mirror of https://github.com/pyodide/pyodide.git
246 lines
7.4 KiB
246 lines
7.4 KiB
PYODIDE_ROOT=$(abspath .)
include Makefile.envs
all: check \
build/pyodide.asm.js \
build/pyodide.js \
build/console.html \
build/distutils.tar \
build/packages.json \
build/pyodide_py.tar \
build/test.tar \
build/test.html \
build/module_test.html \
build/webworker.js \
build/webworker_dev.js \
echo -e "\nSUCCESS!"
$(CPYTHONLIB)/tzdata :
pip install tzdata --target=$(CPYTHONLIB)
build/pyodide_py.tar: $(wildcard src/py/pyodide/*.py) $(wildcard src/py/_pyodide/*.py)
cd src/py && tar --exclude '*__pycache__*' -cf ../../build/pyodide_py.tar pyodide _pyodide
build/pyodide.asm.js: \
src/core/docstring.o \
src/core/error_handling.o \
src/core/error_handling_cpp.o \
src/core/hiwire.o \
src/core/js2python.o \
src/core/jsproxy.o \
src/core/keyboard_interrupt.o \
src/core/main.o \
src/core/pyproxy.o \
src/core/python2js_buffer.o \
src/core/python2js.o \
$(wildcard src/py/lib/*.py) \
$(CPYTHONLIB)/tzdata \
date +"[%F %T] Building pyodide.asm.js..."
[ -d build ] || mkdir build
$(CXX) -o build/pyodide.asm.js $(filter %.o,$^) \
# Strip out C++ symbols which all start __Z.
# There are 4821 of these and they have VERY VERY long names.
# To show some stats on the symbols you can use the following:
# cat build/pyodide.asm.js | grep -ohE 'var _{0,5}.' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 20
sed -i -E 's/var __Z[^;]*;//g' build/pyodide.asm.js
sed -i '1i\
"use strict";\
let setImmediate = globalThis.setImmediate;\
let clearImmediate = globalThis.clearImmediate;\
let baseName, fpcGOT, dyncallGOT, fpVal, dcVal;\
' build/pyodide.asm.js
# Remove last 6 lines of pyodide.asm.js, see issue #2282
# Hopefully we will remove this after emscripten fixes it, upstream issue
# emscripten-core/emscripten#16518
# Sed nonsense from https://stackoverflow.com/a/13383331
sed -i -n -e :a -e '1,6!{P;N;D;};N;ba' build/pyodide.asm.js
echo "globalThis._createPyodideModule = _createPyodideModule;" >> build/pyodide.asm.js
date +"[%F %T] done building pyodide.asm.js."
node_modules/.installed : src/js/package.json src/js/package-lock.json
cd src/js && npm ci
ln -sfn src/js/node_modules/ node_modules
touch node_modules/.installed
build/pyodide.js: src/js/*.ts src/js/pyproxy.gen.ts src/js/error_handling.gen.ts node_modules/.installed
