# Frequently Asked Questions (load-external-files-in-pyodide)= ## How can I load external files in Pyodide? In order to use external files in Pyodide, you should download and save them to the virtual file system. For that purpose, Pyodide provides {any}`pyodide.http.pyfetch`, which is a convenient wrapper of JavaScript `fetch`: ```pyodide pyodide.runPython(` from pyodide.http import pyfetch response = await pyfetch("https://some_url/...") if response.status == 200: with open("", "wb") as f: f.write(await response.bytes()) `) ``` ```{admonition} Why can't I just use urllib or requests? :class: warning We currently can’t use such packages since sockets are not available in Pyodide. See {ref}`http-client-limit` for more information. ``` ## Why can't I load files from the local file system? For security reasons JavaScript in the browser is not allowed to load local data files (for example, `file:///path/to/local/file.data`). You will run into Network Errors, due to the [Same Origin Policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy). There is a [File System API](https://wicg.github.io/file-system-access/) supported in Chrome but not in Firefox or Safari. For development purposes, you can serve your files with a [web server](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/set_up_a_local_testing_server). ## How can I change the behavior of {any}`runPython ` and {any}`runPythonAsync `? You can directly call Python functions from JavaScript. For most purposes it makes sense to make your own Python function as an entrypoint and call that instead of redefining `runPython`. The definitions of {any}`runPython ` and {any}`runPythonAsync ` are very simple: ```javascript function runPython(code) { pyodide.pyodide_py.eval_code(code, pyodide.globals); } ``` ```javascript async function runPythonAsync(code) { return await pyodide.pyodide_py.eval_code_async(code, pyodide.globals); } ``` To make your own version of {any}`runPython ` you could do: ```pyodide pyodide.runPython(` import pyodide def my_eval_code(code, ns): extra_info = None result = pyodide.eval_code(code, ns) return ns["extra_info"], result] `) function myRunPython(code){ return pyodide.globals.get("my_eval_code")(code, pyodide.globals); } ``` Then `pyodide.myRunPython("2+7")` returns `[None, 9]` and `pyodide.myRunPython("extra_info='hello' ; 2 + 2")` returns `['hello', 4]`. If you want to change which packages {any}`pyodide.loadPackagesFromImports` loads, you can monkey patch {any}`pyodide.find_imports` which takes `code` as an argument and returns a list of packages imported. ## How can I execute code in a custom namespace? The second argument to {any}`pyodide.eval_code` is a global namespace to execute the code in. The namespace is a Python dictionary. ```javascript let my_namespace = pyodide.globals.dict(); pyodide.runPython(`x = 1 + 1`, my_namespace); pyodide.runPython(`y = x ** x`, my_namespace); my_namespace.y; // ==> 4 ``` ## How to detect that code is run with Pyodide? **At run time**, you can detect that a code is running with Pyodide using, ```py import sys if "pyodide" in sys.modules: # running in Pyodide ``` More generally you can detect Python built with Emscripten (which includes Pyodide) with, ```py import platform if platform.system() == 'Emscripten': # running in Pyodide or other Emscripten based build ``` This however will not work at build time (i.e. in a `setup.py`) due to the way the Pyodide build system works. It first compiles packages with the host compiler (e.g. gcc) and then re-runs the compilation commands with emsdk. So the `setup.py` is never run inside the Pyodide environment. To detect Pyodide, **at build time** use, ```python import os if "PYODIDE" in os.environ: # building for Pyodide ``` We used to use the environment variable `PYODIDE_BASE_URL` for this purpose, but this usage is deprecated. ## How do I create custom Python packages from JavaScript? Put a collection of functions into a JavaScript object and use {any}`pyodide.registerJsModule`: JavaScript: ```javascript let my_module = { f: function (x) { return x * x + 1; }, g: function (x) { console.log(`Calling g on argument ${x}`); return x; }, submodule: { h: function (x) { return x * x - 1; }, c: 2, }, }; pyodide.registerJsModule("my_js_module", my_module); ``` You can import your package like a normal Python package: ```py import my_js_module from my_js_module.submodule import h, c assert my_js_module.f(7) == 50 assert h(9) == 80 assert c == 2 ``` ## How can I send a Python object from my server to Pyodide? The best way to do this is with pickle. If the version of Python used in the server exactly matches the version of Python used in the client, then objects that can be successfully pickled