#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Builds a Pyodide package. """ import argparse import cgi import hashlib import os from pathlib import Path import shutil import subprocess import sys from urllib import request from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Dict from . import common from .io import parse_package_config def check_checksum(path: Path, pkg: Dict[str, Any]): """ Checks that a tarball matches the checksum in the package metadata. """ checksum_keys = {"md5", "sha256"}.intersection(pkg["source"]) if not checksum_keys: return elif len(checksum_keys) != 1: raise ValueError( "Only one checksum should be included in a package " "setup; found {}.".format(checksum_keys) ) checksum_algorithm = checksum_keys.pop() checksum = pkg["source"][checksum_algorithm] CHUNK_SIZE = 1 << 16 h = getattr(hashlib, checksum_algorithm)() with open(path, "rb") as fd: while True: chunk = fd.read(CHUNK_SIZE) h.update(chunk) if len(chunk) < CHUNK_SIZE: break if h.hexdigest() != checksum: raise ValueError("Invalid {} checksum".format(checksum_algorithm)) def download_and_extract( buildpath: Path, packagedir: Path, pkg: Dict[str, Any], args ) -> Path: srcpath = buildpath / packagedir if "source" not in pkg: return srcpath if "url" in pkg["source"]: response = request.urlopen(pkg["source"]["url"]) _, parameters = cgi.parse_header( response.headers.get("Content-Disposition", "") ) if "filename" in parameters: tarballname = parameters["filename"] else: tarballname = Path(response.geturl()).name tarballpath = buildpath / tarballname if not tarballpath.is_file(): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tarballpath), exist_ok=True) with open(tarballpath, "wb") as f: f.write(response.read()) check_checksum(tarballpath, pkg) except Exception: tarballpath.unlink() raise if not srcpath.is_dir(): shutil.unpack_archive(str(tarballpath), str(buildpath)) for extension in [ ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar", ".tar.bz2", ".tbz2", ".tar.xz", ".txz", ".zip", ]: if tarballname.endswith(extension): tarballname = tarballname[: -len(extension)] break return buildpath / pkg["source"].get("extract_dir", tarballname) elif "path" in pkg["source"]: srcdir = Path(pkg["source"]["path"]) if not srcdir.is_dir(): raise ValueError("'path' must point to a path") if not srcpath.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(srcdir, srcpath) return srcpath else: raise ValueError("Incorrect source provided") def patch(path: Path, srcpath: Path, pkg: Dict[str, Any], args): if (srcpath / ".patched").is_file(): return # Apply all of the patches orig_dir = Path.cwd() pkgdir = path.parent.resolve() os.chdir(srcpath) try: for patch in pkg.get("source", {}).get("patches", []): subprocess.run( ["patch", "-p1", "--binary", "-i", pkgdir / patch], check=True ) finally: os.chdir(orig_dir) # Add any extra files for src, dst in pkg.get("source", {}).get("extras", []): shutil.copyfile(pkgdir / src, srcpath / dst) with open(srcpath / ".patched", "wb") as fd: fd.write(b"\n") def compile(path: Path, srcpath: Path, pkg: Dict[str, Any], args): if (srcpath / ".built").is_file(): return orig_dir = Path.cwd() os.chdir(srcpath) env = dict(os.environ) if pkg.get("build", {}).get("skip_host", True): env["SKIP_HOST"] = "" try: subprocess.run( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pyodide_build", "pywasmcross", "--cflags", args.cflags + " " + pkg.get("build", {}).get("cflags", ""), "--cxxflags", args.cxxflags + " " + pkg.get("build", {}).get("cxxflags", ""), "--ldflags", args.ldflags + " " + pkg.get("build", {}).get("ldflags", ""), "--target", args.target, "--install-dir", args.install_dir, "--replace-libs", ";".join(pkg.get("build", {}).get("replace-libs", [])), ], env=env, check=True, ) finally: os.chdir(orig_dir) post = pkg.get("build", {}).get("post") if post is not None: site_packages_dir = srcpath / "install" / "lib" / "python3.8" / "site-packages" pkgdir = path.parent.resolve() env = {"SITEPACKAGES": str(site_packages_dir), "PKGDIR": str(pkgdir)} subprocess.run(["bash", "-ce", post], env=env, check=True) with open(srcpath / ".built", "wb") as fd: fd.write(b"\n") def package_files(buildpath: