
265 lines
6.7 KiB

% Regression tests on Windows only for Scapy
# More informations at
+ Networking tests
= Automaton - SelectableSelector system timeout
class TimeOutSelector(SelectableObject):
def check_recv(self):
return False
assert select_objects([TimeOutSelector()], 0) == []
assert select_objects([TimeOutSelector()], 1) == []
+ Windows Networking tests
= Mocked read_routes6() calls
import mock
from import Bunch
from import _read_routes6_post2008
def check_mandatory_ipv6_routes(routes6):
"""Ensure that mandatory IPv6 routes are present."""
if len([r for r in routes6 if r[0] == "::" and r[4] == ["::1"]]) < 1:
return False
if len([r for r in routes6 if r[0] == "fe80::" and (r[1] == 64 or r[1] == 32)]) < 1:
return False
if len([r for r in routes6 if in6_islladdr(r[0]) and r[1] == 128]) < 1:
return False
return True
def dev_from_index_custom(if_index):
if_list = [{'mac': 'D0:50:99:56:DD:F9', 'win_index': '13', 'guid': '{C56DFFB3-992C-4964-B000-3E7C0F76E8BA}', 'name': 'Killer E2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller', 'description': 'Ethernet'}, {'mac': '00:FF:0E:C7:25:37', 'win_index': '3', 'guid': '{0EC72537-B662-4F5D-B34E-48BFAE799BBE}', 'name': 'TAP-Windows Adapter V9', 'description': 'Ethernet 2'}]
values = {}
for i in if_list:
interface = NetworkInterface(i)
values[interface.guid] = interface
except (KeyError, PcapNameNotFoundError):
for devname, iface in values.items():
if iface.win_index == str(if_index):
return iface
raise ValueError("Unknown network interface index %r" % if_index)
def test_read_routes6_windows(mock_comm, mock_dev_from_index, mock_winpcapylist, mock_utils6cset):
"""Test read_routes6() on Windows"""
# 'Get-NetRoute -AddressFamily IPV6 | select ifIndex, DestinationPrefix, NextHop'
get_net_route_output = """
ifIndex : 3
DestinationPrefix : ff00::/8
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 16
DestinationPrefix : ff00::/8
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 13
DestinationPrefix : ff00::/8
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 1
DestinationPrefix : ff00::/8
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 13
DestinationPrefix : fe80::dc1d:24e8:af00:125e/128
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 20
InterfaceMetric : 256
ifIndex : 3
DestinationPrefix : fe80::9402:5804:cb16:fb3b/128
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 1
InterfaceMetric : 0
ifIndex : 16
DestinationPrefix : fe80::100:7f:fffe/128
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 1
InterfaceMetric : 0
ifIndex : 3
DestinationPrefix : fe80::/64
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 16
DestinationPrefix : fe80::/64
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 13
DestinationPrefix : fe80::/64
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 1
ifIndex : 13
DestinationPrefix : 2a01:e35:2f17:fe60:dc1d:24e8:af00:125e/128
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 20
InterfaceMetric : 256
ifIndex : 13
DestinationPrefix : 2a01:e35:2f17:fe60::/64
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 30
InterfaceMetric : 256
ifIndex : 1
DestinationPrefix : ::1/128
NextHop : ::
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 256
ifIndex : 13
DestinationPrefix : ::/0
NextHop : fe80::224:d4ff:fea0:a6d7
RouteMetric : 0
InterfaceMetric : 256
mock_comm.return_value = Bunch(stdout=get_net_route_output)
mock_winpcapylist.return_value = [u'\\Device\\NPF_{0EC72537-B662-4F5D-B34E-48BFAE799BBE}', u'\\Device\\NPF_{C56DFFB3-992C-4964-B000-3E7C0F76E8BA}']
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_dev_from_index.side_effect = dev_from_index_custom
# Random
mock_utils6cset.side_effect = lambda x,y,z: ["::1"] if x=="::" else ["fdbb:d995:ddd8:51fc::"]
# Test the function
routes = _read_routes6_post2008()
for r in routes:
assert(len(routes) == 9)
+ Windows arch unit tests
= Test PowerShell availability
from scapy.config import conf
assert conf.prog.powershell != None
= Test all VBS fallback
import mock
from scapy.config import conf
ps_ip = get_ip_from_name(
ps_if_list = get_windows_if_list()
ps_read_routes = read_routes()
# Turn on VBS mode
conf.prog.powershell = None
# Test get_ip_from_name
assert get_ip_from_name( == ps_ip
# Test get_windows_if_list
def is_in_if_list(i, list):
for j in list:
if j["guid"] == i["guid"] and j["name"] == i["name"]:
return True
return False
vbs_if_list = get_windows_if_list()
_correct = True
for i in ps_if_list:
if not is_in_if_list(i, vbs_if_list):
_correct = False
assert _correct
# Test read_routes
def is_in_route_list(i, list):
for j in list:
#Ignore all empty IP
if j[4] == '' or i[4] == '':
return True
if j[2] == i[2] and j[4] == i[4] and j[3].guid == i[3].guid:
return True
return False
vbs_read_routes = read_routes()
_correct = True
for i in ps_read_routes:
if not is_in_route_list(i, vbs_read_routes):
_correct = False
assert _correct
= show_interfaces
from scapy.arch import show_interfaces
from io import BytesIO
@mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=BytesIO)
def test_show_interfaces(mock_stdout):
lines = mock_stdout.getvalue().split("\n")[1:]
for l in lines:
if not l.strip():
return False
return True
assert test_show_interfaces()
= dev_from_pcapname
from scapy.config import conf
assert dev_from_pcapname(conf.iface.pcap_name).guid == conf.iface.guid
= test pcap_service_status
status = pcap_service_status()
assert status[0] in ["npcap", "npf"]
assert status[2] == True
= test pcap_service_stop
assert pcap_service_status()[2] == False
= test pcap_service_start
assert pcap_service_status()[2] == True