from pathlib import Path import time import pytest def test_init(selenium_standalone): assert ('Python initialization complete' in selenium_standalone.logs.splitlines()) assert len(selenium_standalone.driver.window_handles) == 1 def test_webbrowser(selenium):"import antigravity") time.sleep(2) assert len(selenium.driver.window_handles) == 2 def test_print(selenium):"print('This should be logged')") assert 'This should be logged' in selenium.logs.splitlines() def test_python2js(selenium): assert selenium.run_js('return pyodide.runPython("None") === undefined') assert selenium.run_js('return pyodide.runPython("True") === true') assert selenium.run_js('return pyodide.runPython("False") === false') assert selenium.run_js('return pyodide.runPython("42") === 42') assert selenium.run_js('return pyodide.runPython("3.14") === 3.14') # Need to test all three internal string representations in Python: UCS1, # UCS2 and UCS4 assert selenium.run_js( 'return pyodide.runPython("\'ascii\'") === "ascii"') assert selenium.run_js( 'return pyodide.runPython("\'ιωδιούχο\'") === "ιωδιούχο"') assert selenium.run_js( 'return pyodide.runPython("\'碘化物\'") === "碘化物"') assert selenium.run_js( 'let x = pyodide.runPython("b\'bytes\'");\n' 'return (x instanceof window.Uint8ClampedArray) && ' '(x.length === 5) && ' '(x[0] === 98)') assert selenium.run_js( """ let x = pyodide.runPython("[1, 2, 3]"); return ((x instanceof window.Array) && (x.length === 3) && (x[0] == 1) && (x[1] == 2) && (x[2] == 3)) """) assert selenium.run_js( """ let x = pyodide.runPython("{42: 64}"); return (typeof x === "object") && (x[42] === 64) """) assert selenium.run_js( """ let x = pyodide.runPython("open('/foo.txt', 'wb')") return (x.tell() === 0) """) def test_python2js_long_ints(selenium): assert'2**30') == 2**30 assert'2**31') == 2**31 assert'2**30 - 1 + 2**30') == (2**30 - 1 + 2**30) assert'2**32 / 2**4') == (2**32 / 2**4) assert'-2**30') == -2**30 assert'-2**31') == -2**31 def test_python2js_numpy_dtype(selenium_standalone): selenium = selenium_standalone selenium.load_package('numpy')"import numpy as np") expected_result = [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 7]]] def assert_equal(): # We have to do this an element at a time, since the Selenium driver # for Firefox does not convert TypedArrays to Python correctly for i in range(2): for j in range(2): for k in range(2): assert selenium.run_js( f"return pyodide.pyimport('x')[{i}][{j}][{k}]" ) == expected_result[i][j][k] for order in ('C', 'F'): for dtype in ( 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64', 'float32', 'float64' ): f""" x = np.arange(8, dtype=np.{dtype}) x = x.reshape((2, 2, 2)) x = x.copy({order!r}) """ ) assert_equal() classname = selenium.run_js( "return pyodide.pyimport('x')[0][0]" ) if order == 'C' and dtype not in ('uint64', 'int64'): # Here we expect a TypedArray subclass, such as Uint8Array, but # not a plain-old Array assert classname.endswith('Array') assert classname != 'Array' else: assert classname == 'Array' """ x = x.byteswap().newbyteorder() """ ) assert_equal() classname = selenium.run_js( "return pyodide.pyimport('x')[0][0]" ) if order == 'C' and dtype in ('int8', 'uint8'): # Here we expect a TypedArray subclass, such as Uint8Array, but # not a plain-old Array -- but only for single byte types where # endianness doesn't matter assert classname.endswith('Array') assert classname != 'Array' else: assert classname == 'Array' assert"np.array([True, False])") == [True, False] "x = np.array([['string1', 'string2'], ['string3', 'string4']])" ) assert selenium.run_js("return pyodide.pyimport('x').length") == 2 assert selenium.run_js("return pyodide.pyimport('x')[0][0]") == 'string1' assert selenium.run_js("return pyodide.pyimport('x')[1][1]") == 'string4' def test_pythonexc2js(selenium): try: selenium.run_js('return