""" A very simple `ls` clone. If your terminal supports hyperlinks you should be able to launch files by clicking the filename (usually with cmd / ctrl). """ import os import sys from rich import print from rich.columns import Columns from rich.text import Text try: root_path = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print("Usage: python listdir.py DIRECTORY") else: def make_filename_text(filename): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root_path, filename)) text = Text(filename, style="bold blue" if os.path.isdir(path) else "default") text.stylize_all(f"link file://{path}") text.highlight_regex(r"\..*?$", "bold") return text filenames = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(root_path) if not filename.startswith(".") ] filenames.sort(key=lambda filename: filename.lower()) filename_text = [make_filename_text(filename) for filename in filenames] columns = Columns(filename_text, equal=True, column_first=True) print(columns)