from pathlib import Path import typer from ..pyzip import create_zipfile def main( libdir: list[Path] = typer.Argument( ..., help="List of paths to the directory containing the Python standard library or extra packages.", ), pycompile: bool = typer.Option( False, help="Whether to compile the .py files into .pyc." ), output: Path = typer.Option( "", help="Path to the output zip file. Defaults to" ), compression_level: int = typer.Option( 6, help="Compression level to use for the created zip file" ), ) -> None: """ Bundle Python standard libraries into a zip file. """ create_zipfile( libdir, output, pycompile=pycompile, filterfunc=None, compression_level=compression_level, ) typer.echo(f"Zip file created at {output.resolve()}") main.typer_kwargs = {"hidden": True} # type: ignore[attr-defined]