From 4e89cfaae17eed6e07206eb23bf505cfb77b02db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ines Montani Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 15:32:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Fix dependency scheme docs (closes #2705) [ci skip] --- website/api/_annotation/_dep-labels.jade | 22 +++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/website/api/_annotation/_dep-labels.jade b/website/api/_annotation/_dep-labels.jade index e704c808e..158d04ca1 100644 --- a/website/api/_annotation/_dep-labels.jade +++ b/website/api/_annotation/_dep-labels.jade @@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ p +accordion("English", "dependency-parsing-english") p | The English dependency labels use the - | #[+a("") CLEAR Style] + | #[+a("") CLEAR Style] | by #[+a("") ClearNLP]. +table(["Label", "Description"]) + +dep-row("acl", "clausal modifier of noun (adjectival clause)") +dep-row("acomp", "adjectival complement") +dep-row("advcl", "adverbial clause modifier") +dep-row("advmod", "adverbial modifier") @@ -65,47 +66,42 @@ p +dep-row("attr", "attribute") +dep-row("aux", "auxiliary") +dep-row("auxpass", "auxiliary (passive)") + +dep-row("case", "case marking") +dep-row("cc", "coordinating conjunction") +dep-row("ccomp", "clausal complement") - +dep-row("complm", "complementizer") + +dep-row("compound", "compound") +dep-row("conj", "conjunct") +dep-row("cop", "copula") +dep-row("csubj", "clausal subject") +dep-row("csubjpass", "clausal subject (passive)") + +dep-row("dative", "dative") +dep-row("dep", "unclassified dependent") +dep-row("det", "determiner") +dep-row("dobj", "direct object") +dep-row("expl", "expletive") - +dep-row("hmod", "modifier in hyphenation") - +dep-row("hyph", "hyphen") - +dep-row("infmod", "infinitival modifier") +dep-row("intj", "interjection") - +dep-row("iobj", "indirect object") +dep-row("mark", "marker") +dep-row("meta", "meta modifier") +dep-row("neg", "negation modifier") - +dep-row("nmod", "modifier of nominal") +dep-row("nn", "noun compound modifier") - +dep-row("npadvmod", "noun phrase as adverbial modifier") + +dep-row("nounmod", "modifier of nominal") + +dep-row("npmod", "noun phrase as adverbial modifier") +dep-row("nsubj", "nominal subject") +dep-row("nsubjpass", "nominal subject (passive)") - +dep-row("num", "number modifier") - +dep-row("number", "number compound modifier") + +dep-row("nummod", "numeric modifier") +dep-row("oprd", "object predicate") +dep-row("obj", "object") +dep-row("obl", "oblique nominal") +dep-row("parataxis", "parataxis") - +dep-row("partmod", "participal modifier") +dep-row("pcomp", "complement of preposition") +dep-row("pobj", "object of preposition") +dep-row("poss", "possession modifier") - +dep-row("possessive", "possessive modifier") +dep-row("preconj", "pre-correlative conjunction") +dep-row("prep", "prepositional modifier") +dep-row("prt", "particle") +dep-row("punct", "punctuation") +dep-row("quantmod", "modifier of quantifier") - +dep-row("rcmod", "relative clause modifier") + +dep-row("relcl", "relative clause modifier") +dep-row("root", "root") +dep-row("xcomp", "open clausal complement")