package: name: astropy version: 5.0.1 source: url: sha256: 6382cde6a205aa0b16a0d5e61c0c0131ebd4f0174d6c73e2964f4bee132a9027 patches: - patches/0001-Move-ssl-import-into-functions-to-avoid-import-error.patch - patches/0002-Move-concurrent.futures-import-into-function-to-avoi.patch build: script: | pip install extension-helpers # The test module is imported from the top level `` # so it cannot be unvendored unvendor-tests: false requirements: run: - distutils - packaging - numpy - pyerfa - pyyaml test: imports: - astropy - astropy.config - astropy.constants - astropy.convolution - astropy.coordinates - astropy.cosmology - astropy.extern - - astropy.modeling - astropy.nddata - astropy.samp - astropy.stats - astropy.table - astropy.time - astropy.timeseries - astropy.uncertainty - astropy.units - astropy.utils - astropy.visualization - astropy.wcs