.. _appendix-colors: Standard Colors =============== The following is a list of the standard 8-bit colors supported in terminals. Note that the first 16 colors are generally defined by the system or your terminal software, and may not display exactly as rendered here. .. raw:: html
    ║ Color       Number  Name                   Hex      RGB              ║
    ║                 0  "black"                                          ║
    ║                 1  "red"                                            ║
    ║                 2  "green"                                          ║
    ║                 3  "yellow"                                         ║
    ║                 4  "blue"                                           ║
    ║                 5  "magenta"                                        ║
    ║                 6  "cyan"                                           ║
    ║                 7  "white"                                          ║
    ║                 8  "bright_black"                                   ║
    ║                 9  "bright_red"                                     ║
    ║                10  "bright_green"                                   ║
    ║                11  "bright_yellow"                                  ║
    ║                12  "bright_blue"                                    ║
    ║                13  "bright_magenta"                                 ║
    ║                14  "bright_cyan"                                    ║
    ║                15  "bright_white"                                   ║
    ║                16  "grey0"                #000000  rgb(0,0,0)       ║
    ║                17  "navy_blue"            #00005f  rgb(0,0,95)      ║
    ║                18  "dark_blue"            #000087  rgb(0,0,135)     ║
    ║                20  "blue3"                #0000d7  rgb(0,0,215)     ║
    ║                21  "blue1"                #0000ff  rgb(0,0,255)     ║
    ║                22  "dark_green"           #005f00  rgb(0,95,0)      ║
    ║                25  "deep_sky_blue4"       #005faf  rgb(0,95,175)    ║
    ║                26  "dodger_blue3"         #005fd7  rgb(0,95,215)    ║
    ║                27  "dodger_blue2"         #005fff  rgb(0,95,255)    ║
    ║                28  "green4"               #008700  rgb(0,135,0)     ║
    ║                29  "spring_green4"        #00875f  rgb(0,135,95)    ║
    ║                30  "turquoise4"           #008787  rgb(0,135,135)   ║
    ║                32  "deep_sky_blue3"       #0087d7  rgb(0,135,215)   ║
    ║                33  "dodger_blue1"         #0087ff  rgb(0,135,255)   ║
    ║                36  "dark_cyan"            #00af87  rgb(0,175,135)   ║
    ║                37  "light_sea_green"      #00afaf  rgb(0,175,175)   ║
    ║                38  "deep_sky_blue2"       #00afd7  rgb(0,175,215)   ║
    ║                39  "deep_sky_blue1"       #00afff  rgb(0,175,255)   ║
    ║                40  "green3"               #00d700  rgb(0,215,0)     ║
    ║                41  "spring_green3"        #00d75f  rgb(0,215,95)    ║
    ║                43  "cyan3"                #00d7af  rgb(0,215,175)   ║
    ║                44  "dark_turquoise"       #00d7d7  rgb(0,215,215)   ║
    ║                45  "turquoise2"           #00d7ff  rgb(0,215,255)   ║
    ║                46  "green1"               #00ff00  rgb(0,255,0)     ║
    ║                47  "spring_green2"        #00ff5f  rgb(0,255,95)    ║
    ║                48  "spring_green1"        #00ff87  rgb(0,255,135)   ║
    ║                49  "medium_spring_green"  #00ffaf  rgb(0,255,175)   ║
    ║                50  "cyan2"                #00ffd7  rgb(0,255,215)   ║
    ║                51  "cyan1"                #00ffff  rgb(0,255,255)   ║
    ║                55  "purple4"              #5f00af  rgb(95,0,175)    ║
    ║                56  "purple3"              #5f00d7  rgb(95,0,215)    ║