Path, srcpath: Path, pkg: Dict[str, Any], args): if (buildpath / ".packaged").is_file(): return name = pkg["package"]["name"] install_prefix = (srcpath / "install").resolve() subprocess.run( [ "python", common.file_packager_path(), name + ".data", "--lz4", "--preload", "{}@/".format(install_prefix), "--js-output={}".format(name + ".js"), "--export-name=pyodide._module", "--exclude", "*.wasm.pre", "--exclude", "*__pycache__*", "--use-preload-plugins", ], cwd=buildpath, check=True, ) subprocess.run( ["uglifyjs", buildpath / (name + ".js"), "-o", buildpath / (name + ".js")], check=True, ) with open(buildpath / ".packaged", "wb") as fd: fd.write(b"\n") def run_script(buildpath: Path, srcpath: Path, pkg: Dict[str, Any]): if pkg.get("build", {}).get("library"): # in libraries this writes the packaged flag # We don't really do packaging, but needs_rebuild checks .packaged to # determine if it needs to rebuild if (buildpath / ".packaged").is_file(): return orig_path = Path.cwd() os.chdir(srcpath) try: subprocess.run(["bash", "-ce", pkg["build"]["script"]], check=True) finally: os.chdir(orig_path) # If library, we're done so create .packaged file if pkg["build"].get("library"): with open(buildpath / ".packaged", "wb") as fd: fd.write(b"\n") def needs_rebuild(pkg: Dict[str, Any], path: Path, buildpath: Path) -> bool: """ Determines if a package needs a rebuild because its meta.yaml, patches, or sources are newer than the `.packaged` thunk. """ packaged_token = buildpath / ".packaged" if not packaged_token.is_file(): return True package_time = packaged_token.stat().st_mtime def source_files(): yield path yield from pkg.get("source", {}).get("patches", []) yield from (x[0] for x in pkg.get("source", {}).get("extras", [])) for source_file in source_files(): source_file = Path(source_file) if source_file.stat().st_mtime > package_time: return True return False def build_package(path: Path, args): pkg = parse_package_config(path) name = pkg["package"]["name"] t0 = datetime.now() print("[{}] Building package {}...".format(t0.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), name)) packagedir = name + "-" + pkg["package"]["version"] dirpath = path.parent orig_path = Path.cwd() os.chdir(dirpath) buildpath = dirpath / "build" try: if not needs_rebuild(pkg, path, buildpath): return if "source" in pkg: if buildpath.resolve().is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(buildpath) os.makedirs(buildpath) srcpath = download_and_extract(buildpath, packagedir, pkg, args) patch(path, srcpath, pkg, args) if pkg.get("build", {}).get("script"): run_script(buildpath, srcpath, pkg) if not pkg.get("build", {}).get("library", False): compile(path, srcpath, pkg, args) package_files(buildpath, srcpath, pkg, args) finally: os.chdir(orig_path) t1 = datetime.now() print( "[{}] done building package {} in {:.1f} s.".format( t1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), name, (t1 - t0).total_seconds() ) ) def make_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): parser.description = "Build a pyodide package." parser.add_argument( "package", type=str, nargs=1, help="Path to meta.yaml package description" ) parser.add_argument( "--cflags", type=str, nargs="?", default=common.DEFAULTCFLAGS, help="Extra compiling flags", ) parser.add_argument( "--cxxflags", type=str, nargs="?", default=common.DEFAULTCXXFLAGS, help="Extra C++ specifc compiling flags", ) parser.add_argument( "--ldflags", type=str, nargs="?", default=common.DEFAULTLDFLAGS, help="Extra linking flags", ) parser.add_argument( "--target", type=str, nargs="?", default=common.TARGETPYTHON, help="The path to the target Python installation", ) parser.add_argument( "--install-dir", type=str, nargs="?", default="", help=( "Directory for installing built host packages. Defaults to setup.py " "default. Set to 'skip' to skip installation. Installation is " "needed if you want to build other packages that depend on this one." ), ) return parser def main(args): path = Path(args.package[0]).resolve() build_package(path, args) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = make_parser(argparse.ArgumentParser()) args = parser.parse_args() main(args)