import pytest @pytest.mark.requires_dynamic_linking def test_uncaught_cpp_exceptions(selenium): assert selenium.run_js( """ await pyodide.loadPackage("cpp-exceptions-test"); const Tests = pyodide._api.tests; const throwlib = pyodide._module.LDSO.loadedLibsByName["/usr/lib/"].exports; function t(x){ try { throwlib.throw_exc(x); } catch(e){ let errString = Tests.convertCppException(e).toString(); errString = errString.replace(/[0-9]+/, "xxx"); return errString; } } return [t(1), t(2), t(3), t(4), t(5)]; """ ) == [ "CppException int: The exception is an object of type int at address xxx " "which does not inherit from std::exception", "CppException char: The exception is an object of type char at address xxx " "which does not inherit from std::exception", "CppException std::runtime_error: abc", "CppException myexception: My exception happened", "CppException char const*: The exception is an object of type char const* at " "address xxx which does not inherit from std::exception", ] @pytest.mark.requires_dynamic_linking def test_cpp_exception_catching(selenium): assert selenium.run_js( """ await pyodide.loadPackage("cpp-exceptions-test"); const Module = pyodide._module; const catchlib = pyodide._module.LDSO.loadedLibsByName["/usr/lib/"].exports; function t(x){ const ptr = catchlib.catch_exc(x); const res = Module.UTF8ToString(ptr); Module._free(ptr); return res; } return [t(1), t(2), t(3), t(5)]; """ ) == [ "caught int 1000", "caught char 99", "caught runtime_error abc", "caught ????", ] @pytest.mark.requires_dynamic_linking def test_sjlj(selenium): assert ( selenium.run_js( """ await pyodide.loadPackage("cpp-exceptions-test"); const Module = pyodide._module; const catchlib = pyodide._module.LDSO.loadedLibsByName["/usr/lib/"].exports; return catchlib.set_jmp_func(); """ ) ) == 5