""" Various common utilities for testing. """ import contextlib import multiprocessing import textwrap import tempfile import time import os import pathlib import queue import sys import shutil import pytest ROOT_PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0].resolve() TEST_PATH = ROOT_PATH / "src" / "tests" BUILD_PATH = ROOT_PATH / "build" sys.path.append(str(ROOT_PATH)) from pyodide_build._fixes import _selenium_is_connectable # noqa: E402 from pyodide_build.testing import set_webdriver_script_timeout, parse_driver_timeout def _monkeypatch_selenium(): try: import selenium.webdriver.common.utils # noqa: E402 # XXX: Temporary fix for ConnectionError in selenium selenium.webdriver.common.utils.is_connectable = _selenium_is_connectable except ModuleNotFoundError: pass _monkeypatch_selenium() def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("general") group.addoption( "--build-dir", action="store", default=BUILD_PATH, help="Path to the build directory", ) group.addoption( "--run-xfail", action="store_true", help="If provided, tests marked as xfail will be run", ) def pytest_configure(config): """Monkey patch the function cwd_relative_nodeid returns the description of a test for the short summary table. Monkey patch it to reduce the verbosity of the test names in the table. This leaves enough room to see the information about the test failure in the summary. """ old_cwd_relative_nodeid = config.cwd_relative_nodeid def cwd_relative_nodeid(*args): result = old_cwd_relative_nodeid(*args) result = result.replace("src/tests/", "") result = result.replace("packages/", "") result = result.replace("::test_", "::") return result config.cwd_relative_nodeid = cwd_relative_nodeid class JavascriptException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, stack): self.msg = msg self.stack = stack # In chrome the stack contains the message if self.stack and self.stack.startswith(self.msg): self.msg = "" def __str__(self): return "\n\n".join(x for x in [self.msg, self.stack] if x) class SeleniumWrapper: JavascriptException = JavascriptException def __init__( self, server_port, server_hostname="", server_log=None, build_dir=None, load_pyodide=True, script_timeout=20, ): if build_dir is None: build_dir = BUILD_PATH self.driver = self.get_driver() self.server_port = server_port self.server_hostname = server_hostname self.server_log = server_log if not (pathlib.Path(build_dir) / "test.html").exists(): # selenium does not expose HTTP response codes raise ValueError( f"{(build_dir / 'test.html').resolve()} " f"does not exist!" ) self.driver.get(f"http://{server_hostname}:{server_port}/test.html") self.run_js("Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;", pyodide_checks=False) if load_pyodide: self.run_js("await loadPyodide({ indexURL : './'});") self.save_state() self.script_timeout = script_timeout self.driver.set_script_timeout(script_timeout) @property def logs(self): logs = self.driver.execute_script("return window.logs;") if logs is not None: return "\n".join(str(x) for x in logs) else: return "" def clean_logs(self): self.driver.execute_script("window.logs = []") def run(self, code): return self.run_js( f""" let result = pyodide.runPython({code!r}); if(result && result.toJs){{ let converted_result = result.toJs(); if(pyodide._module.PyProxy.isPyProxy(converted_result)){{ converted_result = undefined; }} result.destroy(); return converted_result; }} return result; """ ) def run_async(self, code): return self.run_js( f""" let result = await pyodide.runPythonAsync({code!r}); if(result && result.toJs){{ let converted_result = result.toJs(); if(pyodide._module.PyProxy.isPyProxy(converted_result)){{ converted_result = undefined; }} result.destroy(); return converted_result; }} return result; """ ) def run_js(self, code, pyodide_checks=True): """Run JavaScript code and check for pyodide errors""" if isinstance(code, str) and code.startswith("\n"): # we have a multiline string, fix indentation code = textwrap.dedent(code) if pyodide_checks: check_code = """ if(globalThis.pyodide && pyodide._module && pyodide._module._PyErr_Occurred()){ try { pyodide._module._pythonexc2js(); } catch(e){ console.error(`Python exited with error flag set! Error was:\n{e.message}`); // Don't put original error message in new one: we want // "pytest.raises(xxx, match=msg)" to fail throw new Error(`Python exited with error flag set!`); } } """ else: check_code = "" wrapper = """ let cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; let run = async () => { %s } (async () => { try { let result = await run(); %s cb([0, result]); } catch (e) { cb([1, e.toString(), e.stack]); } })() """ retval = self.driver.execute_async_script(wrapper % (code, check_code)) if retval[0] == 0: return retval[1] else: raise JavascriptException(retval[1], retval[2]) def get_num_hiwire_keys(self): return self.run_js("return pyodide._module.hiwire.num_keys();") def save_state(self): self.run_js("self.__savedState = pyodide._module.saveState();") def restore_state(self): self.run_js("pyodide._module.restoreState(self.__savedState)") def run_webworker(self, code): if isinstance(code, str) and code.startswith("\n"): # we have a multiline string, fix indentation code = textwrap.dedent(code) return self.run_js( """ let worker = new Worker( '{}' ); let res = new Promise((res, rej) => {{ worker.onerror = e => rej(e); worker.onmessage = e => {{ if (e.data.results) {{ res(e.data.results); }} else {{ rej(e.data.error); }} }}; worker.postMessage({{ python: {!r} }}); }}); return await res """.format( f"http://{self.server_hostname}:{self.server_port}/webworker_dev.js", code, ), pyodide_checks=False, ) def load_package(self, packages): self.run_js("await pyodide.loadPackage({!r})".format(packages)) @property def urls(self): for handle in self.driver.window_handles: self.driver.switch_to.window(handle) yield self.driver.current_url class FirefoxWrapper(SeleniumWrapper): browser = "firefox" def get_driver(self): from selenium.webdriver import Firefox from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options options = Options() options.add_argument("-headless") return Firefox(executable_path="geckodriver", options=options) class