package: name: scipy version: 1.7.3 # See extra explanation in # # For future reference: if you see the following errors: # Declaration error: adjustable dimension on non-argument # or: # nonconstant array size # you are trying to compile code that isn't written to the fortran 77 standard. # The line number in the error points to the last line of the problematic # subroutine. Try deleting it. source: url: sha256: ab5875facfdef77e0a47d5fd39ea178b58e60e454a4c85aa1e52fcb80db7babf patches: - patches/add-lapack_extras-to-flapack.patch - patches/convert-xerrwv-message-arg-from-int-to-str.patch - patches/disable-blas-detection.patch - patches/fix-fortran-files-minpack.patch - patches/gemm_-no-const.patch - patches/make-int-return-values.patch - patches/remove-cuncsd-dorcsd-sorcsd-zuncsd.patch - patches/remove-mvnun-not-fortran-77-compliant.patch - patches/sasum-returns-double-not-float.patch - patches/skip-fortran-fails-to-link.patch - patches/rename-_page_trend_test.patch - patches/USE_CPP14-branch-doesn-t-work-for-wasm.patch - patches/0001-Fix-getbreak-dlamch.patch - patches/0001-Fix-dstevr-in-special-lapack_defs.h.patch - patches/0001-loadDynamicLibrary-flapack.patch build: cflags: | -I$(PYODIDE_ROOT)/packages/CLAPACK/build/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE -I$(HOSTSITEPACKAGES)/pythran/ -Wno-return-type -DUNDERSCORE_G77 ldflags: | -L$(NUMPY_LIB) # IMPORTANT: Other locations important in scipy build process: # There are two files built in the "capture" pass that need patching: # _blas_subroutines.h, and _cython # Scipy has a bunch of custom logic implemented in # pyodide-build/pyodide_build/ script: | pip install -t $HOSTSITEPACKAGES pythran scipy==$PKG_VERSION # We get linker errors because the following 36 functions are missing # Copying them from a more recent LAPACK seems to work fine. wget tar xzf v3.10.0.tar.gz cd lapack-3.10.0/SRC cat \ cgemqrt.f cgeqrfp.f cgeqrt.f clahqr.f csyconv.f csyconvf.f csyconvf_rook.f ctpmqrt.f ctpqrt.f \ dgemqrt.f dgeqrfp.f dgeqrt.f dlahqr.f dsyconv.f dsyconvf.f dsyconvf_rook.f dtpmqrt.f dtpqrt.f \ sgemqrt.f sgeqrfp.f sgeqrt.f slahqr.f ssyconv.f ssyconvf.f ssyconvf_rook.f stpmqrt.f stpqrt.f \ zgemqrt.f zgeqrfp.f zgeqrt.f zlahqr.f zsyconv.f zsyconvf.f zsyconvf_rook.f ztpmqrt.f ztpqrt.f \ >> ../../scipy/linalg/lapack_extras.f sed -i 's/CHARACTER/INTEGER/g' ../../scipy/linalg/lapack_extras.f cd ../.. # The additional four functions cuncsd, dorcsd, sorcsd, and zuncsd are also # missing but they use features of Fortran that aren't Fortran 77 compatible # so f2c can't handle them. We stub them with C definitions that do nothing. # These stubs come from f2cpatches/wrap_dummy_g77_abi.patch # Change many functions that return void into functions that return int find scipy -name "*.c*" | xargs sed -i 's/extern void F_FUNC/extern int F_FUNC/g' sed -i 's/void F_FUNC/int F_FUNC/g' scipy/odr/__odrpack.c sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/odr/odrpack.h sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/odr/__odrpack.c sed -i 's/void BLAS_FUNC/int BLAS_FUNC/g' scipy/special/lapack_defs.h # sed -i 's/void F_FUNC/int F_FUNC/g' scipy/linalg/_lapack_subroutines.h sed -i 's/extern void/extern int/g' scipy/optimize/__minpack.h sed -i 's/void/int/g' scipy/linalg/cython_blas_signatures.txt sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/interpolate/src/_fitpackmodule.c sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/optimize/_trlib/trlib_private.h sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/optimize/_trlib/trlib/trlib_private.h sed -i 's/, int)/)/g' scipy/optimize/_trlib/trlib_private.h sed -i 's/, 1)/)/g' scipy/optimize/_trlib/trlib_private.h sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/spatial/qhull_misc.h sed -i 's/, size_t)/)/g' scipy/spatial/qhull_misc.h sed -i 's/,1)/)/g' scipy/spatial/qhull_misc.h # Missing declaration from cython_lapack_signatures.txt echo "void ilaenv(int *ispec, char *name, char *opts, int *n1, int *n2, int *n3, int *n4)" \ >> scipy/linalg/cython_lapack_signatures.txt # sed -i 's/^void/int/g' scipy/linalg/cython_lapack_signatures.txt # Input error causes "duplicate symbol" linker errors. Empty out the file. echo "" > scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/SuperLU/SRC/input_error.c requirements: run: - numpy - CLAPACK test: imports: - scipy - scipy.cluster - scipy.cluster.vq - scipy.cluster.hierarchy - scipy.constants - scipy.fft - scipy.fftpack - scipy.integrate - scipy.interpolate - - - - - scipy.linalg - scipy.linalg.blas - scipy.linalg.cython_blas - scipy.linalg.lapack - scipy.linalg.cython_lapack - scipy.linalg.interpolative - scipy.misc - scipy.ndimage - scipy.odr - scipy.optimize - scipy.signal - - scipy.sparse - scipy.sparse.linalg - scipy.sparse.csgraph - scipy.spatial - scipy.spatial.distance - scipy.spatial.transform - scipy.special - scipy.stats - scipy.stats.contingency - scipy.stats.distributions - scipy.stats.mstats - scipy.stats.qmc