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Merge pull request #127 from guedou/read_routes6
New read_routes6() function and unit tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ from fcntl import ioctl
from scapy.error import warning
import scapy.config
import scapy.utils
import scapy.utils6
from scapy.utils6 import in6_getscope, construct_source_candidate_set
from scapy.utils6 import in6_isvalid, in6_ismlladdr, in6_ismnladdr
import scapy.arch
from scapy.config import conf
import socket
## Routes stuff ##
@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ def _in6_getifaddr(ifname):
# Get the scope and keep the address
scope = scapy.utils6.in6_getscope(addr)
scope = in6_getscope(addr)
ret.append((addr, scope, ifname))
return ret
@ -181,65 +184,116 @@ def in6_getifaddr():
ret += _in6_getifaddr(i)
return ret
def read_routes6():
f = os.popen("netstat -rn -f inet6")
ok = False
"""Return a list of IPv6 routes than can be used by Scapy."""
# Call netstat to retrieve IPv6 routes
fd_netstat = os.popen("netstat -rn -f inet6")
# List interfaces IPv6 addresses
lifaddr = in6_getifaddr()
if not lifaddr:
return []
# Routes header information
got_header = False
mtu_present = False
prio_present = False
# Parse the routes
routes = []
lifaddr = in6_getifaddr()
for l in f.readlines():
if not l:
l = l.strip()
if not ok:
if l.find("Destination") >= 0:
ok = 1
mtu_present = l.find("Mtu") >= 0
prio_present = l.find("Prio") >= 0
# gv 12/12/06: under debugging
if scapy.arch.NETBSD or scapy.arch.OPENBSD:
lspl = l.split()
d,nh,fl = lspl[:3]
dev = lspl[5+mtu_present+prio_present]
d,nh,fl,dev = l.split()[:4]
if filter(lambda x: x[2] == dev, lifaddr) == []:
if 'L' in fl: # drop MAC addresses
for line in fd_netstat.readlines():
# Parse the routes header and try to identify extra columns
if not got_header:
if "Destination" == line[:11]:
got_header = True
mtu_present = "Mtu" in line
prio_present = "Prio" in line
if 'link' in nh:
nh = '::'
cset = [] # candidate set (possible source addresses)
dp = 128
if d == 'default':
d = '::'
dp = 0
if '/' in d:
d,dp = d.split("/")
dp = int(dp)
if '%' in d:
d,dev = d.split('%')
if '%' in nh:
nh,dev = nh.split('%')
if scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME in dev:
cset = ['::1']
nh = '::'
# Parse a route entry according to the operating system
splitted_line = line.split()
if scapy.arch.OPENBSD or scapy.arch.NETBSD:
index = 5 + mtu_present + prio_present
if len(splitted_line) < index:
warning("Not enough columns in route entry !")
destination, next_hop, flags = splitted_line[:3]
dev = splitted_line[index]
if len(splitted_line) < 4:
warning("Not enough columns in route entry !")
destination, next_hop, flags, dev = splitted_line[:4]
# Check flags
if not "U" in flags: # usable route
if "R" in flags: # Host or net unrechable
if "m" in flags: # multicast address
# Note: multicast routing is handled in Route6.route()
# Replace link with the default route in next_hop
if "link" in next_hop:
next_hop = "::"
# Default prefix length
destination_plen = 128
# Extract network interface from the zone id
if '%' in destination:
destination, dev = destination.split('%')
if '/' in dev:
# Example: fe80::%lo0/64 ; dev = "lo0/64"
dev, destination_plen = dev.split('/')
if '%' in next_hop:
next_hop, dev = next_hop.split('%')
# Ensure that the next hop is a valid IPv6 address
if not in6_isvalid(next_hop):
# Note: the 'Gateway' column might contain a MAC address
next_hop = "::"
# Modify parsed routing entries
# Note: these rules are OS specific and may evolve over time
if destination == "default":
destination, destination_plen = "::", 0
elif '/' in destination:
# Example: fe80::/10
destination, destination_plen = destination.split('/')
if '/' in dev:
# Example: ff02::%lo0/32 ; dev = "lo0/32"
dev, destination_plen = dev.split('/')
# Check route entries parameters consistency
if not in6_isvalid(destination):
warning("Invalid destination IPv6 address in route entry !")
