.. _key-features: Key features ------------ .. meta:: :keywords: Python,DI,Dependency injection,IoC,Inversion of Control :description: This article describes key features of the Dependency Injector framework. Key features of the ``Dependency Injector``: - **Providers**. Provides ``Factory``, ``Singleton``, ``Callable``, ``Coroutine``, ``Object``, ``List``, ``Dict``, ``Configuration``, ``Resource``, ``Dependency``, and ``Selector`` providers that help assemble your objects. See :ref:`providers`. - **Overriding**. Can override any provider by another provider on the fly. This helps in testing and configuring dev/stage environment to replace API clients with stubs etc. See :ref:`provider-overriding`. - **Configuration**. Reads configuration from ``yaml``, ``ini``, and ``json`` files, ``pydantic`` settings, environment variables, and dictionaries. See :ref:`configuration-provider`. - **Resources**. Helps with initialization and configuring of logging, event loop, thread or process pool, etc. Can be used for per-function execution scope in tandem with wiring. See :ref:`resource-provider`. - **Containers**. Provides declarative and dynamic containers. See :ref:`containers`. - **Wiring**. Injects dependencies into functions and methods. Helps integrate with other frameworks: Django, Flask, Aiohttp, Sanic, FastAPI, etc. See :ref:`wiring`. - **Asynchronous**. Supports asynchronous injections. See :ref:`async-injections`. - **Typing**. Provides typing stubs, ``mypy``-friendly. See :ref:`provider-typing`. - **Performance**. Fast. Written in ``Cython``. - **Maturity**. Mature and production-ready. Well-tested, documented, and supported. The framework stands on the `PEP20 (The Zen of Python) `_ principle: .. code-block:: plain Explicit is better than implicit You need to specify how to assemble and where to inject the dependencies explicitly. The power of the framework is in its simplicity. ``Dependency Injector`` is a simple tool for the powerful concept. .. disqus::