"""CLI Commands.""" import os from setup import version from manager import Manager manager = Manager() @manager.command def publish(with_tag=True): """Publish current version to PyPi.""" os.system('python setup.py sdist upload') if with_tag: tag() @manager.command def tag(): """Make tag from current version.""" os.system('git tag -a {0} -m \'version {0}\''.format(version)) os.system('git push --tags') @manager.command def check(): """Check `objects` library and examples with code analyzers.""" os.system('pylint objects/ --rcfile=./.pylintrc') os.system('flake8 objects/') os.system('pep257 objects/') os.system('flake8 examples/') os.system('pep257 examples/') if __name__ == '__main__': manager.main()