    ║                57  "blue_violet"          #5f00ff  rgb(95,0,255)    ║
    ║                59  "grey37"               #5f5f5f  rgb(95,95,95)    ║
    ║                60  "medium_purple4"       #5f5f87  rgb(95,95,135)   ║
    ║                62  "slate_blue3"          #5f5fd7  rgb(95,95,215)   ║
    ║                63  "royal_blue1"          #5f5fff  rgb(95,95,255)   ║
    ║                64  "chartreuse4"          #5f8700  rgb(95,135,0)    ║
    ║                66  "pale_turquoise4"      #5f8787  rgb(95,135,135)  ║
    ║                67  "steel_blue"           #5f87af  rgb(95,135,175)  ║
    ║                68  "steel_blue3"          #5f87d7  rgb(95,135,215)  ║
    ║                69  "cornflower_blue"      #5f87ff  rgb(95,135,255)  ║
    ║                71  "dark_sea_green4"      #5faf5f  rgb(95,175,95)   ║
    ║                73  "cadet_blue"           #5fafaf  rgb(95,175,175)  ║
    ║                74  "sky_blue3"            #5fafd7  rgb(95,175,215)  ║
    ║                76  "chartreuse3"          #5fd700  rgb(95,215,0)    ║
    ║                78  "sea_green3"           #5fd787  rgb(95,215,135)  ║
    ║                79  "aquamarine3"          #5fd7af  rgb(95,215,175)  ║
    ║                80  "medium_turquoise"     #5fd7d7  rgb(95,215,215)  ║
    ║                81  "steel_blue1"          #5fd7ff  rgb(95,215,255)  ║
    ║                83  "sea_green2"           #5fff5f  rgb(95,255,95)   ║
    ║                85  "sea_green1"           #5fffaf  rgb(95,255,175)  ║
    ║                87  "dark_slate_gray2"     #5fffff  rgb(95,255,255)  ║
    ║                88  "dark_red"             #870000  rgb(135,0,0)     ║
    ║                91  "dark_magenta"         #8700af  rgb(135,0,175)   ║
    ║                94  "orange4"              #875f00  rgb(135,95,0)    ║
    ║                95  "light_pink4"          #875f5f  rgb(135,95,95)   ║
    ║                96  "plum4"                #875f87  rgb(135,95,135)  ║
    ║                98  "medium_purple3"       #875fd7  rgb(135,95,215)  ║
    ║                99  "slate_blue1"          #875fff  rgb(135,95,255)  ║
    ║               101  "wheat4"               #87875f  rgb(135,135,95)  ║
    ║               102  "grey53"               #878787  rgb(135,135,135) ║
    ║               103  "light_slate_grey"     #8787af  rgb(135,135,175) ║
    ║               104  "medium_purple"        #8787d7  rgb(135,135,215) ║
    ║               105  "light_slate_blue"     #8787ff  rgb(135,135,255) ║
    ║               106  "yellow4"              #87af00  rgb(135,175,0)   ║
    ║               108  "dark_sea_green"       #87af87  rgb(135,175,135) ║
    ║               110  "light_sky_blue3"      #87afd7  rgb(135,175,215) ║
    ║               111  "sky_blue2"            #87afff  rgb(135,175,255) ║
    ║               112  "chartreuse2"          #87d700  rgb(135,215,0)   ║
    ║               114  "pale_green3"          #87d787  rgb(135,215,135) ║
    ║               116  "dark_slate_gray3"     #87d7d7  rgb(135,215,215) ║
    ║               117  "sky_blue1"            #87d7ff  rgb(135,215,255) ║
    ║               118  "chartreuse1"          #87ff00  rgb(135,255,0)   ║
    ║               120  "light_green"          #87ff87  rgb(135,255,135) ║
    ║               122  "aquamarine1"          #87ffd7  rgb(135,255,215) ║
    ║               123  "dark_slate_gray1"     #87ffff  rgb(135,255,255) ║
    ║               125  "deep_pink4"           #af005f  rgb(175,0,95)    ║
    ║               126  "medium_violet_red"    #af0087  rgb(175,0,135)   ║
    ║               128  "dark_violet"          #af00d7  rgb(175,0,215)   ║
    ║               129  "purple"               #af00ff  rgb(175,0,255)   ║
    ║               133  "medium_orchid3"       #af5faf  rgb(175,95,175)  ║
    ║               134  "medium_orchid"        #af5fd7  rgb(175,95,215)  ║
    ║               136  "dark_goldenrod"       #af8700  rgb(175,135,0)   ║
