# Installing packages from PyPI Pyodide has experimental support for installing pure Python wheels from PyPI. For use in Iodide: ``` %% py import micropip micropip.install('snowballstemmer') # Iodide implicitly waits for the promise to resolve when the packages have finished # installing... %% py import snowballstemmer stemmer = snowballstemmer.stemmer('english') stemmer.stemWords('go goes going gone'.split()) ``` For use outside of Iodide (just Python), you can use the `then` method on the `Promise` that `micropip.install` returns to do work once the packages have finished loading: ``` def do_work(*args): import snowballstemmer stemmer = snowballstemmer.stemmer('english') print(stemmer.stemWords('go goes going gone'.split())) import micropip micropip.install('snowballstemmer').then(do_work) ``` ## Complete example Adapting the setup from the section on ["using pyodide from javascript"](./using_pyodide_from_javascript.html) a complete example would be, ```html