extends ./outline.jade mixin columns(...names) tr each name in names th= name mixin row(...cells) tr each cell in cells td= cell mixin LicenseOption(name, period, price, audience) .item h4 #{name} .focus #{period} span #{price} h5 Suggested for: span #{audience} a.button(href="spacy_trial_free.docx") Download license span or a(href="#") get in touch block body_block article.pricing .box.license +LicenseOption("Trial", "90 days", "$0", "Evaluation") +LicenseOption("Production", "1 year", "$5,000", "Production") +LicenseOption("Certainty", "5 years", "$20,000", "Secure Planning") p.caption | Researcher, hobbyist, or open-source developer? spaCy also offers a(href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html") AGPLv3 | licenses. p. What we offer is a rare, simple certainty: a long-term, permissive license that comes with full access to the source, complete transparency, and almost complete flexibility. The difference between this and a black-box API is night and day. You cannot build a great product against a service you don't understand, and you can't build a great business on a service you don't control. p | Let's face it: services disappear. Constantly. The good start-ups get | bought; the bad ones go bankrupt. Open-source projects become abandoned | or bloated. Google's graveyard is over-flowing – ditto for Yahoo!, | Microsoft, etc. Sure, IBM won't be broke...But will BlueMix be sunset? p | A 5 year license won't expire until 2020. spaCy will be with you for | longer than most of your current staff. If that's still not enough, | get in touch. I'm sure we can work something out. //p. // To make spaCy as valuable as possible, licenses to it are for life. You get // complete transparency, certainty and control. If you need to use spaCy // as an API, it's trivial to host it yourself – and you don't need to // worry about the service changing or disappearing. And if you're ever in // acquisition or IPO talks, the story is simple. //p. // spaCy can also be used as free open-source software, under the Aferro GPL // license. If you use it this way, you must comply with the AGPL license // terms. When you distribute your project, or offer it as a network service, // you must distribute the source-code and grant users an AGPL license to it. //h3 Examples //p. // In order to clarify how spaCy's license structure might apply to you, I've // written a few examples, in the form of user-stories. //details // summary: h4 Seed stage start-ups // p. // Ashley and Casey have an idea for a start-up. To explore their idea, they // want to build a minimum viable product they can put in front of potential // users and investors. // p. They have two options. // ol // li // p. // Trial commercial license. With a simple form, they can // use spaCy for 90 days, for a nominal fee of $1. They are free to modify // spaCy, and they will own the copyright to their modifications for the // duration of the license. After the trial period elapses, they can either // pay the license fee, stop using spaCy, release their project under the // AGPL. // // li // p. // AGPL. Casey and Pat can instead use spaCy under the AGPL // license. However, they must then release any code that statically or // dynamically links to spaCy under the AGPL as well (e.g. if they import // the module, or import a module that imports it, etc). They also cannot // use spaCy as a network resource, by running it as a service --- this is // the loophole that the "A" part of the AGPL is designed to close. // // p. // Ashley and Casey find the AGPL license unattractive for commercial use. // They decide to take up the trial commercial license. However, over the // next 90 days, Ashley has to move house twice, and Casey gets sick. By // the time the trial expires, they still don't have a demo they can show // investors. They send an email explaining the situation, and a 90 day extension // to their trial license is granted. // p. // By the time the extension period has elapsed, spaCy has helped them secure // funding, and they even have a little revenue. They are glad to pay the // $5,000 commercial license fee. // p. // spaCy is now permanently licensed for the product Ashley and Casey are // developing. They own the copyright to any modifications they make to spaCy, // but not to the original spaCy code. // p. // No additional fees will be due when they hire new developers, run spaCy on // additional internal servers, etc. If their company is acquired, the license // will be transferred to the company acquiring them. However, to use spaCy // in another product, they will have to buy a second license. // details // summary: h4 University academics // p. // Alex and Sasha are post-doctoral researchers working for a university. // Part of their funding comes from a grant from Google, but Google will not // own any part of the work that they produce. Their mission is just to write // papers. // p. // Alex and Sasha find spaCy convenient, so they use it in their system under // the AGPL. This means that their system must also be released under the // AGPL, but they're cool with that – they were going to release their // code anyway, as it's the only way to ensure their experiments are properly // repeatable. // p. // Alex and Sasha find and fix a few bugs in spaCy. They must release these // modifications, and they ask that they be accepted into the main spaCy repo. // In order to do this, they must sign a contributor agreement, ceding their // copyright. When commercial licenses to spaCy are sold, Alex and Sasha will // not be able to claim any royalties from their contributions. // p. // Later, Alex and Sasha implement new features into spaCy, for another paper. // The code was quite rushed, and they don't want to take the time to put // together a proper pull request. They must release their modifications // under the AGPL, but they are not obliged to contribute it to the spaCy // repository, or concede their copyright. // details // summary: h4 Open Source developers // p. // Phuong and Jessie use the open-source software Calibre to manage their // e-book libraries. They have an idea for a search feature, and they want // to use spaCy to implement it. Calibre is released under the GPLv3. The // AGPL has additional restrictions for projects used as a network resource, // but they don't apply to this project, so Phuong and Jessie can use spaCy // to improve Calibre. They'll have to release their code, but that was // always their intention anyway.