""" Various common utilities for testing. """ import contextlib import os import pathlib import re import sys from collections.abc import Sequence import pytest ROOT_PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0].resolve() DIST_PATH = ROOT_PATH / "dist" sys.path.append(str(ROOT_PATH / "src" / "py")) # importing this fixture has a side effect of making the safari webdriver reused during the session from pytest_pyodide import get_global_config from pytest_pyodide.runner import use_global_safari_service # noqa: F401 from pytest_pyodide.utils import package_is_built as _package_is_built os.environ["IN_PYTEST"] = "1" def set_configs(): pytest_pyodide_config = get_global_config() pytest_pyodide_config.set_flags( "chrome", pytest_pyodide_config.get_flags("chrome") + [ # Note: in Chrome > 128 (or so?) WebAssemblyExperimentalJSPI no # longer implies type reflection. If we passed # `--enable-experimental-webassembly-features` # here it would enable type reflection. We'd like to make sure that # everything works in the configuration where JSPI exists but type # reflection does not, so we don't pass it. "--enable-features=WebAssemblyExperimentalJSPI", ], ) pytest_pyodide_config.set_flags( "node", pytest_pyodide_config.get_flags("node") + ["--experimental-wasm-stack-switching"], ) # There are a bunch of global objects that occasionally enter the hiwire cache # but never leave. The refcount checks get angry about them if they aren't preloaded. # We need to go through and touch them all once to keep everything okay. pytest_pyodide_config.set_initialize_script(""" pyodide.globals.get; pyodide.runPython("import pyodide_js._api.config; del pyodide_js"); pyodide._api.importlib.invalidate_caches; pyodide._api.package_loader.get_install_dir; pyodide._api.package_loader.unpack_buffer; pyodide._api.package_loader.get_dynlibs; pyodide._api.pyodide_code.eval_code; pyodide._api.pyodide_code.eval_code_async; pyodide._api.pyodide_code.relaxed_call pyodide._api.pyodide_code.find_imports; pyodide._api.pyodide_ffi.register_js_module; pyodide._api.pyodide_ffi.unregister_js_module; pyodide.pyimport("pyodide.ffi.wrappers").destroy(); pyodide.pyimport("pyodide.http").destroy(); pyodide.pyimport("pyodide_js._api"); """) pytest_pyodide_config.set_load_pyodide_script( "chrome", """ let pyodide = await loadPyodide({ fullStdLib: false, jsglobals : self, enableRunUntilComplete: true, }); """, ) pytest_pyodide_config.set_load_pyodide_script( "node", """ const {readFileSync} = require("fs"); let snap = readFileSync("snapshot.bin"); snap = new Uint8Array(snap.buffer); let pyodide = await loadPyodide({ fullStdLib: false, jsglobals: self, _loadSnapshot: snap, enableRunUntilComplete: true, }); """, ) set_configs() only_node = pytest.mark.xfail_browsers( chrome="node only", firefox="node only", safari="node only" ) only_chrome = pytest.mark.xfail_browsers( node="chrome only", firefox="chrome only", safari="chrome only" ) requires_jspi = pytest.mark.xfail_browsers( firefox="requires jspi", safari="requires jspi" ) def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("general") group.addoption( "--run-xfail", action="store_true", help="If provided, tests marked as xfail will be run", ) group.addoption( "--skip-passed", action="store_true", help=( "If provided, tests that passed on the last run will be skipped. " "CAUTION: this will skip tests even if tests are modified" ), ) def maybe_skip_test(item, delayed=False): """If necessary skip test at the fixture level, to avoid loading the selenium_standalone fixture which takes a long time. """ browsers = "|".join(["firefox", "chrome", "node", "safari"]) is_common_test = str(item.fspath).endswith("test_packages_common.py") skip_msg = None # Testing a package. Skip the test if the package is not built. match = re.match( r".*/packages/(?P[\w\-]+)/test_[\w\-]+\.py", str(item.parent.fspath) ) if match and not is_common_test: package_name = match.group("name") if not package_is_built(package_name) and re.match( rf"test_[\w\-\.]+\[({browsers})[^\]]*\]", item.name ): skip_msg = f"package '{package_name}' is not built." # Common package import test. Skip it if the package is not built. if skip_msg is None and is_common_test and item.name.startswith("test_import"): if not pytest.pyodide_runtimes: # type:ignore[attr-defined] skip_msg = "Not running browser tests" else: match = re.match( rf"test_import\[({browsers})-(?P[\w\-\.]