import os import re import shutil import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests import typer from .. import common from ..out_of_tree import build from ..out_of_tree.pypi import ( build_dependencies_for_wheel, build_wheels_from_pypi_requirements, fetch_pypi_package, ) from ..out_of_tree.utils import initialize_pyodide_root def pypi( package: str, exports: str = typer.Option( "requested", help="Which symbols should be exported when linking .so files?", ), ctx: typer.Context = typer.Context, ) -> Path: """Fetch a wheel from pypi, or build from source if none available.""" initialize_pyodide_root() common.check_emscripten_version() backend_flags = ctx.args curdir = Path.cwd() (curdir / "dist").mkdir(exist_ok=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: temppath = Path(tmpdir) # get package from pypi package_path = fetch_pypi_package(package, temppath) if not package_path.is_dir(): # a pure-python wheel has been downloaded - just copy to dist folder dest_file = curdir / "dist" / shutil.copyfile(str(package_path), curdir / "dist" / print(f"Successfully fetched: {}") return dest_file # sdist - needs building os.chdir(tmpdir) built_wheel =, backend_flags, outdir=curdir / "dist") os.chdir(curdir) return built_wheel def url( package_url: str, exports: str = typer.Option( "requested", help="Which symbols should be exported when linking .so files?", ), ctx: typer.Context = typer.Context, ) -> Path: """Fetch a wheel or build sdist from url.""" initialize_pyodide_root() common.check_emscripten_version() backend_flags = ctx.args curdir = Path.cwd() (curdir / "dist").mkdir(exist_ok=True) with requests.get(package_url, stream=True) as response: parsed_url = urlparse(response.url) filename = os.path.basename(parsed_url.path) name_base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".gz" and name_base.rfind(".") != -1: ext = name_base[name_base.rfind(".") :] + ext if ext.lower() == ".whl": # just copy wheel into dist and return out_path = Path(f"dist/{filename}").resolve() with open(out_path, "b") as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1048576): f.write(chunk) return out_path else: tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=ext, delete=False) for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1048576): tf.write(chunk) tf.close() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: temppath = Path(tmpdir) shutil.unpack_archive(, tmpdir) folder_list = list(temppath.iterdir()) if len(folder_list) == 1 and folder_list[0].is_dir(): # unzipped into subfolder os.chdir(folder_list[0]) else: # unzipped here os.chdir(temppath) wheel_path =, backend_flags, outdir=curdir / "dist") os.unlink( return wheel_path def source( source_location: str, exports: str = typer.Option( "requested", help="Which symbols should be exported when linking .so files?", ), ctx: typer.Context = typer.Context, ) -> Path: """Use pypa/build to build a Python package from source""" initialize_pyodide_root() orig_dir = Path.cwd() if source_location != ".": # build in this folder os.chdir(source_location) common.check_emscripten_version() backend_flags = ctx.args built_wheel =, backend_flags, outdir=orig_dir / "dist") os.chdir(orig_dir) return built_wheel # simple 'pyodide build' command def main( source_location: "Optional[str]" = typer.Argument( "", help="Build source, can be source folder, pypi version specification, or url to a source dist archive or wheel file. If this is blank, it will build the current directory.", ), requirements_txt: str = typer.Option( "", "--requirements", "-r", help="Build a list of package requirements from a requirements.txt file", ), exports: str = typer.Option( "requested", help="Which symbols should be exported when linking .so files?", ), build_dependencies: bool = typer.Option( False, help="Fetch non-pyodide dependencies from pypi and build them too." ), output_lockfile: str = typer.Option( "", help="Output list of resolved dependencies to a file in requirements.txt format", ), skip_dependency: list[str] = typer.Option( [], help="Skip building or resolving a single dependency. Use multiple times or provide a comma separated list to skip multiple dependencies.", ), compression_level: int = typer.Option( 6, help="Compression level to use for the created zip file" ), ctx: typer.Context = typer.Context, ) -> None: """Use pypa/build to build a Python package from source, pypi or url.""" extras: list[str] = [] if len(requirements_txt) > 0: # a requirements.txt - build it (and optionally deps) if not Path(requirements_txt).exists(): raise RuntimeError( f"Couldn't find requirements text file {requirements_txt}" ) reqs = [] with open(requirements_txt) as f: raw_reqs = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] for x in raw_reqs: # remove comments comment_pos = x.find("#") if comment_pos != -1: x = x[:comment_pos].strip() if len(x) > 0: if x[0] == "-": raise RuntimeError( f"pyodide build only supports name-based PEP508 requirements. [{x}] will not work." ) if x.find("@") != -1: raise RuntimeError( f"pyodide build does not support URL based requirements. [{x}] will not work" ) reqs.append(x) try: build_wheels_from_pypi_requirements( reqs, Path("./dist").resolve(), build_dependencies, skip_dependency, exports, ctx.args, output_lockfile=output_lockfile, ) except BaseException as e: import traceback print("Failed building multiple wheels:", traceback.format_exc()) raise e return if source_location is not None: extras = re.findall(r"\[(\w+)\]", source_location) if len(extras) != 0: source_location = source_location[0 : source_location.find("[")] if not source_location: # build the current folder wheel = source(".", exports, ctx) elif source_location.find("://") != -1: wheel = url(source_location, exports, ctx) elif Path(source_location).is_dir(): # a folder, build it wheel = source(source_location, exports, ctx) elif source_location.find("/") == -1: # try fetch or build from pypi wheel = pypi(source_location, exports, ctx) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Couldn't determine source type for {source_location}") # now build deps for wheel if build_dependencies: try: build_dependencies_for_wheel( wheel, extras, skip_dependency, exports, ctx.args, output_lockfile=output_lockfile, compression_level=compression_level, ) except BaseException as e: import traceback print("Failed building dependencies for wheel:", traceback.format_exc()) wheel.unlink() raise e main.typer_kwargs = { # type: ignore[attr-defined] "context_settings": { "ignore_unknown_options": True, "allow_extra_args": True, }, }