Fix capitalization on morphological features

This commit is contained in:
Ines Montani 2016-12-08 12:00:54 +01:00
parent ce979553df
commit ec44bee321
1 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -10,55 +10,55 @@ PRON_LEMMA = "-PRON-"
".": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "peri"},
",": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "comm"},
"-LRB-": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "brck", "punctside": "ini"},
"-RRB-": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "brck", "punctside": "fin"},
"``": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "quot", "punctside": "ini"},
"\"\"": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "quot", "punctside": "fin"},
"''": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "quot", "punctside": "fin"},
".": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "peri"},
",": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "comm"},
"-LRB-": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "brck", "PunctSide": "ini"},
"-RRB-": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "brck", "PunctSide": "fin"},
"``": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "quot", "PunctSide": "ini"},
"\"\"": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "quot", "PunctSide": "fin"},
"''": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "quot", "PunctSide": "fin"},
":": {POS: PUNCT},
"$": {POS: SYM, "other": {"symtype": "currency"}},
"#": {POS: SYM, "other": {"symtype": "numbersign"}},
"AFX": {POS: ADJ, "hyph": "hyph"},
"CC": {POS: CONJ, "conjtype": "coor"},
"CD": {POS: NUM, "numtype": "card"},
"$": {POS: SYM, "Other": {"SymType": "currency"}},
"#": {POS: SYM, "Other": {"SymType": "numbersign"}},
"AFX": {POS: ADJ, "Hyph": "yes"},
"CC": {POS: CONJ, "ConjType": "coor"},
"CD": {POS: NUM, "NumType": "card"},
"DT": {POS: DET},
"EX": {POS: ADV, "advtype": "ex"},
"FW": {POS: X, "foreign": "foreign"},
"HYPH": {POS: PUNCT, "puncttype": "dash"},
"EX": {POS: ADV, "AdvType": "ex"},
"FW": {POS: X, "Foreign": "yes"},
"HYPH": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "dash"},
"IN": {POS: ADP},
"JJ": {POS: ADJ, "degree": "pos"},
"JJR": {POS: ADJ, "degree": "comp"},
"JJS": {POS: ADJ, "degree": "sup"},
"LS": {POS: PUNCT, "numtype": "ord"},
"MD": {POS: VERB, "verbtype": "mod"},
"JJ": {POS: ADJ, "Degree": "pos"},
"JJR": {POS: ADJ, "Degree": "comp"},
"JJS": {POS: ADJ, "Degree": "sup"},
"LS": {POS: PUNCT, "NumType": "ord"},
"MD": {POS: VERB, "VerbType": "mod"},
"NIL": {POS: ""},
"NN": {POS: NOUN, "number": "sing"},
"NNP": {POS: PROPN, "nountype": "prop", "number": "sing"},
"NNPS": {POS: PROPN, "nountype": "prop", "number": "plur"},
"NNS": {POS: NOUN, "number": "plur"},
"PDT": {POS: ADJ, "adjtype": "pdt", "prontype": "prn"},
"POS": {POS: PART, "poss": "poss"},
"PRP": {POS: PRON, "prontype": "prs"},
"PRP$": {POS: ADJ, "prontype": "prs", "poss": "poss"},
"RB": {POS: ADV, "degree": "pos"},
"RBR": {POS: ADV, "degree": "comp"},
"RBS": {POS: ADV, "degree": "sup"},
"NN": {POS: NOUN, "Number": "sing"},
"NNP": {POS: PROPN, "NounType": "prop", "Number": "sing"},
"NNPS": {POS: PROPN, "NounType": "prop", "Number": "plur"},
"NNS": {POS: NOUN, "Number": "plur"},
"PDT": {POS: ADJ, "AdjType": "pdt", "PronType": "prn"},
"POS": {POS: PART, "Poss": "yes"},
"PRP": {POS: PRON, "PronType": "prs"},
"PRP$": {POS: ADJ, "PronType": "prs", "Poss": "yes"},
"RB": {POS: ADV, "Degree": "pos"},
"RBR": {POS: ADV, "Degree": "comp"},
"RBS": {POS: ADV, "Degree": "sup"},
"RP": {POS: PART},
"SYM": {POS: SYM},
"TO": {POS: PART, "parttype": "inf", "verbform": "inf"},
"TO": {POS: PART, "PartType": "inf", "VerbForm": "inf"},
"UH": {POS: INTJ},
"VB": {POS: VERB, "verbform": "inf"},
"VBD": {POS: VERB, "verbform": "fin", "tense": "past"},
"VBG": {POS: VERB, "verbform": "part", "tense": "pres", "aspect": "prog"},
"VBN": {POS: VERB, "verbform": "part", "tense": "past", "aspect": "perf"},
"VBP": {POS: VERB, "verbform": "fin", "tense": "pres"},
"VBZ": {POS: VERB, "verbform": "fin", "tense": "pres", "number": "sing", "person": 3},
"WDT": {POS: ADJ, "prontype": "int|rel"},
"WP": {POS: NOUN, "prontype": "int|rel"},
"WP$": {POS: ADJ, "poss": "poss", "prontype": "int|rel"},
"WRB": {POS: ADV, "prontype": "int|rel"},
"VB": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "inf"},
"VBD": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "fin", "Tense": "past"},
"VBG": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "part", "Tense": "pres", "Aspect": "prog"},
"VBN": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "part", "Tense": "past", "Aspect": "perf"},
"VBP": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "fin", "Tense": "pres"},
"VBZ": {POS: VERB, "VerbForm": "fin", "Tense": "pres", "Number": "sing", "Person": 3},
"WDT": {POS: ADJ, "PronType": "int|rel"},
"WP": {POS: NOUN, "PronType": "int|rel"},
"WP$": {POS: ADJ, "Poss": "yes", "PronType": "int|rel"},
"WRB": {POS: ADV, "PronType": "int|rel"},
"ADD": {POS: X},