    ║               138  "rosy_brown"           #af8787  rgb(175,135,135) ║
    ║               139  "grey63"               #af87af  rgb(175,135,175) ║
    ║               140  "medium_purple2"       #af87d7  rgb(175,135,215) ║
    ║               141  "medium_purple1"       #af87ff  rgb(175,135,255) ║
    ║               143  "dark_khaki"           #afaf5f  rgb(175,175,95)  ║
    ║               144  "navajo_white3"        #afaf87  rgb(175,175,135) ║
    ║               145  "grey69"               #afafaf  rgb(175,175,175) ║
    ║               146  "light_steel_blue3"    #afafd7  rgb(175,175,215) ║
    ║               147  "light_steel_blue"     #afafff  rgb(175,175,255) ║
    ║               149  "dark_olive_green3"    #afd75f  rgb(175,215,95)  ║
    ║               150  "dark_sea_green3"      #afd787  rgb(175,215,135) ║
    ║               152  "light_cyan3"          #afd7d7  rgb(175,215,215) ║
    ║               153  "light_sky_blue1"      #afd7ff  rgb(175,215,255) ║
    ║               154  "green_yellow"         #afff00  rgb(175,255,0)   ║
    ║               155  "dark_olive_green2"    #afff5f  rgb(175,255,95)  ║
    ║               156  "pale_green1"          #afff87  rgb(175,255,135) ║
    ║               157  "dark_sea_green2"      #afffaf  rgb(175,255,175) ║
    ║               159  "pale_turquoise1"      #afffff  rgb(175,255,255) ║
    ║               160  "red3"                 #d70000  rgb(215,0,0)     ║
    ║               162  "deep_pink3"           #d70087  rgb(215,0,135)   ║
    ║               164  "magenta3"             #d700d7  rgb(215,0,215)   ║
    ║               166  "dark_orange3"         #d75f00  rgb(215,95,0)    ║
    ║               167  "indian_red"           #d75f5f  rgb(215,95,95)   ║
    ║               168  "hot_pink3"            #d75f87  rgb(215,95,135)  ║
    ║               169  "hot_pink2"            #d75faf  rgb(215,95,175)  ║
    ║               170  "orchid"               #d75fd7  rgb(215,95,215)  ║
    ║               172  "orange3"              #d78700  rgb(215,135,0)   ║
    ║               173  "light_salmon3"        #d7875f  rgb(215,135,95)  ║
    ║               174  "light_pink3"          #d78787  rgb(215,135,135) ║
    ║               175  "pink3"                #d787af  rgb(215,135,175) ║
    ║               176  "plum3"                #d787d7  rgb(215,135,215) ║
    ║               177  "violet"               #d787ff  rgb(215,135,255) ║
    ║               178  "gold3"                #d7af00  rgb(215,175,0)   ║
    ║               179  "light_goldenrod3"     #d7af5f  rgb(215,175,95)  ║
    ║               180  "tan"                  #d7af87  rgb(215,175,135) ║
    ║               181  "misty_rose3"          #d7afaf  rgb(215,175,175) ║
    ║               182  "thistle3"             #d7afd7  rgb(215,175,215) ║
    ║               183  "plum2"                #d7afff  rgb(215,175,255) ║
    ║               184  "yellow3"              #d7d700  rgb(215,215,0)   ║
    ║               185  "khaki3"               #d7d75f  rgb(215,215,95)  ║
    ║               187  "light_yellow3"        #d7d7af  rgb(215,215,175) ║
    ║               188  "grey84"               #d7d7d7  rgb(215,215,215) ║
    ║               189  "light_steel_blue1"    #d7d7ff  rgb(215,215,255) ║
    ║               190  "yellow2"              #d7ff00  rgb(215,255,0)   ║
    ║               192  "dark_olive_green1"    #d7ff87  rgb(215,255,135) ║
    ║               193  "dark_sea_green1"      #d7ffaf  rgb(215,255,175) ║
    ║               194  "honeydew2"            #d7ffd7  rgb(215,255,215) ║
    ║               195  "light_cyan1"          #d7ffff  rgb(215,255,255) ║
    ║               196  "red1"                 #ff0000  rgb(255,0,0)     ║
    ║               197  "deep_pink2"           #ff005f  rgb(255,0,95)    ║
    ║               199  "deep_pink1"           #ff00af  rgb(255,0,175)   ║
    ║               200  "magenta2"             #ff00d7  rgb(255,0,215)   ║
