(building-and-testing-packages-out-of-tree)= # Building and testing Python packages out of tree This is some information about how to build and test Python packages against Pyodide out of tree (for instance in your package's CI or for use with private packages). Pyodide currently only supports Linux for out of tree builds, though there is a good change it will work in MacOS too. If you are using Windows, try Windows Subsystem for Linux. ## Building binary packages for Pyodide If your package is a pure Python package (i.e., if the wheel ends in `py3-none-any.whl`) then follow the official PyPA documentation on building [wheels](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/#generating-distribution-archives) Otherwise, the procedure is as follows. ### Install pyodide-build ```sh pip install pyodide-build ``` ### Set up Emscripten You need to download the Emscripten developer toolkit: ```sh git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git cd emsdk ``` then you can install the appropriate version of Emscripten: ```sh PYODIDE_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION=$(pyodide config get emscripten_version) ./emsdk install ${PYODIDE_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION} ./emsdk activate ${PYODIDE_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION} source emsdk_env.sh ``` If you restart your shell, you will need to run `source emsdk_env.sh` again. ### Build the WASM/Emscripten wheel Change directory into the package folder where the `setup.py` or `pyproject.toml` file is located. You should be in a shell session where you ran `source emsdk_env.sh`. Then run ```sh pyodide build ``` in the package folder . This command produces a wheel in the `dist/` folder, similarly to the [PyPA build](https://pypa-build.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) command. If you need to add custom compiler / linker flags to the compiler invocations, you can set the `CFLAGS`, `CXXFLAGS` and `LDFLAGS` environment variables. For instance, to make a debug build, you can use: `CFLAGS=-g2 LDFLAGS=g2 pyodide build`. `pyodide build` invokes a slightly modified version of the `pypa/build` build frontend so the behavior should be similar to what happens if you do: ```sh pip install build python -m build ``` If you run into problems, make sure that building a native wheel with `pypa/build` works. If it does, then please open an issue about it. ### Serve the wheel Serve the wheel via a file server e.g., `python3.10 -m http.server --directory dist`. Then you can install it with `pyodide.loadPackage` or `micropip.install` by URL. ### Notes - the resulting package wheels have a file name of the form `*-cp310-cp310-emscripten_3_1_27_wasm32.whl` and are compatible only for a given Python and Emscripten versions. In the Pyodide distribution, Python and Emscripten are updated simultaneously. - for now, PyPi does not support emscripten/wasm32 wheels so you will not be able to upload them there. ## Testing packages against Pyodide Pyodide provides an experimental command line runner for testing packages against Pyodide. Using it requires nodejs version 14 or newer. The way it works is simple: you can create a virtual environment with: ```sh pyodide venv .venv-pyodide ``` Activate it just like a normal virtual environment: ```sh source .venv-pyodide/bin/activate ``` As a warning, things are pretty weird inside of the Pyodide virtual environment because `python` points to the Pyodide Python runtime. Any program that uses Python and is sensitive to the current virtual environment will probably break. You can install whatever dependencies you need with pip. For a pure Python package, the following will work: ```sh pip install -e . ``` For a binary package, you will need to build a wheel with `pyodide build` and then point `pip` directly to the built wheel. For now, editable installs won't work with binary packages. ```sh # Build the binary package pyodide build # Install it pip install dist/the_wheel-cp310-cp310-emscripten_3_1_20_wasm32.whl[tests] ``` To test, you can generally run the same script as you would usually do. For many packages this will be: ```sh python -m pytest ``` but for instance `numpy` uses a file called `runtests.py`; the following works: ```sh python runtests.py ``` and you can pass options to it just like normal. Currently `subprocess` doesn't work, so if you have a test runner that uses `subprocess` then it cannot be used. ## Build Github actions example Here is a complete example of a Github Actions workflow for building a Python wheel out of tree: ```yaml runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: 3.11.2 - run: | pip install pyodide-build>=0.23.0 echo EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION=$(pyodide config get emscripten_version) >> $GITHUB_ENV - uses: mymindstorm/setup-emsdk@v12 with: version: ${{ env.EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION }} - run: pyodide build ``` For an example "in the wild" of a github action to build and test a wheel against Pyodide, see [the numpy CI](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/main/.github/workflows/emscripten.yml)