Add Iso8601Highlighter

Add ability to highlight date and time strings according to ISO8601 [1]

This commit is contained in:
Tomer Shalev 2022-05-26 21:59:46 +03:00
parent aa7926c143
commit 2707a73435
6 changed files with 326 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,15 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Fixed
- Fix text wrapping edge case
- Allow exceptions that are raised while a Live is rendered to be displayed and/or processed
- Fix crashes that can happen with `inspect` when docstrings contain some special control codes
- Fix edges used in first row of tables when `show_header=False`
## [12.4.4] - 2022-05-24
### Changed

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@ -40,3 +40,6 @@ The following people have contributed to the development of Rich:
- [Gabriele N. Tornetta](
- [Arian Mollik Wasi](
- [Handhika Yanuar Pratama](
- [za](
- [Motahhar Mokfi](
- [Tomer Shalev](

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Highlighting
Rich can apply styles to patterns in text which you :meth:`~rich.console.Console.print` or :meth:`~rich.console.Console.log`. With the default settings, Rich will highlight things such as numbers, strings, collections, booleans, None, and a few more exotic patterns such as file paths, URLs and UUIDs.
Additional non-default highlighter are available, such as :class:`~rich.highlighter.ISO8601Highlighter` to highlight date and time.
You can disable highlighting either by setting ``highlight=False`` on :meth:`~rich.console.Console.print` or :meth:`~rich.console.Console.log`, or by setting ``highlight=False`` on the :class:`~rich.console.Console` constructor which disables it everywhere. If you disable highlighting on the constructor, you can still selectively *enable* highlighting with ``highlight=True`` on print/log.

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@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ DEFAULT_STYLES: Dict[str, Style] = {
"markdown.h7": Style(italic=True, dim=True),
"": Style(color="bright_blue"),
"markdown.link_url": Style(color="blue"),
"": Style(color="blue"),
"iso8601.time": Style(color="magenta"),
"iso8601.timezone": Style(color="yellow"),

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@ -140,6 +140,64 @@ class JSONHighlighter(RegexHighlighter):
class ISO8601Highlighter(RegexHighlighter):
"""Highlights the ISO8601 date time strings.
Regex reference:
base_style = "iso8601."
highlights = [
# Dates
# Calendar month (e.g. 2008-08). The hyphen is required
# Calendar date w/o hyphens (e.g. 20080830)
# Ordinal date (e.g. 2008-243). The hyphen is optional
# Weeks
# Week of the year (e.g., 2008-W35). The hyphen is optional
# Week date (e.g., 2008-W35-6). The hyphens are optional
# Times
# Hours and minutes (e.g., 17:21). The colon is optional
# Hours, minutes, and seconds w/o colons (e.g., 172159)
# Time zone designator (e.g., Z, +07 or +07:00). The colons and the minutes are optional
# Hours, minutes, and seconds with time zone designator (e.g., 17:21:59+07:00).
# All the colons are optional. The minutes in the time zone designator are also optional
# Date and Time
# Calendar date with hours, minutes, and seconds (e.g., 2008-08-30 17:21:59 or 20080830 172159).
# A space is required between the date and the time. The hyphens and colons are optional.
# This regex matches dates and times that specify some hyphens or colons but omit others.
# This does not follow ISO 8601
r"^(?P<date>(?P<year>[0-9]{4})(?P<hyphen>-)?(?P<month>1[0-2]|0[1-9])(?(hyphen)-)(?P<day>3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])) (?P<time>(?P<hour>2[0-3]|[01][0-9])(?(hyphen):)(?P<minute>[0-5][0-9])(?(hyphen):)(?P<second>[0-5][0-9]))$",
# XML Schema dates and times
# Date, with optional time zone (e.g., 2008-08-30 or 2008-08-30+07:00).
# Hyphens are required. This is the XML Schema 'date' type
# Time, with optional fractional seconds and time zone (e.g., 01:45:36 or 01:45:36.123+07:00).
# There is no limit on the number of digits for the fractional seconds. This is the XML Schema 'time' type
# Date and time, with optional fractional seconds and time zone (e.g., 2008-08-30T01:45:36 or 2008-08-30T01:45:36.123Z).
# This is the XML Schema 'dateTime' type
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
from .console import Console

