package: name: numpy version: 1.26.4 tag: - min-scipy-stack top-level: - numpy source: url: sha256: 2a02aba9ed12e4ac4eb3ea9421c420301a0c6460d9830d74a9df87efa4912010 build: # numpy uses vendored meson, so we need to pass the cross file manually backend-flags: | setup-args=-Dallow-noblas=true setup-args=--cross-file=${MESON_CROSS_FILE} # numpy creates numpy/distutils/__pycache__ directory during the build. # It breaks our test because there is a .pyc in the directory. post: | rm -rf numpy/distutils/__pycache__ cflags: | -Wno-return-type cross-build-env: true cross-build-files: - numpy/core/include/numpy/numpyconfig.h - numpy/core/include/numpy/_numpyconfig.h - numpy/core/lib/libnpymath.a - numpy/random/lib/libnpyrandom.a about: home: PyPI: summary: NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python. license: BSD