Prompt ====== Rich has a number :class:`~rich.prompt.Prompt` classes which ask a user for input and loop until a valid response is received. Here's a simple example:: >>> from rich.prompt import Prompt >>> name = Prompt.ask("Enter your name") The prompt may be given as a string (which may contain :ref:`console_markup` and emoji code) or as a :class:`~rich.text.Text` instance. You can set a default value which will be returned if the user presses return without entering any text:: >>> from rich.prompt import Prompt >>> name = Prompt.ask("Enter your name", default="Paul Atreides") If you supply a list of choices, the prompt will loop until the user enters one of the choices:: >>> from rich.prompt import Prompt >>> name = Prompt.ask("Enter your name", choices=["Paul", "Jessica", "Duncan"], default="Paul") In addition to :class:`~rich.prompt.Prompt` which returns strings, you can also use :class:`~rich.prompt.IntPrompt` which asks the user for an integer, and :class:`~rich.prompt.FloatPrompt` for floats. The :class:`~rich.prompt.Confirm` class is a specialized prompt which may be used to ask the user a simple yes / no question. Here's an example:: >>> from rich.prompt import Confirm >>> is_rich_great = Confirm.ask("Do you like rich?") >>> assert is_rich_great The Prompt class was designed to be customizable via inheritance. See ` `_ for examples. To see some of the prompts in action, run the following command from the command line:: python -m rich.prompt