    ║               201  "magenta1"             #ff00ff  rgb(255,0,255)   ║
    ║               202  "orange_red1"          #ff5f00  rgb(255,95,0)    ║
    ║               204  "indian_red1"          #ff5f87  rgb(255,95,135)  ║
    ║               206  "hot_pink"             #ff5fd7  rgb(255,95,215)  ║
    ║               207  "medium_orchid1"       #ff5fff  rgb(255,95,255)  ║
    ║               208  "dark_orange"          #ff8700  rgb(255,135,0)   ║
    ║               209  "salmon1"              #ff875f  rgb(255,135,95)  ║
    ║               210  "light_coral"          #ff8787  rgb(255,135,135) ║
    ║               211  "pale_violet_red1"     #ff87af  rgb(255,135,175) ║
    ║               212  "orchid2"              #ff87d7  rgb(255,135,215) ║
    ║               213  "orchid1"              #ff87ff  rgb(255,135,255) ║
    ║               214  "orange1"              #ffaf00  rgb(255,175,0)   ║
    ║               215  "sandy_brown"          #ffaf5f  rgb(255,175,95)  ║
    ║               216  "light_salmon1"        #ffaf87  rgb(255,175,135) ║
    ║               217  "light_pink1"          #ffafaf  rgb(255,175,175) ║
    ║               218  "pink1"                #ffafd7  rgb(255,175,215) ║
    ║               219  "plum1"                #ffafff  rgb(255,175,255) ║
    ║               220  "gold1"                #ffd700  rgb(255,215,0)   ║
    ║               222  "light_goldenrod2"     #ffd787  rgb(255,215,135) ║
    ║               223  "navajo_white1"        #ffd7af  rgb(255,215,175) ║
    ║               224  "misty_rose1"          #ffd7d7  rgb(255,215,215) ║
    ║               225  "thistle1"             #ffd7ff  rgb(255,215,255) ║
    ║               226  "yellow1"              #ffff00  rgb(255,255,0)   ║
    ║               227  "light_goldenrod1"     #ffff5f  rgb(255,255,95)  ║
    ║               228  "khaki1"               #ffff87  rgb(255,255,135) ║
    ║               229  "wheat1"               #ffffaf  rgb(255,255,175) ║
    ║               230  "cornsilk1"            #ffffd7  rgb(255,255,215) ║
    ║               231  "grey100"              #ffffff  rgb(255,255,255) ║
    ║               232  "grey3"                #080808  rgb(8,8,8)       ║
    ║               233  "grey7"                #121212  rgb(18,18,18)    ║
    ║               234  "grey11"               #1c1c1c  rgb(28,28,28)    ║
    ║               235  "grey15"               #262626  rgb(38,38,38)    ║
    ║               236  "grey19"               #303030  rgb(48,48,48)    ║
    ║               237  "grey23"               #3a3a3a  rgb(58,58,58)    ║
    ║               238  "grey27"               #444444  rgb(68,68,68)    ║
    ║               239  "grey30"               #4e4e4e  rgb(78,78,78)    ║
    ║               240  "grey35"               #585858  rgb(88,88,88)    ║
    ║               241  "grey39"               #626262  rgb(98,98,98)    ║
    ║               242  "grey42"               #6c6c6c  rgb(108,108,108) ║
    ║               243  "grey46"               #767676  rgb(118,118,118) ║
    ║               244  "grey50"               #808080  rgb(128,128,128) ║
    ║               245  "grey54"               #8a8a8a  rgb(138,138,138) ║
    ║               246  "grey58"               #949494  rgb(148,148,148) ║
    ║               247  "grey62"               #9e9e9e  rgb(158,158,158) ║
    ║               248  "grey66"               #a8a8a8  rgb(168,168,168) ║
    ║               249  "grey70"               #b2b2b2  rgb(178,178,178) ║
    ║               250  "grey74"               #bcbcbc  rgb(188,188,188) ║
    ║               251  "grey78"               #c6c6c6  rgb(198,198,198) ║
    ║               252  "grey82"               #d0d0d0  rgb(208,208,208) ║
    ║               253  "grey85"               #dadada  rgb(218,218,218) ║
    ║               254  "grey89"               #e4e4e4  rgb(228,228,228) ║
    ║               255  "grey93"               #eeeeee  rgb(238,238,238) ║