# How to contribute Contributors are essential to Scapy (as they are to most open source projects). Here is some advice to help you help the project! ## Project objectives We try to keep Scapy as powerful as possible, to support as many protocols and platforms as possible, to keep and make the code (and the commit history) as clean as possible. Since Scapy can be slow and memory consuming, we try to limit CPU and memory usage, particularly in parts of the code often called. ## What to contribute You want to spend time working on Scapy but have no (or little) idea what to do? You can look for open issues [labeled "contributions wanted"](https://github.com/secdev/scapy/labels/contributions%20wanted), or look at the [contributions roadmap](https://github.com/secdev/scapy/issues/399) If you have any ideas of useful contributions that you cannot (or do not want to) do yourself, open an issue and include "contributions wanted" in the title. Once you have chosen a contribution, open an issue to let other people know you're working on it (or assign the existing issue to yourself) and track your progress. You might want to ask whether you're working in an appropriate direction, to avoid the frustration of seeing your contribution rejected after a lot of work. ## Reporting issues ### Bugs If you have installed Scapy through a package manager (from your Linux or BSD system, from PyPI, etc.), please get and install the current development code, and check that the bug still exists before submitting an issue. If you're not sure whether a behavior is a bug or not, submit an issue and ask, don't be shy! ### Enhancements / feature requests If you want a feature in Scapy, but cannot implement it yourself or want some hints on how to do that, open an issue and include "enhancement" in the title. Explain if possible the API you would like to have (e.g., give examples of function calls, packet creations, etc.). ## Submitting pull requests ### Coding style & conventions - The code should be PEP-8 compliant; you can check your code with [pep8](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8) and the command `tox -e flake8` - [Pylint](http://www.pylint.org/) can help you write good Python code (even if respecting Pylint rules is sometimes either too hard or even undesirable; human brain needed!). - [Google Python Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html) is a nice read! - Avoid creating unnecessary `list` objects, particularly if they can be huge (e.g., when possible, use `for line in fdesc` instead of `for line in fdesc.readlines()`; more generally prefer generators over lists). ### Tests Please consider adding tests for your new features or that trigger the bug you are fixing. This will prevent a regression from being unnoticed. Do not use the variable `_` in your tests, as it could break them. If you find yourself in a situation where your tests locally succeed but fail if executed on the CI, try to enable the debugging option for the dissector by setting `conf.debug_dissector = 1`. ### New protocols New protocols can go either in `scapy/layers` or to `scapy/contrib`. Protocols in `scapy/layers` should be usually found on common networks, while protocols in `scapy/contrib` should be uncommon or specific. To be precise, `scapy/layers` protocols should not be importing `scapy/contrib` protocols, whereas `scapy/contrib` protocols may import both `scapy/contrib` and `scapy/layers` protocols. The detailed requirements are explained in [Design patterns](https://scapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_dissect.html#design-patterns) on Scapy's doc. ### Features Protocol-related features should be implemented within the same module as the protocol layers(s) (e.g., `traceroute()` is implemented in `scapy/layers/inet.py`). Other features may be implemented in a module (`scapy/modules`) or a contribution (`scapy/contrib`). ### Core If you contribute to Scapy's core (e.g., `scapy/base_classes.py`, `scapy/packet.py`, etc.), please be very careful with performances and memory footprint, as it is easy to write Python code that wastes memory or CPU cycles. As an example, `Packet().__init__()` is called each time a **layer** is parsed from a string (during a network capture or a PCAP file read). Adding inefficient code here will have a disastrous effect on Scapy's performances. ### Logging Scapy has an internal logging system based on `logging`. In the past, Scapy was generally too verbose on packet dissection, leading many new users to disable all logs, which makes it harder for them to find real issues afterwards. You should comply with these guidelines to make sure logging in Scapy remains helpful. - If you want the log message to only be displayed when using Scapy through the interactive console, use `scapy.error.log_interactive`. You are free to use any log level. - Otherwise, always use `scapy.error.log_runtime`. - On **packet dissection**, of *packet layers* you should remain **AT OR BELOW the `logging.INFO` level**, unless the issue is critical or tied to security. For instance: "DNS Decompression loop detected !" is allowed as WARNING, but "Could not dissect packet" or "Invalid value detected" are not. - On **packet build** or **any command** or function that is called by the user or the root program, you are **free and welcomed** to use the WARNING or ERROR levels, to signal that a packet was wrongly built for instance. - If you are working on Scapy's core, you may use: `scapy.error.log_loading` only while Scapy is loading, to display import errors for instance. ### Python 2 and 3 compatibility The project aims to provide code that works both on Python 2 and Python 3. Therefore, some rules need to be applied to achieve compatibility: - byte-string must be defined as `b"\x00\x01\x02"` - exceptions must comply with the new Python 3 format: `except SomeError as e:` - lambdas must be written using a single argument when using tuples: use `lambda x, y: x + f(y)` instead of `lambda (x, y): x + f(y)`. - use int instead of long - use list comprehension instead of map() and filter() - `__bool__ = __nonzero__` must be used when declaring `__nonzero__` methods - `__next__ = next` must be used when declaring `next` methods in iterators - `StopIteration` must NOT be used in generators (but it can still be used in iterators) - `io.BytesIO` must be used instead of `StringIO` when using bytes - `__cmp__` must not be used. ### Code review Maintainers tend to be picky, and you might feel frustrated that your code (which is perfectly working in your use case) is not merged faster. Please don't be offended, and keep in mind that maintainers are concerned about code maintainability and readability, commit history (we use the history a lot, for example to find regressions or understand why certain decisions have been made), performances, integration in Scapy, API consistency (so that someone who knows how to use Scapy will know how to use your code), etc. **Thanks for reading, happy hacking!**