+)\]", item.name ) if match: package_name = match.group("name") if not package_is_built(package_name): # selenium_standalone as it takes a long time to initialize skip_msg = f"package '{package_name}' is not built." else: raise AssertionError( f"Couldn't parse package name from {item.name}. This should not happen!" ) # If the test is going to be skipped remove the # TODO: also use this hook to skip doctests we cannot run (or run them # inside the selenium wrapper) if skip_msg is not None: if delayed: item.add_marker(pytest.mark.skip(reason=skip_msg)) else: pytest.skip(skip_msg) def pytest_configure(config): """Monkey patch the function cwd_relative_nodeid returns the description of a test for the short summary table. Monkey patch it to reduce the verbosity of the test names in the table. This leaves enough room to see the information about the test failure in the summary. """ global CONFIG # noqa: PLW0602 old_cwd_relative_nodeid = config.cwd_relative_nodeid def cwd_relative_nodeid(*args): result = old_cwd_relative_nodeid(*args) result = result.replace("src/tests/", "") result = result.replace("packages/", "") result = result.replace("::test_", "::") return result config.cwd_relative_nodeid = cwd_relative_nodeid pytest.pyodide_dist_dir = config.getoption("--dist-dir") # type:ignore[attr-defined] def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): """Called after collect is completed. Parameters ---------- config : pytest config items : list of collected items """ prev_test_result = {} if config.getoption("--skip-passed"): cache = config.cache prev_test_result = cache.get("cache/lasttestresult", {}) for item in items: if prev_test_result.get(item.nodeid) in ("passed", "warnings", "skip_passed"): item.add_marker(pytest.mark.skip(reason="previously passed")) continue maybe_skip_test(item, delayed=True) # Save test results to a cache # Code adapted from: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/blob/main/src/_pytest/pastebin.py @pytest.hookimpl(trylast=True) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter): tr = terminalreporter cache = tr.config.cache assert cache test_result = {} for status in tr.stats: if status in ("warnings", "deselected"): continue for test in tr.stats[status]: if test.when != "call": # discard results from setup/teardown continue try: if test.longrepr and test.longrepr[2] in "previously passed": test_result[test.nodeid] = "skip_passed" else: test_result[test.nodeid] = test.outcome except Exception: pass cache.set("cache/lasttestresult", test_result) @pytest.hookimpl(wrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_call(item): """We want to run extra verification at the start and end of each test to check that we haven't leaked memory. According to pytest issue #5044, it's not possible to "Fail" a test from a fixture (no matter what you do, pytest sets the test status to "Error"). The approach suggested there is hook pytest_runtest_call as we do here. To get access to the selenium fixture, we imitate the definition of pytest_pyfunc_call: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/blob/6.2.2/src/_pytest/python.py#L177 Pytest issue #5044: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/5044 """ browser = None for fixture in item._fixtureinfo.argnames: if fixture.startswith("selenium"): browser = item.funcargs[fixture] break if not browser or not browser.pyodide_loaded: result = yield return result trace_pyproxies = pytest.mark.skip_pyproxy_check.mark not in item.own_markers trace_hiwire_refs = ( trace_pyproxies and pytest.mark.skip_refcount_check.mark not in item.own_markers ) yield from extra_checks_test_wrapper( browser, trace_hiwire_refs, trace_pyproxies, item ) def extra_checks_test_wrapper(browser, trace_hiwire_refs, trace_pyproxies, item): """Extra conditions for test to pass: 1. No explicit request for test to fail 2. No leaked JsRefs 3. No leaked PyProxys """ browser.clear_force_test_fail() init_num_keys = browser.get_num_hiwire_keys() if trace_pyproxies: browser.enable_pyproxy_tracing() init_num_proxies = browser.get_num_proxies() err = False try: result = yield except Exception: err = True raise finally: # Suppress any errors if an error was raised so we keep the original error with contextlib.suppress(Exception) if err else contextlib.nullcontext(): browser.disable_pyproxy_tracing() browser.restore_state() # The method_call_singleton holds onto the last called JS method, # clear it so we don't fail refcount check browser.run_js("pyodide._module._clear_method_call_singleton();") if browser.force_test_fail: raise Exception("Test failure explicitly requested but no error was raised.") if trace_pyproxies and trace_hiwire_refs: delta_proxies = browser.get_num_proxies() - init_num_proxies delta_keys = browser.get_num_hiwire_keys() - init_num_keys if delta_proxies > 0: pxs = browser.run_js( """ return Array.from(pyodide._module.pyproxy_alloc_map.entries(), ([x, s]) => [x.type, x.toString(), "Traceback at creation:" + s.replace("Error", "")]) """ ) capman = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("capturemanager") with capman.item_capture("call", item): print("\n" + "!" * 40) print("leaked proxies:") for row in pxs: print(*row) assert (delta_proxies, delta_keys) == (0, 0) or delta_keys < 0 if trace_hiwire_refs: delta_keys = browser.get_num_hiwire_keys() - init_num_keys assert delta_keys <= 0 return result def package_is_built(package_name): return _package_is_built(package_name, pytest.pyodide_dist_dir) # type:ignore[attr-defined] def strip_assertions_stderr(messages: Sequence[str]) -> list[str]: """Strip additional messages on stderr included when ASSERTIONS=1""" res = [] for msg in messages: if msg.strip() in [ "sigaction: signal type not supported: this is a no-op.", "Calling stub instead of siginterrupt()", "warning: no blob constructor, cannot create blobs with mimetypes", "warning: no BlobBuilder", ]: continue res.append(msg) return res