import pytest from rich.console import Console from rich.text import Span, Text from rich._render_width import RenderWidth def test_span(): span = Span(1, 10, "foo") repr(span) assert bool(span) assert not Span(10, 10, "foo") def test_span_split(): assert Span(5, 10, "foo").split(2) == (Span(5, 10, "foo"), None) assert Span(5, 10, "foo").split(15) == (Span(5, 10, "foo"), None) assert Span(0, 10, "foo").split(5) == (Span(0, 5, "foo"), Span(5, 10, "foo")) def test_span_move(): assert Span(5, 10, "foo").move(2) == Span(7, 12, "foo") def test_span_right_crop(): assert Span(5, 10, "foo").right_crop(15) == Span(5, 10, "foo") assert Span(5, 10, "foo").right_crop(7) == Span(5, 7, "foo") def test_len(): assert len(Text("foo")) == 3 def test_bool(): assert Text("foo") assert not Text("") def test_str(): assert str(Text("foo")) == "foo" def test_repr(): assert isinstance(repr(Text("foo")), str) def test_add(): text = Text("foo") + Text("bar") assert str(text) == "foobar" assert Text("foo").__add__(1) == NotImplemented def test_eq(): assert Text("foo") == Text("foo") assert Text("foo") != Text("bar") assert Text("foo").__eq__(1) == NotImplemented def test_text_property(): text = Text("foo") text.append("bar") text.append("baz") assert text.text == "foobarbaz" def test_text_property_setter(): test = Text("foo") test.text = "bar" assert str(test) == "bar" test = Text() test.append("Hello, World", "bold") test.text = "Hello" assert str(test) == "Hello" assert test._spans == [Span(0, 5, "bold")] def test_from_markup(): text = Text.from_markup("Hello, [bold]World![/bold]") assert str(text) == "Hello, World!" assert text._spans == [Span(7, 13, "bold")] def test_copy(): test = Text() test.append("Hello", "bold") test.append(" ") test.append("World", "italic") test_copy = test.copy() assert test == test_copy assert test is not test_copy def test_rstrip(): test = Text("Hello, World! ") test.rstrip() assert str(test) == "Hello, World!" def test_stylize(): test = Text("Hello, World!") test.stylize(7, 11, "bold") assert test._spans == [Span(7, 11, "bold")] test.stylize(20, 25, "bold") assert test._spans == [Span(7, 11, "bold")] def test_set_length(): test = Text("Hello") test.set_length(5) assert test == Text("Hello") test = Text("Hello") test.set_length(10) assert test == Text("Hello ") test = Text("Hello World") test.stylize(0, 5, "bold") test.stylize(7, 9, "italic") test.set_length(3) expected = Text() expected.append("Hel", "bold") assert test == expected def test_console_width(): test = Text("Hello World!\nfoobarbaz") assert test.__console_width__(80) == RenderWidth(9, 12) assert Text(" " * 4).__console_width__(80) == RenderWidth(4, 4) def test_join(): test = Text("bar").join([Text("foo", "red"), Text("baz", "blue")]) assert str(test) == "foobarbaz" assert test._spans == [Span(0, 3, "red"), Span(3, 6, ""), Span(6, 9, "blue")] def test_trim_spans(): test = Text("Hello") test._spans[:] = [Span(0, 3, "red"), Span(3, 6, "green"), Span(6, 9, "blue")] test._trim_spans() assert test._spans == [Span(0, 3, "red"), Span(3, 5, "green")] def test_pad_left(): test = Text("foo") test.pad_left(3, "X") assert str(test) == "XXXfoo" def test_pad_right(): test = Text("foo") test.pad_right(3, "X") assert str(test) == "fooXXX" def test_append(): test = Text("foo") test.append("bar") assert str(test) == "foobar" test.append(Text("baz", "bold")) assert str(test) == "foobarbaz" assert test._spans == [Span(6, 9, "bold")] with pytest.raises(ValueError): test.append(Text("foo"), "bar") with pytest.raises(TypeError): test.append(1) def test_split(): test = Text() test.append("foo", "red") test.append("\n") test.append("bar", "green") test.append("\n") line1 = Text() line1.append("foo", "red") line2 = Text() line2.append("bar", "green") split = test.split("\n") assert len(split) == 2 assert split[0] == line1 assert split[1] == line2 assert list(Text("foo").split("\n")) == [Text("foo")] def test_divide(): lines = Text("foo").divide([]) assert len(lines) == 1 assert lines[0] == Text("foo") text = Text() text.append("foo", "bold") lines = text.divide([1, 2]) assert len(lines) == 3 assert str(lines[0]) == "f" assert str(lines[1]) == "o" assert str(lines[2]) == "o" assert lines[0]._spans == [Span(0, 1, "bold")] assert lines[1]._spans == [Span(0, 1, "bold")] assert lines[2]._spans == [Span(0, 1, "bold")] text = Text() text.append("foo", "red") text.append("bar", "green") text.append("baz", "blue") lines = text.divide([8]) assert len(lines) == 2 assert str(lines[0]) == "foobarba" assert str(lines[1]) == "z" assert lines[0]._spans == [ Span(0, 3, "red"), Span(3, 6, "green"), Span(6, 8, "blue"), ] assert lines[1]._spans == [Span(0, 1, "blue")] lines = text.divide([1]) assert len(lines) == 2 assert str(lines[0]) == "f" assert str(lines[1]) == "oobarbaz" assert lines[0]._spans == [Span(0, 1, "red")] assert lines[1]._spans == [ Span(0, 2, "red"), Span(2, 5, "green"), Span(5, 8, "blue"), ] def test_right_crop(): test = Text() test.append("foobar", "red") test.right_crop(3) assert str(test) == "foo" assert test._spans == [Span(0, 3, "red")] def test_wrap(): test = Text("foo bar baz") lines = test.wrap(4) print(list(lines)) assert len(lines) == 3 assert lines[0] == Text("foo ") assert lines[1] == Text("bar ") assert lines[2] == Text("baz ") lines = test.wrap(3) print(list(lines)) assert len(lines) == 3 assert lines[0] == Text("foo") assert lines[1] == Text("bar") assert lines[2] == Text("baz") def test_fit(): test = Text("Hello\nWorld") lines = assert str(lines[0]) == "Hel" assert str(lines[1]) == "Wor" def test_render(): console = Console(width=15, record=True) test = Text.from_markup( "[u][b]Where[/b] there is a [i]Will[/i], there is a Way.[/u]" ) console.print(test) output = console.export_text(styles=True) expected = "\x1b[1;4mWhere\x1b[0m\x1b[4m there is \x1b[0m\n\x1b[0m\x1b[4ma \x1b[0m\x1b[3;4mWill\x1b[0m\x1b[4m, there \x1b[0m\n\x1b[0m\x1b[4mis a Way.\x1b[0m\n\x1b[0m" assert output == expected