headers_workaround.fix_venv_pypy_include() headers_workaround.install_headers('murmurhash') headers_workaround.install_headers('numpy') def main(modules, is_pypy): language = "cpp" ext_func = cython_ext if use_cython else c_ext includes = ['.', path.join(sys.prefix, 'include')] compile_args = ['-O3'] exts = [ext_func(mn, language, includes, compile_args) for mn in modules] run_setup(exts) MOD_NAMES = ['spacy.typedefs', 'spacy.strings', 'spacy.lexeme', 'spacy.vocab', 'spacy.tokens', 'spacy.morphology', 'spacy._ml', 'spacy.tokenizer', 'spacy.en.attrs', 'spacy.en.pos', 'spacy.syntax.parser', 'spacy.syntax._state', 'spacy.syntax.arc_eager', 'spacy.syntax._parse_features', 'spacy.orth'] if __name__ == '__main__': use_cython = sys.argv[1] == 'build_ext' main(MOD_NAMES, use_cython)