Cleaned up nb tag_map comments

This commit is contained in:
Ole Henrik Skogstrøm 2018-01-25 11:09:28 +01:00
parent 1107e89fcf
commit 8e2c9f2475
1 changed files with 0 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -214,47 +214,3 @@ TAG_MAP = {
'ADJ__Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing': {'morph': 'Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing', POS: ADJ}, 'ADJ__Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing': {'morph': 'Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing', POS: ADJ},
'NOUN__Gender=Masc|Number=Sing': {'morph': 'Gender=Masc|Number=Sing', POS: NOUN}, 'NOUN__Gender=Masc|Number=Sing': {'morph': 'Gender=Masc|Number=Sing', POS: NOUN},
} }
# "$(": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "PUNCT"},
# "$)": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "PUNCT"},
# # <parentes-slutt> PUNCT
# # <parentes-beg> PUNCT
# "$,": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "PUNCT"},
# "$.": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "PUNCT"},
# "$\"": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "PUNCT"},
# "$-": {POS: PUNCT, "PunctType": "PUNCT"},
# 'NOUN': {POS: NOUN},
# 'VERB': {POS: VERB},
# 'ADJ': {POS: ADJ},
# 'ADP': {POS: ADP},
# 'PART': {POS: PART},
# 'DET': {POS: DET},
# 'AUX': {POS: AUX},
# 'PRON': {POS: PRON},
# 'NUM': {POS: NUM},
# 'ADV': {POS: ADV},
# 'SYM': {POS: SYM},
# 'X': {POS: X},
# 'INTJ': {POS: INTJ},
# <anf> PUNCT
# 'adj': {POS: ADJ},
# 'adv': {POS: ADV},
# 'clb': {POS: PUNCT}, # SYM
# 'det': {POS: DET}, # NUM
# 'konj': {POS: CONJ},
# 'interj': {POS: INTJ},
# 'inf-merke': {POS: PART},
# 'prep': {POS: ADP},
# # 'prep': {POS: ADV},
# 'pron': {POS: PRON},
# 'sbu': {POS: SCONJ}, #
# 'subst': {POS: NOUN}, #, PROPN
# 'symb': {POS: SYM}, #
# 'ukjent': {POS: X}, #
# 'verb': {POS: AUX}, #, VERB