Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"Additional modules": [[0, null]], "Capsolver": [[6, "capsolver"]], "Captcha examples:": [[0, null]], "Contacts": [[1, null]], "Control": [[2, null]], "Enum": [[3, null]], "Examples": [[2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [4, null], [9, null]], "How to install?": [[6, "how-to-install"]], "How to test?": [[6, "how-to-test"]], "ImageToTextCaptcha": [[4, null]], "Introduction": [[6, null]], "License": [[5, null]], "Notes": [[2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [2, null], [4, null], [4, null], [4, null], [9, null], [9, null], [9, null]], "Other captcha-solving services libs": [[7, null]], "Other libraries for Captcha-solving services": [[7, "other-libraries-for-captcha-solving-services"]], "Serializer": [[8, null]], "Source": [[6, "source"]], "Start here:": [[0, null]], "Turnstile": [[9, null]], "Welcome to python3-anticaptcha": [[6, "welcome-to-python3-anticaptcha"]], "pip": [[6, "pip"]], "python3-anticaptcha": [[0, null]]}, "docnames": ["index", "modules/contacts/info", "modules/control/example", "modules/enum/info", "modules/image/example", "modules/license/info", "modules/main/info", "modules/other-libs/info", "modules/serializer/info", "modules/turnstile/example"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "": 3, "": 1, "": 1, "": 9, "": 1, "": 3, "": 2, "": 4, "": 2, "": 2}, "filenames": ["index.rst", "modules/contacts/", "modules/control/example.rst", "modules/enum/info.rst", "modules/image/example.rst", "modules/license/", "modules/main/", "modules/other-libs/", "modules/serializer/info.rst", "modules/turnstile/example.rst"], "indexentries": {"__init__() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.__init__", false]], "__init__() (python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.imagetotextcaptcha method)": [[4, "python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.ImageToTextCaptcha.__init__", false]], "__init__() (python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.turnstile method)": [[9, "python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.Turnstile.__init__", false]], "aio_captcha_handler() (python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.imagetotextcaptcha method)": [[4, "python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.ImageToTextCaptcha.aio_captcha_handler", false]], "aio_captcha_handler() (python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.turnstile method)": [[9, "python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.Turnstile.aio_captcha_handler", false]], "aio_get_app_stats() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_get_app_stats", false]], "aio_get_balance() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_get_balance", false]], "aio_get_queue_status() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control static method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_get_queue_status", false]], "aio_get_spending_stats() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_get_spending_stats", false]], "aio_report_correct_recaptcha() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_report_correct_recaptcha", false]], "aio_report_incorrect_hcaptcha() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_report_incorrect_hcaptcha", false]], "aio_report_incorrect_image() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_report_incorrect_image", false]], "aio_report_incorrect_recaptcha() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.aio_report_incorrect_recaptcha", false]], "antigatetask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.AntiGateTask", false]], "baseapirequestser (class in core.serializer)": [[8, "core.serializer.BaseAPIRequestSer", false]], "baseapiresponseser (class in core.serializer)": [[8, "core.serializer.BaseAPIResponseSer", false]], "captcha_handler() (python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.imagetotextcaptcha method)": [[4, "python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.ImageToTextCaptcha.captcha_handler", false]], "captcha_handler() (python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.turnstile method)": [[9, "python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.Turnstile.captcha_handler", false]], "captchatypeenm (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm", false]], "clientkey (core.serializer.baseapirequestser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.BaseAPIRequestSer.clientKey", false]], "clientkey (core.serializer.gettaskresultrequestser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultRequestSer.clientKey", false]], "const (core.enum.saveformatsenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.SaveFormatsEnm.CONST", false]], "control (class in python3_anticaptcha.control)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control", false]], "control (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.Control", false]], "controlpostfixenm (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm", false]], "cost (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.cost", false]], "create_task (core.enum.endpointpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.EndpointPostfixEnm.CREATE_TASK", false]], "createtaskresponseser (class in core.serializer)": [[8, "core.serializer.CreateTaskResponseSer", false]], "createtime (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.createTime", false]], "endpointpostfixenm (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.EndpointPostfixEnm", false]], "endtime (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.endTime", false]], "errorcode (core.serializer.baseapiresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.BaseAPIResponseSer.errorCode", false]], "errordescription (core.serializer.baseapiresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.BaseAPIResponseSer.errorDescription", false]], "errorid (core.serializer.baseapiresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.BaseAPIResponseSer.errorId", false]], "funcaptchatask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.FunCaptchaTask", false]], "funcaptchataskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.FunCaptchaTaskProxyless", false]], "geetesttask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.GeeTestTask", false]], "geetesttaskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.GeeTestTaskProxyless", false]], "get_app_stats (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.GET_APP_STATS", false]], "get_app_stats() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.get_app_stats", false]], "get_balance (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.GET_BALANCE", false]], "get_balance() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.get_balance", false]], "get_queue_stats (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.GET_QUEUE_STATS", false]], "get_queue_status() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control static method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.get_queue_status", false]], "get_spending_stats (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.GET_SPENDING_STATS", false]], "get_spending_stats() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.get_spending_stats", false]], "get_task_result (core.enum.endpointpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.EndpointPostfixEnm.GET_TASK_RESULT", false]], "gettaskresultrequestser (class in core.serializer)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultRequestSer", false]], "gettaskresultresponseser (class in core.serializer)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer", false]], "hcaptchatask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.HCaptchaTask", false]], "hcaptchataskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.HCaptchaTaskProxyless", false]], "http (core.enum.proxytypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ProxyTypeEnm.http", false]], "https (core.enum.proxytypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ProxyTypeEnm.https", false]], "imagetotextcaptcha (class in python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha)": [[4, "python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.ImageToTextCaptcha", false]], "imagetotexttask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.ImageToTextTask", false]], "ip (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.ip", false]], "list() (core.enum.myenum class method)": [[3, "core.enum.MyEnum.list", false]], "list_names() (core.enum.myenum class method)": [[3, "core.enum.MyEnum.list_names", false]], "list_values() (core.enum.myenum class method)": [[3, "core.enum.MyEnum.list_values", false]], "myenum (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.MyEnum", false]], "processing (core.enum.responsestatusenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ResponseStatusEnm.processing", false]], "proxytypeenm (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.ProxyTypeEnm", false]], "ready (core.enum.responsestatusenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ResponseStatusEnm.ready", false]], "recaptchav2enterprisetask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTask", false]], "recaptchav2enterprisetaskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless", false]], "recaptchav2task (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.RecaptchaV2Task", false]], "recaptchav2taskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.RecaptchaV2TaskProxyless", false]], "recaptchav3taskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless", false]], "report_correct_recaptcha (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.REPORT_CORRECT_RECAPTCHA", false]], "report_correct_recaptcha() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.report_correct_recaptcha", false]], "report_incorrect_hcaptcha (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.REPORT_INCORRECT_HCAPTCHA", false]], "report_incorrect_hcaptcha() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.report_incorrect_hcaptcha", false]], "report_incorrect_image() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.report_incorrect_image", false]], "report_incorrect_image_captcha (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.REPORT_INCORRECT_IMAGE_CAPTCHA", false]], "report_incorrect_recaptcha (core.enum.controlpostfixenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm.REPORT_INCORRECT_RECAPTCHA", false]], "report_incorrect_recaptcha() (python3_anticaptcha.control.control method)": [[2, "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control.report_incorrect_recaptcha", false]], "responsestatusenm (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.ResponseStatusEnm", false]], "saveformatsenm (class in core.enum)": [[3, "core.enum.SaveFormatsEnm", false]], "socks4 (core.enum.proxytypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ProxyTypeEnm.socks4", false]], "socks5 (core.enum.proxytypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.ProxyTypeEnm.socks5", false]], "solution (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.solution", false]], "solvecount (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.solveCount", false]], "status (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.status", false]], "taskid (core.serializer.createtaskresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.CreateTaskResponseSer.taskId", false]], "taskid (core.serializer.gettaskresultrequestser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultRequestSer.taskId", false]], "taskid (core.serializer.gettaskresultresponseser attribute)": [[8, "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer.taskId", false]], "temp (core.enum.saveformatsenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.SaveFormatsEnm.TEMP", false]], "turnstile (class in python3_anticaptcha.turnstile)": [[9, "python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.Turnstile", false]], "turnstiletask (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.TurnstileTask", false]], "turnstiletaskproxyless (core.enum.captchatypeenm attribute)": [[3, "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm.TurnstileTaskProxyless", false]]}, "objects": {"core.enum": [[3, 0, 1, "", "CaptchaTypeEnm"], [3, 0, 1, "", "ControlPostfixEnm"], [3, 0, 1, "", "EndpointPostfixEnm"], [3, 0, 1, "", "MyEnum"], [3, 0, 1, "", "ProxyTypeEnm"], [3, 0, 1, "", "ResponseStatusEnm"], [3, 0, 1, "", "SaveFormatsEnm"]], "core.enum.CaptchaTypeEnm": [[3, 1, 1, "", "AntiGateTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "Control"], [3, 1, 1, "", "FunCaptchaTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "FunCaptchaTaskProxyless"], [3, 1, 1, "", "GeeTestTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "GeeTestTaskProxyless"], [3, 1, 1, "", "HCaptchaTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "HCaptchaTaskProxyless"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ImageToTextTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless"], [3, 1, 1, "", "RecaptchaV2Task"], [3, 1, 1, "", "RecaptchaV2TaskProxyless"], [3, 1, 1, "", "RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless"], [3, 1, 1, "", "TurnstileTask"], [3, 1, 1, "", "TurnstileTaskProxyless"]], "core.enum.ControlPostfixEnm": [[3, 1, 1, "", "GET_APP_STATS"], [3, 1, 1, "", "GET_BALANCE"], [3, 1, 1, "", "GET_QUEUE_STATS"], [3, 1, 1, "", "GET_SPENDING_STATS"], [3, 1, 1, "", "REPORT_CORRECT_RECAPTCHA"], [3, 1, 1, "", "REPORT_INCORRECT_HCAPTCHA"], [3, 1, 1, "", "REPORT_INCORRECT_IMAGE_CAPTCHA"], [3, 1, 1, "", "REPORT_INCORRECT_RECAPTCHA"]], "core.enum.EndpointPostfixEnm": [[3, 1, 1, "", "CREATE_TASK"], [3, 1, 1, "", "GET_TASK_RESULT"]], "core.enum.MyEnum": [[3, 2, 1, "", "list"], [3, 2, 1, "", "list_names"], [3, 2, 1, "", "list_values"]], "core.enum.ProxyTypeEnm": [[3, 1, 1, "", "http"], [3, 1, 1, "", "https"], [3, 1, 1, "", "socks4"], [3, 1, 1, "", "socks5"]], "core.enum.ResponseStatusEnm": [[3, 