npx rollup -c src/js/rollup.config.js
src/js/error_handling.gen.ts : src/core/error_handling.ts
cp $< $@
src/js/pyproxy.gen.ts : src/core/pyproxy.* src/core/*.h
# We can't input pyproxy.js directly because CC will be unhappy about the file
# extension. Instead cat it and have CC read from stdin.
# -E : Only apply prepreocessor
# -C : Leave comments alone (this allows them to be preserved in typescript
# definition files, rollup will strip them out)
# -P : Don't put in macro debug info
# -imacros pyproxy.c : include all of the macros definitions from pyproxy.c
# First we use sed to delete the segments of the file between
# "// pyodide-skip" and "// end-pyodide-skip". This allows us to give
# typescript type declarations for the macros which we need for intellisense
# and documentation generation. The result of processing the type
# declarations with the macro processor is a type error, so we snip them
# out.
rm -f $@
echo "// This file is generated by applying the C preprocessor to core/pyproxy.ts" >> $@
echo "// It uses the macros defined in core/pyproxy.c" >> $@
echo "// Do not edit it directly!" >> $@
cat src/core/pyproxy.ts | \
sed '/^\/\/\s*pyodide-skip/,/^\/\/\s*end-pyodide-skip/d' | \
$(CC) -E -C -P -imacros src/core/pyproxy.c $(MAIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) - \
>> $@
build/test.html: src/templates/test.html
cp $< $@
build/module_test.html: src/templates/module_test.html
cp $< $@
.PHONY: build/console.html
build/console.html: src/templates/console.html
cp $< $@
sed -i -e 's#{{ PYODIDE_BASE_URL }}#$(PYODIDE_BASE_URL)#g' $@
.PHONY: docs/_build/html/console.html
docs/_build/html/console.html: src/templates/console.html
mkdir -p docs/_build/html
cp $< $@
sed -i -e 's#{{ PYODIDE_BASE_URL }}#$(PYODIDE_BASE_URL)#g' $@
.PHONY: build/webworker.js
build/webworker.js: src/templates/webworker.js
cp $< $@
sed -i -e 's#{{ PYODIDE_BASE_URL }}#$(PYODIDE_BASE_URL)#g' $@
.PHONY: build/module_webworker_dev.js
build/module_webworker_dev.js: src/templates/module_webworker.js
cp $< $@
sed -i -e 's#{{ PYODIDE_BASE_URL }}#./#g' $@
.PHONY: build/webworker_dev.js
build/webworker_dev.js: src/templates/webworker.js
cp $< $@
sed -i -e 's#{{ PYODIDE_BASE_URL }}#./#g' $@
update_base_url: \
build/console.html \
.PHONY: lint
pre-commit run -a --show-diff-on-failure
benchmark: all
$(HOSTPYTHON) benchmark/benchmark.py all --output build/benchmarks.json
$(HOSTPYTHON) benchmark/plot_benchmark.py build/benchmarks.json build/benchmarks.png
rm -fr build/*
rm -fr src/*/*.o
rm -fr node_modules
make -C packages clean
echo "The Emsdk, CPython are not cleaned. cd into those directories to do so."
clean-python: clean
make -C cpython clean
make -C emsdk clean
make -C cpython clean-all
src/core/error_handling_cpp.o: src/core/error_handling_cpp.cpp
$(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(MAIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -Isrc/core/
%.o: %.c $(CPYTHONLIB) $(wildcard src/core/*.h src/core/*.js)
$(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(MAIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -Isrc/core/
# Stdlib modules that we repackage as standalone packages
_testinternalcapi.so \
_testcapi.so \
_testbuffer.so \
_testimportmultiple.so \
_testmultiphase.so \
# TODO: also include test directories included in other stdlib modules
build/test.tar: $(CPYTHONLIB) node_modules/.installed
cd $(CPYTHONBUILD) && emcc $(TEST_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c Modules/_testinternalcapi.c -o Modules/_testinternalcapi.o \
-I Include/internal/ -DPy_BUILD_CORE_MODULE
cd $(CPYTHONBUILD) && emcc $(TEST_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c Modules/_testcapimodule.c -o Modules/_testcapi.o
cd $(CPYTHONBUILD) && emcc $(TEST_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c Modules/_testbuffer.c -o Modules/_testbuffer.o
cd $(CPYTHONBUILD) && emcc $(TEST_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c Modules/_testimportmultiple.c -o Modules/_testimportmultiple.o
cd $(CPYTHONBUILD) && emcc $(TEST_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c Modules/_testmultiphase.c -o Modules/_testmultiphase.o
cd $(CPYTHONBUILD) && emcc $(TEST_MODULE_CFLAGS) -c Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes_test.c -o Modules/_ctypes_test.o
for testname in $(TEST_EXTENSIONS); do \
emcc Modules/$${testname%.*}.o -o $$testname $(SIDE_MODULE_LDFLAGS) && \
ln -s $(CPYTHONBUILD)/$$testname $(CPYTHONLIB)/$$testname ; \
cd $(CPYTHONLIB) && tar -h --exclude=__pycache__ -cf $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/build/test.tar \
test $(TEST_EXTENSIONS) unittest/test sqlite3/test ctypes/test
build/distutils.tar: $(CPYTHONLIB) node_modules/.installed
cd $(CPYTHONLIB) && tar --exclude=__pycache__ -cf $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/build/distutils.tar distutils
$(CPYTHONLIB): emsdk/emsdk/.complete $(PYODIDE_EMCC) $(PYODIDE_CXX)
date +"[%F %T] Building cpython..."
date +"[%F %T] done building cpython..."
build/packages.json: FORCE
date +"[%F %T] Building packages..."
make -C packages
date +"[%F %T] done building packages..."
date +"[%F %T] Building emsdk..."
make -C emsdk
date +"[%F %T] done building emsdk."
debug :