{ "sidebar": { "Models": { "Overview": "./" }, "Language models": { "English": "en", "German": "de", "Spanish": "es", "French": "fr", "Multi-Language": "xx" } }, "index": { "title": "Models Overview", "teaser": "Downloadable statistical models for spaCy to predict and assign linguistic features.", "quickstart": true, "menu": { "Quickstart": "quickstart", "Installation": "install", "Naming Conventions": "conventions" } }, "MODELS": { "en": ["en_core_web_sm", "en_core_web_lg", "en_vectors_web_lg"], "de": ["de_dep_news_sm"], "es": ["es_core_web_sm"], "fr": [], "xx": ["xx_ent_wiki_sm"] }, "MODEL_META": { "core": "Vocabulary, syntax, entities, vectors", "dep": "Vocabulary, syntax", "ent": "Named entities", "vectors": "Word vectors", "web": "written text (blogs, news, comments)", "news": "written text (news, media)", "wiki": "Wikipedia", "uas": "Unlabelled dependencies", "las": "Labelled dependencies", "tags_acc": "Part-of-speech tags", "ents_f": "Entities (F-score)", "ents_p": "Entities (precision)", "ents_r": "Entities (recall)", "pipeline": "Processing pipeline components in order", "sources": "Sources of training data" }, "MODEL_LICENSES": { "CC BY-SA": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/", "CC BY-SA 3.0": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/", "CC BY-NC": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/", "CC BY-NC 3.0": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/" }, "MODEL_ACCURACY": { "uas": "UAS", "las": "LAS", "tags_acc": "POS", "ents_f": "NER F", "ents_p": "NER P", "ents_r": "NER R" }, "LANGUAGES": { "en": "English", "de": "German", "fr": "French", "es": "Spanish", "it": "Italian", "pt": "Portuguese", "nl": "Dutch", "sv": "Swedish", "fi": "Finnish", "nb": "Norwegian Bokmål", "da": "Danish", "hu": "Hungarian", "pl": "Polish", "ru": "Russian", "he": "Hebrew", "bn": "Bengali", "id": "Indonesian", "th": "Thai", "zh": "Chinese", "ja": "Japanese", "xx": "Multi-language" }, "EXAMPLE_SENTENCES": { "en": "This is a sentence.", "de": "Dies ist ein Satz.", "fr": "C'est une phrase.", "es": "Esto es una frase.", "xx": "This is a sentence about Facebook." } }