destination_plen = int(destination_plen)
warning("Invalid IPv6 prefix length in route entry !")
if in6_ismlladdr(destination) or in6_ismnladdr(destination):
# Note: multicast routing is handled in Route6.route()
if scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME in dev:
# Handle ::1 separately
cset = ["::1"]
next_hop = "::"
# Get possible IPv6 source addresses
devaddrs = filter(lambda x: x[2] == dev, lifaddr)
cset = scapy.utils6.construct_source_candidate_set(d, dp, devaddrs, scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME)
cset = construct_source_candidate_set(destination, destination_plen, devaddrs, scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME)
if len(cset) != 0:
routes.append((d, dp, nh, dev, cset))
if len(cset):
routes.append((destination, destination_plen, next_hop, dev, cset))
return routes
@ -800,3 +800,13 @@ def in6_get_common_plen(a, b):
if mbits != 8:
return 8*i + mbits
return 128
def in6_isvalid(address):
"""Return True if 'address' is a valid IPv6 address string, False
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, address)
return True
return False
@ -4542,3 +4542,306 @@ pkt = pkt.payload
assert isinstance(pkt, UDP) and pkt.dport == 5353
pkt = pkt.payload
assert isinstance(pkt, DNS) and isinstance(pkt.payload, NoPayload)
+ Mocked read_routes6() calls
= Preliminary definitions
import mock
import StringIO
def valid_output_read_routes6(routes):
""""Return True if 'routes' contains correctly formatted entries, False otherwise"""
for destination, plen, next_hop, dev, cset in routes:
if not in6_isvalid(destination) or not type(plen) == int:
return False
if not in6_isvalid(next_hop) or not type(dev) == str:
return False
for address in cset:
if not in6_isvalid(address):
return False
return True
def check_mandatory_ipv6_routes(routes6):
"""Ensure that mandatory IPv6 routes are present"""
if len(filter(lambda r: r[0] == "::1" and r[-1] == ["::1"], routes6)) < 1:
return False
if len(filter(lambda r: r[0] == "fe80::" and r[1] == 64, routes6)) < 1:
return False
if len(filter(lambda r: in6_islladdr(r[0]) and r[1] == 128 and \
r[-1] == ["::1"], routes6)) < 1:
return False
return True
= Mac OS X 10.9.5
def test_osx_10_9_5(mock_os, mock_in6_getifaddr):
"""Test read_routes6() on OS X 10.9.5"""
# 'netstat -rn -f inet6' output
netstat_output = """
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire
::1 ::1 UHL lo0
fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0 UcI lo0
fe80::1%lo0 link#1 UHLI lo0
fe80::%en0/64 link#4 UCI en0
fe80::ba26:6cff:fe5f:4eee%en0 b8:26:6c:5f:4e:ee UHLWIi en0
fe80::bae8:56ff:fe45:8ce6%en0 b8:e8:56:45:8c:e6 UHLI lo0
ff01::%lo0/32 ::1 UmCI lo0
ff01::%en0/32 link#4 UmCI en0
ff02::%lo0/32 ::1 UmCI lo0
ff02::%en0/32 link#4 UmCI en0
# Mocked file descriptor
strio = StringIO.StringIO(netstat_output)
mock_os.popen = mock.MagicMock(return_value=strio)
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_in6_getifaddr.return_value = [("::1", IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK, "lo0"),
("fe80::ba26:6cff:fe5f:4eee", IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, "en0")]
# Test the function
from scapy.arch.unix import read_routes6
routes = read_routes6()
for r in routes:
print r
assert(len(routes) == 6)
= Mac OS X 10.9.5 with global IPv6 connectivity
def test_osx_10_9_5_global(mock_os, mock_in6_getifaddr):
"""Test read_routes6() on OS X 10.9.5 with an IPv6 connectivity"""
# 'netstat -rn -f inet6' output
netstat_output = """
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire
default fe80::ba26:8aff:fe5f:4eef%en0 UGc en0
::1 ::1 UHL lo0
2a01:ab09:7d:1f01::/64 link#4 UC en0
2a01:ab09:7d:1f01:420:205c:9fab:5be7 b8:e9:55:44:7c:e5 UHL lo0
2a01:ab09:7d:1f01:ba26:8aff:fe5f:4eef b8:26:8a:5f:4e:ef UHLWI en0
2a01:ab09:7d:1f01:bae9:55ff:fe44:7ce5 b8:e9:55:44:7c:e5 UHL lo0
fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0 UcI lo0
fe80::1%lo0 link#1 UHLI lo0
fe80::%en0/64 link#4 UCI en0
fe80::5664:d9ff:fe79:4e00%en0 54:64:d9:79:4e:0 UHLWI en0
fe80::6ead:f8ff:fe74:945a%en0 6c:ad:f8:74:94:5a UHLWI en0
fe80::a2f3:c1ff:fec4:5b50%en0 a0:f3:c1:c4:5b:50 UHLWI en0
fe80::ba26:8aff:fe5f:4eef%en0 b8:26:8a:5f:4e:ef UHLWIir en0
fe80::bae9:55ff:fe44:7ce5%en0 b8:e9:55:44:7c:e5 UHLI lo0
ff01::%lo0/32 ::1 UmCI lo0
ff01::%en0/32 link#4 UmCI en0
ff02::%lo0/32 ::1 UmCI lo
# Mocked file descriptor
strio = StringIO.StringIO(netstat_output)
mock_os.popen = mock.MagicMock(return_value=strio)
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_in6_getifaddr.return_value = [("::1", IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK, "lo0"),
("fe80::ba26:6cff:fe5f:4eee", IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, "en0")]
# Test the function
from scapy.arch.unix import read_routes6
routes = read_routes6()
for r in routes:
print r
assert(len(routes) == 11)
= Mac OS X 10.10.4
def test_osx_10_10_4(mock_os, mock_in6_getifaddr):
"""Test read_routes6() on OS X 10.10.4"""
# 'netstat -rn -f inet6' output
netstat_output = """
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire
::1 ::1 UHL lo0
fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0 UcI lo0
fe80::1%lo0 link#1 UHLI lo0
fe80::%en0/64 link#4 UCI en0
fe80::a00:27ff:fe9b:c965%en0 8:0:27:9b:c9:65 UHLI lo0
ff01::%lo0/32 ::1 UmCI lo0
ff01::%en0/32 link#4 UmCI en0
ff02::%lo0/32 ::1 UmCI lo0
ff02::%en0/32 link#4 UmCI en0
# Mocked file descriptor
strio = StringIO.StringIO(netstat_output)
mock_os.popen = mock.MagicMock(return_value=strio)
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_in6_getifaddr.return_value = [("::1", IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK, "lo0"),
("fe80::a00:27ff:fe9b:c965", IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, "en0")]
# Test the function
from scapy.arch.unix import read_routes6
routes = read_routes6()
for r in routes:
print r
assert(len(routes) == 5)
= FreeBSD 10.2
def test_freebsd_10_2(mock_os, mock_in6_getifaddr):
"""Test read_routes6() on FreeBSD 10.2"""
# 'netstat -rn -f inet6' output
netstat_output = """
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire
::/96 ::1 UGRS lo0
::1 link#2 UH lo0
::ffff: ::1 UGRS lo0
fe80::/10 ::1 UGRS lo0
fe80::%lo0/64 link#2 U lo0
fe80::1%lo0 link#2 UHS lo0
ff01::%lo0/32 ::1 U lo0
ff02::/16 ::1 UGRS lo0
ff02::%lo0/32 ::1 U lo0
# Mocked file descriptor
strio = StringIO.StringIO(netstat_output)
mock_os.popen = mock.MagicMock(return_value=strio)
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_in6_getifaddr.return_value = [("::1", IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK, "lo0")]
# Test the function
from scapy.arch.unix import read_routes6
routes = read_routes6()
for r in routes:
print r
assert(len(routes) == 3)
= OpenBSD 5.5
def test_openbsd_5_5(mock_os, mock_in6_getifaddr, mock_openbsd):
"""Test read_routes6() on OpenBSD 5.5"""
# 'netstat -rn -f inet6' output
netstat_output = """
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Mtu Prio Iface
::/104 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