pyodide.runPython("5 / 0")') except selenium.JavascriptException as e: assert 'ZeroDivisionError' in str(e) else: assert False, 'Expected exception' def test_js2python(selenium): selenium.run_js( """ window.jsstring = "碘化物"; window.jsnumber0 = 42; window.jsnumber1 = 42.5; window.jsundefined = undefined; window.jsnull = null; window.jstrue = true; window.jsfalse = false; window.jspython = pyodide.pyimport("open"); window.jsbytes = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]); window.jsfloats = new Float32Array([1, 2, 3]); window.jsobject = new XMLHttpRequest(); """ ) assert 'from js import jsstring\n' 'jsstring == "碘化物"') assert 'from js import jsnumber0\n' 'jsnumber0 == 42') assert 'from js import jsnumber1\n' 'jsnumber1 == 42.5') assert 'from js import jsundefined\n' 'jsundefined is None') assert 'from js import jstrue\n' 'jstrue is True') assert 'from js import jsfalse\n' 'jsfalse is False') assert 'from js import jspython\n' 'jspython is open') assert """ from js import jsbytes ((jsbytes.tolist() == [1, 2, 3]) and (jsbytes.tobytes() == b"\x01\x02\x03")) """) assert """ from js import jsfloats import struct expected = struct.pack("fff", 1, 2, 3) (jsfloats.tolist() == [1, 2, 3]) and (jsfloats.tobytes() == expected) """) assert 'from js import jsobject\n' 'str(jsobject) == "[object XMLHttpRequest]"') @pytest.mark.parametrize('wasm_heap', (False, True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'jstype, pytype', ( ('Int8Array', 'b'), ('Uint8Array', 'B'), ('Uint8ClampedArray', 'B'), ('Int16Array', 'h'), ('Uint16Array', 'H'), ('Int32Array', 'i'), ('Uint32Array', 'I'), ('Float32Array', 'f'), ('Float64Array', 'd'))) def test_typed_arrays(selenium, wasm_heap, jstype, pytype): if not wasm_heap: selenium.run_js( f'window.array = new {jstype}([1, 2, 3, 4]);\n') else: selenium.run_js( f""" var buffer = pyodide._module._malloc( 4 * {jstype}.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); window.array = new {jstype}( pyodide._module.HEAPU8.buffer, buffer, 4); window.array[0] = 1; window.array[1] = 2; window.array[2] = 3; window.array[3] = 4; """) assert f""" from js import array import struct expected = struct.pack("{pytype*4}", 1, 2, 3, 4) print(array.format, array.tolist(), array.tobytes()) ((array.format == "{pytype}") and array.tolist() == [1, 2, 3, 4] and array.tobytes() == expected and array.obj._has_bytes() is {not wasm_heap}) """) def test_import_js(selenium): result = """ from js import window window.title = 'Foo' window.title """) assert result == 'Foo' def test_pyimport_multiple(selenium): """See #1151""""v = 0.123") selenium.run_js("pyodide.pyimport('v')") selenium.run_js("pyodide.pyimport('v')") def test_pyproxy(selenium): """ class Foo: bar = 42 def get_value(self, value): return value * 64 f = Foo() """ ) assert selenium.run_js("return pyodide.pyimport('f').get_value(2)") == 128 assert selenium.run_js("return pyodide.pyimport('f').bar") == 42 assert selenium.run_js("return ('bar' in pyodide.pyimport('f'))") selenium.run_js("f = pyodide.pyimport('f'); f.baz = 32") assert"f.baz") == 32 assert set(selenium.run_js( "return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(pyodide.pyimport('f'))")) == set( ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'bar', 'baz', 'get_value', 'toString', 'prototype', 'arguments', 'caller']) assert"hasattr(f, 'baz')") selenium.run_js("delete pyodide.pyimport('f').baz") assert not"hasattr(f, 'baz')") assert selenium.run_js( "return pyodide.pyimport('f').toString()").startswith(' { return a / b; }; """ ) assert """ from js import kwarg_function kwarg_function(b = 2, a = 10) """ ) == 5 def test_open_url(selenium): assert """ import pyodide pyodide.open_url('test/data.txt').read() """) == 'HELLO\n' def test_open_url_cgi(selenium): assert """ import pyodide pyodide.open_url('test/data.cgi').read() """) == 