| `path` | A path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or `Path`-like objects. ~~Union[str, Path]~~ |
| _keyword-only_ | |
| `exclude` | String names of [serialization fields](#serialization-fields) to exclude. ~~Iterable[str]~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [raw.v1.jinja](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/raw.v1.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[RawTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `RawExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `field` | Name of extension attribute to store model reply in (i. e. the reply will be available in `doc._.{field}`). Defaults to `reply`. ~~str~~ |
To perform [few-shot learning](/usage/large-language-models#few-shot-prompts),
you can write down a few examples in a separate file, and provide these to be
injected into the prompt to the LLM. The default reader `spacy.FewShotReader.v1`
supports `.yml`, `.yaml`, `.json` and `.jsonl`.
# Each example can follow an arbitrary pattern. It might help the prompt performance though if the examples resemble
# the actual docs' content.
- text: "3 + 5 = x. What's x?"
reply: '8'
- text: 'Write me a limerick.'
"There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, 'It is just as I feared! Two
Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my
- text: "Analyse the sentiment of the text 'This is great'."
reply: "'This is great' expresses a very positive sentiment."
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [summarization.v1.jinja](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/summarization.v1.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SummarizationTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `SummarizationExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `max_n_words` | Maximum number of words to be used in summary. Note that this should not expected to work exactly. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[int]~~ |
| `field` | Name of extension attribute to store summary in (i. e. the summary will be available in `doc._.{field}`). Defaults to `summary`. ~~str~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [entity_linker.v1.jinja](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/entity_linker.v1.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `parse_responses` | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[EntityLinkerTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `ELExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `examples` | Optional callable that reads a file containing task examples for few-shot learning. If `None` is passed, zero-shot learning will be used. Defaults to `None`. ~~ExamplesConfigType~~ |
| `scorer` | Scorer function. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy to evaluate entity linking performance. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `path` | Path to KB file. ~~Union[str, Path]~~ |
| `nlp_path` | Path to serialized NLP pipeline. If None, path will be guessed. ~~Optional[Union[Path, str]]~~ |
| `desc_path` | Path to file with descriptions for entities. ~~int~~ |
| `ent_desc_reader` | Entity description reader. Defaults to an internal method expecting a CSV file without header row, with ";" as delimiters, and with two columns - one for the entitys' IDs, one for their descriptions. ~~Optional[EntDescReader]~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [ner.v3.jinja](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/ner.v3.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[NERTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `NERExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `label_definitions` | Optional dict mapping a label to a description of that label. These descriptions are added to the prompt to help instruct the LLM on what to extract. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Dict[str, str]]~~ |
| `description` (NEW) | A description of what to recognize or not recognize as entities. ~~str~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `alignment_mode` | Alignment mode in case the LLM returns entities that do not align with token boundaries. Options are `"strict"`, `"contract"` or `"expand"`. Defaults to `"contract"`. ~~str~~ |
| `case_sensitive_matching` | Whether to search without case sensitivity. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` (NEW) | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [ner.v2.jinja](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/ner.v2.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[NERTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `NERExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `label_definitions` (NEW) | Optional dict mapping a label to a description of that label. These descriptions are added to the prompt to help instruct the LLM on what to extract. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Dict[str, str]]~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `alignment_mode` | Alignment mode in case the LLM returns entities that do not align with token boundaries. Options are `"strict"`, `"contract"` or `"expand"`. Defaults to `"contract"`. ~~str~~ |
| `case_sensitive_matching` | Whether to search without case sensitivity. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `single_match` | Whether to match an entity in the LLM's response only once (the first hit) or multiple times. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[NERTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `NERExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | Comma-separated list of labels. ~~str~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `alignment_mode` | Alignment mode in case the LLM returns entities that do not align with token boundaries. Options are `"strict"`, `"contract"` or `"expand"`. Defaults to `"contract"`. ~~str~~ |
| `case_sensitive_matching` | Whether to search without case sensitivity. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `single_match` | Whether to match an entity in the LLM's response only once (the first hit) or multiple times. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [`spancat.v3.jinja`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/spancat.v3.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SpanCatTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `SpanCatExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `label_definitions` | Optional dict mapping a label to a description of that label. These descriptions are added to the prompt to help instruct the LLM on what to extract. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Dict[str, str]]~~ |
| `description` (NEW) | A description of what to recognize or not recognize as entities. ~~str~~ |
| `spans_key` | Key of the `Doc.spans` dict to save the spans under. Defaults to `"sc"`. ~~str~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `alignment_mode` | Alignment mode in case the LLM returns entities that do not align with token boundaries. Options are `"strict"`, `"contract"` or `"expand"`. Defaults to `"contract"`. ~~str~~ |
| `case_sensitive_matching` | Whether to search without case sensitivity. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` (NEW) | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [`spancat.v2.jinja`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/spancat.v2.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SpanCatTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `SpanCatExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `label_definitions` (NEW) | Optional dict mapping a label to a description of that label. These descriptions are added to the prompt to help instruct the LLM on what to extract. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Dict[str, str]]~~ |
| `spans_key` | Key of the `Doc.spans` dict to save the spans under. Defaults to `"sc"`. ~~str~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `alignment_mode` | Alignment mode in case the LLM returns entities that do not align with token boundaries. Options are `"strict"`, `"contract"` or `"expand"`. Defaults to `"contract"`. ~~str~~ |
| `case_sensitive_matching` | Whether to search without case sensitivity. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `single_match` | Whether to match an entity in the LLM's response only once (the first hit) or multiple times. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SpanCatTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `SpanCatExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | Comma-separated list of labels. ~~str~~ |
