""" Generate a list of test modules in the CPython distribution. """ import os from pathlib import Path tests = [] TEST_DIR = Path("../cpython/build/3.6.4/host/lib/python3.6/test") for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "../cpython/build/3.6.4/host/lib/python3.6/test"): root = Path(root).relative_to(TEST_DIR) if root == '.': root = '' else: root = '.'.join(root.split('/')) + '.' for filename in files: filename = Path(filename) if str(filename).startswith("test_") and filename.suffix == ".py": tests.append(str(root / filename.stem)) tests.sort() with open("python_tests.txt", "w") as fp: for test in tests: fp.write(test + '\n')