PYODIDE_ROOT=$(abspath .) include Makefile.envs FILEPACKAGER=$(PYODIDE_ROOT)/tools/ CPYTHONROOT=cpython CPYTHONLIB=$(CPYTHONROOT)/installs/python-$(PYVERSION)/lib/python$(PYMINOR) LZ4LIB=lz4/lz4-1.8.3/lib/liblz4.a CLAPACK=CLAPACK/CLAPACK-WA/lapack_WA.bc CC=emcc CXX=em++ OPTFLAGS=-O3 CFLAGS=$(OPTFLAGS) -g -I$(PYTHONINCLUDE) -Wno-warn-absolute-paths CXXFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -std=c++14 # __ZNKSt3__220__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv is in # EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS to keep the C++ standard library in the core, even though # there isn't any C++ there, for the sake of loading dynamic modules written in # C++, such as those in matplotlib. LDFLAGS=\ -O3 \ -s MODULARIZE=1 \ $(CPYTHONROOT)/installs/python-$(PYVERSION)/lib/libpython$(PYMINOR).a \ lz4/lz4-1.8.3/lib/liblz4.a \ -s "BINARYEN_METHOD='native-wasm'" \ -s TOTAL_MEMORY=1073741824 \ -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 \ -s MAIN_MODULE=1 \ -s EMULATED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=1 \ -s EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS=1 \ -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS='["_main", "__ZNKSt3__220__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv", "__ZNSt11logic_errorC2EPKc"]' \ -s WASM=1 \ -s SWAPPABLE_ASM_MODULE=1 \ -s USE_FREETYPE=1 \ -s USE_LIBPNG=1 \ -std=c++14 \ -lstdc++ \ --memory-init-file 0 \ -s "BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE='clamp'" \ -s TEXTDECODER=0 \ -s LZ4=1 SIX_ROOT=six/six-1.11.0/build/lib SIX_LIBS=$(SIX_ROOT)/ SITEPACKAGES=root/lib/python$(PYMINOR)/site-packages all: build/pyodide.asm.js \ build/ \ build/pyodide.js \ build/pyodide_dev.js \ build/python.html \ build/python_dev.html \ build/matplotlib.html \ build/matplotlib-sideload.html \ build/renderedhtml.css \ build/ \ build/packages.json \ build/test.html build/pyodide.asm.js: src/main.bc src/jsimport.bc src/jsproxy.bc src/js2python.bc \ src/pyimport.bc src/pyproxy.bc src/python2js.bc \ src/runpython.bc src/hiwire.bc [ -d build ] || mkdir build $(CXX) -s EXPORT_NAME="'pyodide'" -o build/pyodide.asm.html $(filter %.bc,$^) \ $(LDFLAGS) -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 rm build/pyodide.asm.html build/ root/.built ( \ cd build; \ python $(FILEPACKAGER) --lz4 --preload ../root/lib@lib --use-preload-plugins \ ) uglifyjs build/ -o build/ build/pyodide_dev.js: src/pyodide.js cp $< $@ sed -i -e "s#{{DEPLOY}}##g" $@ build/pyodide.js: src/pyodide.js cp $< $@ sed -i -e 's#{{DEPLOY}}#' $@ build/python.html: src/python.html cp $< $@ build/python_dev.html: src/python_dev.html cp $< $@ build/matplotlib.html: src/matplotlib.html cp $< $@ build/matplotlib-sideload.html: src/matplotlib-sideload.html cp $< $@ build/test.html: src/test.html cp $< $@ build/renderedhtml.css: src/renderedhtml.less lessc $< $@ test: all pytest test/ -v lint: flake8 src test tools pyodide_build benchmark clang-format -output-replacements-xml src/*.c src/*.h src/*.js | (! grep '/dev/null; then \ ln -s `which ccache` $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/ccache/emcc ; \ else \ ln -s emsdk/emsdk/emscripten/tag-$(EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION)/emcc $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/ccache/emcc; \ fi ccache/em++: mkdir -p $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/ccache ; \ if hash ccache &>/dev/null; then \ ln -s `which ccache` $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/ccache/em++ ; \ else \ ln -s emsdk/emsdk/emscripten/tag-$(EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION)/em++ $(PYODIDE_ROOT)/ccache/em++; \ fi $(CPYTHONLIB): emsdk/emsdk/.complete ccache/emcc ccache/em++ make -C $(CPYTHONROOT) $(LZ4LIB): make -C lz4 $(SIX_LIBS): $(CPYTHONLIB) make -C six $(CLAPACK): $(CPYTHONLIB) make -C CLAPACK build/packages.json: $(CPYTHONLIB) $(CLAPACK) make -C packages emsdk/emsdk/.complete: make -C emsdk