::/96 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
::1 ::1 UH 14 0 33144 4 lo0
:: ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
:: ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
:: ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
::ffff: ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
2002::/24 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
2002:7f00::/24 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
2002:e000::/20 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
2002:ff00::/24 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
fe80::/10 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
fe80::%em0/64 link#1 UC 0 0 - 4 em0
fe80::a00:27ff:fe04:59bf%em0 08:00:27:04:59:bf UHL 0 0 - 4 lo0
fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0 U 0 0 - 4 lo0
fe80::1%lo0 link#3 UHL 0 0 - 4 lo0
fec0::/10 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
ff01::/16 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
ff01::%em0/32 link#1 UC 0 0 - 4 em0
ff01::%lo0/32 fe80::1%lo0 UC 0 0 - 4 lo0
ff02::/16 ::1 UGRS 0 0 - 8 lo0
ff02::%em0/32 link#1 UC 0 0 - 4 em0
ff02::%lo0/32 fe80::1%lo0 UC 0 0 - 4 lo0
# Mocked file descriptor
strio = StringIO.StringIO(netstat_output)
mock_os.popen = mock.MagicMock(return_value=strio)
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_in6_getifaddr.return_value = [("::1", IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK, "lo0"),
("fe80::a00:27ff:fe04:59bf", IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, "em0")]
# Mocked OpenBSD parsing behavior
mock_openbsd = True
# Test the function
from scapy.arch.unix import read_routes6
routes = read_routes6()
for r in routes:
print r
assert(len(routes) == 5)
= NetBSD 7.0
def test_netbsd_7_0(mock_os, mock_in6_getifaddr, mock_netbsd):
"""Test read_routes6() on NetBSD 7.0"""
# 'netstat -rn -f inet6' output
netstat_output = """
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Mtu Interface
::/104 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
::/96 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
::1 ::1 UH - - 33648 lo0
:: ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
:: ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
:: ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
::ffff: ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
2001:db8::/32 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
2002::/24 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
2002:7f00::/24 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
2002:e000::/20 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
2002:ff00::/24 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
fe80::/10 ::1 UGRS - - - lo0
fe80::%wm0/64 link#1 UC - - - wm0
fe80::acd1:3989:180e:fde0 08:00:27:a1:64:d8 UHL - - - lo0
fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1 U - - - lo0
fe80::1 link#2 UHL - - - lo0
ff01:1::/32 link#1 UC - - - wm0
ff01:2::/32 ::1 UC - - - lo0
ff02::%wm0/32 link#1 UC - - - wm0
ff02::%lo0/32 ::1 UC - - - lo0
# Mocked file descriptor
strio = StringIO.StringIO(netstat_output)
mock_os.popen = mock.MagicMock(return_value=strio)
# Mocked in6_getifaddr() output
mock_in6_getifaddr.return_value = [("::1", IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK, "lo0"),
("fe80::acd1:3989:180e:fde0", IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL, "wm0")]
# Test the function
from scapy.arch.unix import read_routes6
routes = read_routes6()
for r in routes:
print r
assert(len(routes) == 5)
Reference in New Issue