For complete control over terminal formatting, Rich offers a :class:`~rich.console.Console` class. Most applications will require a single Console instance, so you may want to create one at the module level or as an attribute of your top-level object. For example, you could add a file called "" to your project::
The console object handles the mechanics of generating ANSI escape sequences for color and style. It will auto-detect the capabilities of the terminal and convert colors if necessary.
There are several "standards" for writing color to the terminal which are not all universally supported. Rich will auto-detect the appropriate color system, or you can set it manually by supplying a value for ``color_system`` to the :class:`~rich.console.Console` constructor.
Be careful when setting a color system, if you set a higher color system than your terminal supports, your text may be unreadable.
File output
The Console object will write to standard output (i.e. the terminal). You can also tell the Console object to write to another file by setting the ``file`` argument on the constructor -- which should be a file-like object opened for writing text. One use of this capability is to create a Console for writing to standard error by setting file to ``sys.stderr``. Here's an example::
import sys
from rich.console import Console
error_console = Console(file=sys.stderr)
error_console.print("[bold red]This is an error!")
If Rich detects that it is not writing to a terminal it will strip control codes from the output. If you want to write control codes to a regular file then set ``force_terminal=True`` on the constructor.
To write rich content to the terminal use the :meth:`~rich.console.Console.print` method. Rich will convert any object to a string via its (``__str__``) method and perform some simple syntax highlighting. It will also do pretty printing of any containers, such as dicts and lists. If you print a string it will render :ref:`console_markup`. Here are some examples::
console.print([1, 2, 3])
console.print("[blue underline]Looks like a link")
You can also use :meth:`~rich.console.Console.print` to render objects that support the :ref:`protocol`, which includes Rich's built in objects such as :class:`~rich.text.Text`, :class:`~rich.table.Table`, and :class:`~rich.syntax.Syntax` -- or other custom objects.
The :meth:`~rich.console.Console.log` methods offers the same capabilities as print, but adds some features useful for debugging a running application. Logging writes the current time in a column to the left, and the file and line where the method was called to a column on the right. Here's an example::
To help with debugging, the log() method has a ``log_locals`` parameter. If you set this to ``True``, Rich will display a table of local variables where the method was called.
Both print and log support a ``justify`` argument which if set must be one of "default", "left", "right", "center", or "full". If "left", any text printed (or logged) will be left aligned, if "right" text will be aligned to the right of the terminal, if "center" the text will be centered, and if "full" the text will be lined up with both the left and right edges of the terminal (like printed text in a book).
The default for ``justify`` is ``"default"`` which will generally look the same as ``"left"`` but with a subtle difference. Left justify will pad the right of the text with spaces, while a default justify will not. You will only notice the difference if you set a background color with the ``style`` argument. The following example demonstrates the difference::
Overflow is what happens when text you print is larger than the available space. Overflow may occur if you print long 'words' such as URLs for instance, or if you have text inside a panel or table cell with restricted space.
You can specify how Rich should handle overflow with the ``overflow`` argument to :meth:`~rich.console.Console.print` which should be one of the following strings: "fold", "crop", or "ellipsis". The default is "fold" which will put any excess characters on the following line, creating as many new lines as required to fit the text.
The console class has an :meth:`~rich.console.Console.input` which works in the same way as Python's builtin ``input()`` method, but can use anything that Rich can print as a prompt. For example, here's a colorful prompt with an emoji::
from rich.console import Console
console = Console()
console.input("What is [i]your[/i] [bold red]name[/]? :smiley: ")
The Console class can export anything written to it as either text or html. To enable exporting, first set ``record=True`` on the constructor. This tells Rich to save a copy of any data you ``print()`` or ``log()``. Here's an example::
from rich.console import Console
console = Console(record=True)
After you have written content, you can call :meth:`~rich.console.Console.export_text` or :meth:`~rich.console.Console.export_html` to get the console output as a string. You can also call :meth:`~rich.console.Console.save_text` or :meth:`~rich.console.Console.save_html` to write the contents directly to disk.
For examples of the html output generated by Rich Console, see :ref:`appendix-colors`.