1, 1, "", "processing"], [3, 1, 1, "", "ready"]], "core.enum.SaveFormatsEnm": [[3, 1, 1, "", "CONST"], [3, 1, 1, "", "TEMP"]], "core.serializer": [[8, 0, 1, "", "BaseAPIRequestSer"], [8, 0, 1, "", "BaseAPIResponseSer"], [8, 0, 1, "", "CreateTaskResponseSer"], [8, 0, 1, "", "GetTaskResultRequestSer"], [8, 0, 1, "", "GetTaskResultResponseSer"]], "core.serializer.BaseAPIRequestSer": [[8, 1, 1, "", "clientKey"]], "core.serializer.BaseAPIResponseSer": [[8, 1, 1, "", "errorCode"], [8, 1, 1, "", "errorDescription"], [8, 1, 1, "", "errorId"]], "core.serializer.CreateTaskResponseSer": [[8, 1, 1, "", "taskId"]], "core.serializer.GetTaskResultRequestSer": [[8, 1, 1, "", "clientKey"], [8, 1, 1, "", "taskId"]], "core.serializer.GetTaskResultResponseSer": [[8, 1, 1, "", "cost"], [8, 1, 1, "", "createTime"], [8, 1, 1, "", "endTime"], [8, 1, 1, "", "ip"], [8, 1, 1, "", "solution"], [8, 1, 1, "", "solveCount"], [8, 1, 1, "", "status"], [8, 1, 1, "", "taskId"]], "python3_anticaptcha.control": [[2, 0, 1, "", "Control"]], "python3_anticaptcha.control.Control": [[2, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_get_app_stats"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_get_balance"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_get_queue_status"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_get_spending_stats"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_report_correct_recaptcha"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_report_incorrect_hcaptcha"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_report_incorrect_image"], [2, 2, 1, "", "aio_report_incorrect_recaptcha"], [2, 2, 1, "", "get_app_stats"], [2, 2, 1, "", "get_balance"], [2, 2, 1, "", "get_queue_status"], [2, 2, 1, "", "get_spending_stats"], [2, 2, 1, "", "report_correct_recaptcha"], [2, 2, 1, "", "report_incorrect_hcaptcha"], [2, 2, 1, "", "report_incorrect_image"], [2, 2, 1, "", "report_incorrect_recaptcha"]], "python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha": [[4, 0, 1, "", "ImageToTextCaptcha"]], "python3_anticaptcha.image_captcha.ImageToTextCaptcha": [[4, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [4, 2, 1, "", "aio_captcha_handler"], [4, 2, 1, "", "captcha_handler"]], "python3_anticaptcha.turnstile": [[9, 0, 1, "", "Turnstile"]], "python3_anticaptcha.turnstile.Turnstile": [[9, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [9, 2, 1, "", "aio_captcha_handler"], [9, 2, 1, "", "captcha_handler"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "1": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:class", "1": "py:attribute", "2": "py:method"}, "terms": {"0": [2, 4, 8, 9], "000576": 2, "002": [2, 4, 9], "0x4aaaaaaac3dhqflr1gavrn": 9, "1": [2, 3], "10": [2, 9], "12396": 2, "125": 4, "127": [2, 9], "14": 2, "146": 2, "1679004358": [4, 9], "1679004368": [4, 9], "1679183850": 2, "1679187449": 2, "17": 2, "172815194092195": 4, "19": 2, "192": [2, 9], "20": 2, "2022": 5, "23": 2, "230": [4, 9], "234": 2, "24": 2, "249": [4, 9], "2captcha": 7, "3": 6, "31": 4, "36": [2, 9], "38": 2, "396687629": [4, 9], "425436541": 2, "4256541": 2, "43": 2, "438": 2, "46": [2, 4, 9], "48": 2, "5": 4, "53": [4, 9], "58": 2, "65": 4, "69": 4, "7": [2, 6], "8": 2, "867": 2, "90": 2, "986": 4, "9988": 9, "99d7d111a0111dc11184111c8bb111da": [2, 4, 9], "A": 5, "AND": 5, "AS": 5, "BE": 5, "BUT": 5, "FOR": 5, "IN": 5, "If": 1, "NO": 5, "NOT": 5, "Not": [2, 9], "OF": 5, "OR": 5, "Or": 1, "THE": 5, "TO": 5, "The": [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9], "To": [2, 3, 4, 8, 9], "WITH": 5, "__init__": [0, 2, 4, 9], "about": 2, "abov": 5, "accept": 2, "access": 2, "account": [2, 6], "action": [5, 9], "addit": [2, 4, 9], "additional_param": [4, 9], "address": [2, 9], "after": 4, "aio_captcha_handl": [0, 4, 9], "aio_get_app_stat": [0, 2], "aio_get_bal": [0, 2], "aio_get_queue_statu": [0, 2], "aio_get_spending_stat": [0, 2], "aio_report_correct_recaptcha": [0, 2], "aio_report_incorrect_hcaptcha": [0, 2], "aio_report_incorrect_imag": [0, 2], "aio_report_incorrect_recaptcha": [0, 2], "all": [3, 5], "allow": [2, 9], "an": [2, 5], "andrei": 5, "andreidrang": 6, "ani": [1, 5], "anti": [2, 4, 9], "anticaptcha": 7, "antigatetask": 3, "api": [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9], "api_kei": [2, 4, 6, 9], "apidoc": [2, 4, 9], "applic": 2, "ar": 2, "arg": 2, "aris": 5, "associ": 5, "async": [2, 4, 9], "asynchron": [4, 9], "author": 5, "avail": [2, 3], "await": [2, 4, 9], "balanc": 2, "base": [3, 6], "base64": 4, 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"serial": 8, "servic": 7, "solv": 7, "sourc": 6, "start": 0, "test": 6, "turnstil": 9, "welcom": 6}})