| `spans_key` | Key of the `Doc.spans` dict to save the spans under. Defaults to `"sc"`. ~~str~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `alignment_mode` | Alignment mode in case the LLM returns entities that do not align with token boundaries. Options are `"strict"`, `"contract"` or `"expand"`. Defaults to `"contract"`. ~~str~~ |
| `case_sensitive_matching` | Whether to search without case sensitivity. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `single_match` | Whether to match an entity in the LLM's response only once (the first hit) or multiple times. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [`textcat.v3.jinja`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/textcat.v3.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SpanCatTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `TextCatExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `label_definitions` (NEW) | Dictionary of label definitions. Included in the prompt, if set. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Dict[str, str]]~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, falls back to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `exclusive_classes` | If set to `True`, only one label per document should be valid. If set to `False`, one document can have multiple labels. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `allow_none` | When set to `True`, allows the LLM to not return any of the given label. The resulting dict in `doc.cats` will have `0.0` scores for all labels. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `verbose` | If set to `True`, warnings will be generated when the LLM returns invalid responses. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` (NEW) | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [`textcat.v2.jinja`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/textcat.v2.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SpanCatTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `TextCatExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, falls back to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `exclusive_classes` | If set to `True`, only one label per document should be valid. If set to `False`, one document can have multiple labels. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `allow_none` | When set to `True`, allows the LLM to not return any of the given label. The resulting dict in `doc.cats` will have `0.0` scores for all labels. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `verbose` | If set to `True`, warnings will be generated when the LLM returns invalid responses. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Deafults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SpanCatTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `TextCatExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | Comma-separated list of labels. ~~str~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, falls back to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `exclusive_classes` | If set to `True`, only one label per document should be valid. If set to `False`, one document can have multiple labels. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `allow_none` | When set to `True`, allows the LLM to not return any of the given label. The resulting dict in `doc.cats` will have `0.0` scores for all labels. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `verbose` | If set to `True`, warnings will be generated when the LLM returns invalid responses. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [`rel.v3.jinja`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/rel.v1.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[RELTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `RELExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `labels` | List of labels or str of comma-separated list of labels. ~~Union[List[str], str]~~ |
| `label_definitions` | Dictionary providing a description for each relation label. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Dict[str, str]]~~ |
| `normalizer` | Function that normalizes the labels as returned by the LLM. If `None`, falls back to `spacy.LowercaseNormalizer.v1`. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[str], str]]~~ |
| `verbose` | If set to `True`, warnings will be generated when the LLM returns invalid responses. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [lemma.v1.jinja](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-llm/blob/main/spacy_llm/tasks/templates/lemma.v1.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[LemmaTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `LemmaExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `template` | Custom prompt template to send to LLM model. Defaults to [sentiment.v1.jinja](./spacy_llm/tasks/templates/sentiment.v1.jinja). ~~str~~ |
| `examples` | Optional function that generates examples for few-shot learning. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
| `parse_responses` (NEW) | Callable for parsing LLM responses for this task. Defaults to the internal parsing method for this task. ~~Optional[TaskResponseParser[SentimentTask]]~~ |
| `prompt_example_type` (NEW) | Type to use for fewshot examples. Defaults to `SentimentExample`. ~~Optional[Type[FewshotExample]]~~ |
| `scorer` (NEW) | Scorer function that evaluates the task performance on provided examples. Defaults to the metric used by spaCy. ~~Optional[Scorer]~~ |
| `field` | Name of extension attribute to store summary in (i. e. the summary will be available in `doc._.{field}`). Defaults to `sentiment`. ~~str~~ |
| `name` | Model name, i. e. any supported variant for this particular model. Default depends on the specific model (cf. below) ~~str~~ |
| `config` | Further configuration passed on to the model. Default depends on the specific model (cf. below). ~~Dict[Any, Any]~~ |
| `strict` | If `True`, raises an error if the LLM API returns a malformed response. Otherwise, return the error responses as is. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `max_tries` | Max. number of tries for API request. Defaults to `5`. ~~int~~ |
| `max_request_time` | Max. time (in seconds) to wait for request to terminate before raising an exception. Defaults to `30.0`. ~~float~~ |
| `interval` | Time interval (in seconds) for API retries in seconds. Defaults to `1.0`. ~~float~~ |
| `name` | Model name, i. e. any supported variant for this particular model. ~~str~~ |
| `config_init` | Further configuration passed on to the construction of the model with `transformers.pipeline()`. Defaults to `{}`. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
| `config_run` | Further configuration used during model inference. Defaults to `{}`. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
| `name` | The name of a mdodel supported by LangChain for this API. ~~str~~ |
| `config` | Configuration passed on to the LangChain model. Defaults to `{}`. ~~Dict[Any, Any]~~ |
| `query` | Function that executes the prompts. If `None`, defaults to `spacy.CallLangChain.v1`. ~~Optional[Callable[["langchain.llms.BaseLLM", Iterable[Any]], Iterable[Any]]]~~ |
The default `query` (`spacy.CallLangChain.v1`) executes the prompts by running
| `path` | Cache directory. If `None`, no caching is performed, and this component will act as a NoOp. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[Union[str, Path]]~~ |
| `batch_size` | Number of docs in one batch (file). Once a batch is full, it will be peristed to disk. Defaults to 64. ~~int~~ |
| `max_batches_in_mem` | Max. number of batches to hold in memory. Allows you to limit the effect on your memory if you're handling a lot of docs. Defaults to 4. ~~int~~ |
When retrieving a document, the `BatchCache` will first figure out what batch
the document belongs to. If the batch isn't in memory it will try to load the
batch from disk and then move it into memory.
Note that since the cache is generated by a registered function, you can also
provide your own registered function returning your own cache implementation. If
you wish to do so, ensure that your cache object adheres to the `Protocol`