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@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ from typing import List
import pytest
from rich.highlighter import JSONHighlighter, NullHighlighter, ReprHighlighter
from rich.highlighter import (
from rich.text import Span, Text
@ -179,3 +184,249 @@ def test_highlight_json_no_indent():
Span(1, 7, "json.key"),
Span(18, 25, "json.key"),
iso8601_highlight_tests = [
("2008-08", [Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"), Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month")]),
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month"),
Span(8, 10, ""),
Span(0, 8, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(4, 6, "iso8601.month"),
Span(6, 8, ""),
Span(0, 8, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 8, ""),
Span(0, 7, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(4, 7, ""),
Span(0, 8, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(6, 8, "iso8601.week"),
Span(0, 7, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.week"),
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(6, 8, "iso8601.week"),
Span(9, 10, ""),
Span(0, 8, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.week"),
Span(7, 8, ""),
Span(0, 5, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(3, 5, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(2, 4, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(0, 6, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(2, 4, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(4, 6, "iso8601.second"),
("Z", [Span(0, 1, "iso8601.timezone")]),
("+07", [Span(0, 3, "iso8601.timezone")]),
("+07:00", [Span(0, 6, "iso8601.timezone")]),
Span(0, 8, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(3, 5, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(6, 8, "iso8601.second"),
Span(8, 14, "iso8601.timezone"),
Span(0, 6, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(2, 4, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(4, 6, "iso8601.second"),
Span(6, 11, "iso8601.timezone"),
Span(0, 6, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(2, 4, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(4, 6, "iso8601.second"),
Span(6, 9, "iso8601.timezone"),
"2008-08-30 17:21:59",
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(4, 5, "iso8601.hyphen"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month"),
Span(8, 10, ""),
Span(11, 19, "iso8601.time"),
Span(11, 13, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(14, 16, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(17, 19, "iso8601.second"),
"20080830 172159",
Span(0, 8, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(4, 6, "iso8601.month"),
Span(6, 8, ""),
Span(9, 15, "iso8601.time"),
Span(9, 11, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(11, 13, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(13, 15, "iso8601.second"),
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month"),
Span(8, 10, ""),
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month"),
Span(8, 10, ""),
Span(10, 16, "iso8601.timezone"),
Span(0, 8, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(3, 5, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(6, 8, "iso8601.second"),
Span(0, 12, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(3, 5, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(6, 8, "iso8601.second"),
Span(8, 12, "iso8601.frac"),
Span(12, 18, "iso8601.timezone"),
Span(0, 12, "iso8601.time"),
Span(0, 2, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(3, 5, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(6, 8, "iso8601.second"),
Span(8, 12, "iso8601.frac"),
Span(12, 18, "iso8601.timezone"),
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month"),
Span(8, 10, ""),
Span(11, 19, "iso8601.time"),
Span(11, 13, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(14, 16, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(17, 19, "iso8601.second"),
Span(0, 10, ""),
Span(0, 4, "iso8601.year"),
Span(5, 7, "iso8601.month"),
Span(8, 10, ""),
Span(11, 23, "iso8601.time"),
Span(11, 13, "iso8601.hour"),
Span(14, 16, "iso8601.minute"),
Span(17, 19, "iso8601.second"),
Span(19, 23, ""),
Span(23, 24, "iso8601.timezone"),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test, spans", iso8601_highlight_tests)
def test_highlight_iso8601_regex(test: str, spans: List[Span]):
"""Tests for the regular expressions used in ISO8601Highlighter."""
text = Text(test)
highlighter = ISO8601Highlighter()
assert text.spans == spans