'HELLO\n' def test_cpython_core(python_test, selenium, request): name, error_flags = python_test # keep only flags related to the current browser flags_to_remove = ['firefox', 'chrome'] flags_to_remove.remove(selenium.browser) for flag in flags_to_remove: if 'crash-' + flag in error_flags: error_flags.remove('crash-' + flag) if any(flag.startswith('segfault') for flag in error_flags): pytest.skip('known segfault with code: "{}"' .format(','.join(error_flags))) if error_flags: if request.config.option.run_xfail: request.applymarker(pytest.mark.xfail( run=False, reason='known failure with code "{}"' .format(','.join(error_flags)))) else: pytest.xfail('known failure with code "{}"' .format(','.join(error_flags))) selenium.load_package('test') try: """ from test.libregrtest import main try: main(['{}'], verbose=True, verbose3=True) except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Failed with code: {{e.code}}') """.format(name)) except selenium.JavascriptException: print(selenium.logs) raise def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): if 'python_test' in metafunc.fixturenames: test_modules = [] test_modules_ids = [] with open( Path(__file__).parent / "python_tests.txt") as fp: for line in fp: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or not line: continue error_flags = line.split() name = error_flags.pop(0) test_modules.append((name, error_flags)) # explicitly define test ids to keep # a human readable test name in pytest test_modules_ids.append(name) metafunc.parametrize("python_test", test_modules, ids=test_modules_ids) def test_load_package_after_convert_string(selenium): """ See #93. """ "import sys\n" "x = sys.version") selenium.run_js( "var x = pyodide.pyimport('x')\n" "console.log(x)") selenium.load_package('kiwisolver') "import kiwisolver") def test_version_info(selenium): from distutils.version import LooseVersion version_py_str =""" import pyodide pyodide.__version__ """) version_py = LooseVersion(version_py_str) assert version_py > LooseVersion('0.0.1') version_js_str = selenium.run_js("return pyodide.version()") version_js = LooseVersion(version_js_str) assert version_py == version_js def test_recursive_list(selenium_standalone): """ x = [] x.append(x) """ ) selenium_standalone.run_js("x = pyodide.pyimport('x')") def test_recursive_dict(selenium_standalone): """ x = {} x[0] = x """ ) selenium_standalone.run_js("x = pyodide.pyimport('x')") def test_runpythonasync(selenium_standalone): selenium_standalone.run_async( """ import numpy as np x = np.zeros(5) """ ) for i in range(5): assert selenium_standalone.run_js( f"return pyodide.pyimport('x')[{i}] == 0" ) def test_runpythonasync_different_package_name(selenium_standalone): output = selenium_standalone.run_async( """ import dateutil dateutil.__version__ """ ) assert isinstance(output, str) def test_runpythonasync_no_imports(selenium_standalone): output = selenium_standalone.run_async( """ 42 """ ) assert output == 42 def test_runpythonasync_missing_import(selenium_standalone): try: selenium_standalone.run_async( """ import foo """ ) except selenium_standalone.JavascriptException as e: assert "ModuleNotFoundError" in str(e) else: assert False def test_runpythonasync_exception(selenium_standalone): try: selenium_standalone.run_async( """ 42 / 0 """ ) except selenium_standalone.JavascriptException as e: assert "ZeroDivisionError" in str(e) else: assert False def test_runpythonasync_exception_after_import(selenium_standalone): try: selenium_standalone.run_async( """ import numpy as np x = np.empty(5) 42 / 0 """ ) except selenium_standalone.JavascriptException as e: assert "ZeroDivisionError" in str(e) else: assert False def test_py(selenium_standalone): """ def func(): return 42 """ ) assert selenium_standalone.run_js('return pyodide.globals.func()') == 42