can be sent to the client and unpickled in Pyodide. If the versions of Python are different then for instance sending AST is unlikely to work since there are breaking changes to Python AST in most Python minor versions. Similarly when pickling Python objects defined in a Python package, the package version needs to match exactly between the server and pyodide. Generally, pickles are portable between architectures (here amd64 and wasm32). The rare cases when they are not portable, for instance currently tree based models in scikit-learn, can be considered as a bug in the upstream library. ```{admonition} Security Issues with pickle :class: warning Unpickling data is similar to `eval`. On any public-facing server it is a really bad idea to unpickle any data sent from the client. For sending data from client to server, try some other serialization format like JSON. ``` ## How can I use a Python function as an event handler? Note that the most straight forward way of doing this will not work: ```py from js import document def f(*args): document.querySelector("h1").innerHTML += "(>.<)" document.body.addEventListener('click', f) ``` Now every time you click, an error will be raised (see {ref}`call-js-from-py`). To do this correctly use {func}`pyodide.create_proxy` as follows: ```py from js import document from pyodide import create_proxy def f(*args): document.querySelector("h1").innerHTML += "(>.<)" proxy_f = create_proxy(f) document.body.addEventListener('click', proxy_f) # Store proxy_f in Python then later: document.body.removeEventListener('click', proxy_f) proxy_f.destroy() ``` ## How can I use fetch with optional arguments from Python? The most obvious translation of the JavaScript code won't work: ```py import json resp = await js.fetch('/someurl', { "method": "POST", "body": json.dumps({ "some" : "json" }), "credentials": "same-origin", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }) ``` The `fetch` API ignores the options that we attempted to provide. You can do this correctly in one of two ways: ```py import json from pyodide import to_js from js import Object resp = await js.fetch('example.com/some_api', method= "POST", body= json.dumps({ "some" : "json" }), credentials= "same-origin", headers= Object.fromEntries(to_js({ "Content-Type": "application/json" })), ) ``` or: ```py import json from pyodide import to_js from js import Object resp = await js.fetch('example.com/some_api', to_js({ "method": "POST", "body": json.dumps({ "some" : "json" }), "credentials": "same-origin", "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }, dict_converter=Object.fromEntries) ``` ## How can I control the behavior of stdin / stdout / stderr? If you wish to override `stdin`, `stdout` or `stderr` for the entire Pyodide runtime, you can pass options to {any}`loadPyodide `: If you say ``` loadPyodide({ ..., stdin: stdin_func, stdout: stdout_func, stderr: stderr_func }); ``` then every time a line is written to `stdout` (resp. `stderr`), `stdout_func` (resp `stderr_func`) will be called on the line. Every time `stdin` is read, `stdin_func` will be called with zero arguments. It is expected to return a string which is interpreted as a line of text. Temporary redirection works much the same as it does in native Python: you can overwrite `sys.stdin`, `sys.stdout`, and `sys.stderr` respectively. If you want to do it temporarily, it's recommended to use [`contextlib.redirect_stdout`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/contextlib.html#contextlib.redirect_stdout) and [`contextlib.redirect_stderr`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/contextlib.html#contextlib.redirect_stderr). There is no `contextlib.redirect_stdin` but it is easy to make your own as follows: ```py from contextlib import _RedirectStream class redirect_stdin(_RedirectStream): _stream = "stdin" ``` For example, if you do: ``` from io import StringIO with redirect_stdin(StringIO("\n".join(["eval", "asyncio.ensure_future", "functools.reduce", "quit"]))): help() ``` it will print: ``` Welcome to Python 3.9's help utility! <...OMITTED LINES> Help on built-in function eval in module builtins: eval(source, globals=None, locals=None, /) Evaluate the given source in the context of globals and locals. <...OMITTED LINES> Help on function ensure_future in asyncio: asyncio.ensure_future = ensure_future(coro_or_future, *, loop=None) Wrap a coroutine or an awaitable in a future. <...OMITTED LINES> Help on built-in function reduce in functools: functools.reduce = reduce(...) reduce(function, sequence[, initial]) -> value Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence, <...OMITTED LINES> You are now leaving help and returning to the Python interpreter. ```