ChromeWrapper(SeleniumWrapper): browser = "chrome" def get_driver(self): from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options options = Options() options.add_argument("--headless") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") return Chrome(options=options) @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_call(item): """We want to run extra verification at the start and end of each test to check that we haven't leaked memory. According to pytest issue #5044, it's not possible to "Fail" a test from a fixture (no matter what you do, pytest sets the test status to "Error"). The approach suggested there is hook pytest_runtest_call as we do here. To get access to the selenium fixture, we immitate the definition of pytest_pyfunc_call: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/blob/6.2.2/src/_pytest/python.py#L177 Pytest issue #5044: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/5044 """ selenium = None if "selenium" in item._fixtureinfo.argnames: selenium = item.funcargs["selenium"] if "selenium_standalone" in item._fixtureinfo.argnames: selenium = item.funcargs["selenium_standalone"] if selenium and pytest.mark.skip_refcount_check.mark not in item.own_markers: yield from test_wrapper_check_for_memory_leaks(selenium) else: yield def test_wrapper_check_for_memory_leaks(selenium): init_num_keys = selenium.get_num_hiwire_keys() a = yield selenium.restore_state() # if there was an error in the body of the test, flush it out by calling # get_result (we don't want to override the error message by raising a # different error here.) a.get_result() delta_keys = selenium.get_num_hiwire_keys() - init_num_keys assert delta_keys == 0 @contextlib.contextmanager def selenium_common(request, web_server_main, load_pyodide=True): server_hostname, server_port, server_log = web_server_main if request.param == "firefox": cls = FirefoxWrapper elif request.param == "chrome": cls = ChromeWrapper else: assert False selenium = cls( build_dir=request.config.option.build_dir, server_port=server_port, server_hostname=server_hostname, server_log=server_log, load_pyodide=load_pyodide, ) try: yield selenium finally: selenium.driver.quit() @pytest.fixture(params=["firefox", "chrome"], scope="function") def selenium_standalone(request, web_server_main): with selenium_common(request, web_server_main) as selenium: with set_webdriver_script_timeout( selenium, script_timeout=parse_driver_timeout(request) ): try: yield selenium finally: print(selenium.logs) @pytest.fixture(params=["firefox", "chrome"], scope="function") def selenium_webworker_standalone(request, web_server_main): with selenium_common(request, web_server_main, load_pyodide=False) as selenium: with set_webdriver_script_timeout( selenium, script_timeout=parse_driver_timeout(request) ): try: yield selenium finally: print(selenium.logs) # selenium instance cached at the module level @pytest.fixture(params=["firefox", "chrome"], scope="module") def selenium_module_scope(request, web_server_main): with selenium_common(request, web_server_main) as selenium: yield selenium # Hypothesis is unhappy with function scope fixtures. Instead, use the # module scope fixture `selenium_module_scope` and use: # `with selenium_context_manager(selenium_module_scope) as selenium` @contextlib.contextmanager def selenium_context_manager(selenium_module_scope): try: selenium_module_scope.clean_logs() yield selenium_module_scope finally: print(selenium_module_scope.logs) @pytest.fixture def selenium(request, selenium_module_scope): with selenium_context_manager(selenium_module_scope) as selenium: with set_webdriver_script_timeout( selenium, script_timeout=parse_driver_timeout(request) ): yield selenium @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def web_server_main(request): """Web server that serves files in the build/ directory""" with spawn_web_server(request.config.option.build_dir) as output: yield output @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def web_server_secondary(request): """Secondary web server that serves files build/ directory""" with spawn_web_server(request.config.option.build_dir) as output: yield output @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def web_server_tst_data(request): """Web server that serves files in the src/tests/data/ directory""" with spawn_web_server(TEST_PATH / "data") as output: yield output @contextlib.contextmanager def spawn_web_server(build_dir=None): if build_dir is None: build_dir = BUILD_PATH tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() log_path = pathlib.Path(tmp_dir) / "http-server.log" q = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_web_server, args=(q, log_path, build_dir)) try: p.start() port = q.get() hostname = "" print( f"Spawning webserver at http://{hostname}:{port} " f"(see logs in {log_path})" ) yield hostname, port, log_path finally: q.put("TERMINATE") p.join() shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) def run_web_server(q, log_filepath, build_dir): """Start the HTTP web server Parameters ---------- q : Queue communication queue log_path : pathlib.Path path to the file where to store the logs """ import http.server import socketserver os.chdir(build_dir) log_fh = log_filepath.open("w", buffering=1) sys.stdout = log_fh sys.stderr = log_fh class Handler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def log_message(self, format_, *args): print( "[%s] source: %s:%s - %s" % (self.log_date_time_string(), *self.client_address, format_ % args) ) def end_headers(self): # Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") super().end_headers() with socketserver.TCPServer(("", 0), Handler) as httpd: host, port = httpd.server_address print(f"Starting webserver at http://{host}:{port}") httpd.server_name = "test-server" httpd.server_port = port q.put(port) def service_actions(): try: if q.get(False) == "TERMINATE": print("Stopping server...") sys.exit(0) except queue.Empty: pass httpd.service_actions = service_actions httpd.serve_forever() if ( __name__ == "__main__" and multiprocessing.current_process().name == "MainProcess" and not hasattr(sys, "_pytest_session") ): with spawn_web_server(): # run forever while True: time.sleep(1)