2018-09-12 14:55:50 +00:00
# flake8: noqa
2018-09-12 15:17:00 +00:00
# This is forked from emscripten 1.38.10
2018-09-12 14:55:50 +00:00
A tool that generates FS API calls to generate a filesystem , and packages the files
to work with that .
This is called by emcc . You can also call it yourself .
You can split your files into " asset bundles " , and create each bundle separately
with this tool . Then just include the generated js for each and they will load
the data and prepare it accordingly . This allows you to share assets and reduce
data downloads .
* If you run this yourself , separately / standalone from emcc , then the main program
compiled by emcc must be built with filesystem support . You can do that with
- s FORCE_FILESYSTEM = 1 ( if you forget that , an unoptimized build or one with
ASSERTIONS enabled will show an error suggesting you use that flag ) .
Usage :
file_packager . py TARGET [ - - preload A [ B . . ] ] [ - - embed C [ D . . ] ] [ - - exclude E [ F . . ] ] ] [ - - js - output = OUTPUT . js ] [ - - no - force ] [ - - use - preload - cache ] [ - - indexedDB - name = EM_PRELOAD_CACHE ] [ - - no - heap - copy ] [ - - separate - metadata ] [ - - lz4 ] [ - - use - preload - plugins ]
- - preload ,
- - embed See emcc - - help for more details on those options .
- - exclude E [ F . . ] Specifies filename pattern matches to use for excluding given files from being added to the package .
See https : / / docs . python . org / 2 / library / fnmatch . html for syntax .
- - from - emcc Indicate that ` file_packager . py ` was called from ` emcc . py ` and will be further processed by it , so some code generation can be skipped here
- - js - output = FILE Writes output in FILE , if not specified , standard output is used .
- - export - name = EXPORT_NAME Use custom export name ( default is ` Module ` )
- - no - force Don ' t create output if no valid input file is specified.
- - use - preload - cache Stores package in IndexedDB so that subsequent loads don ' t need to do XHR. Checks package version.
- - indexedDB - name Use specified IndexedDB database name ( Default : ' EM_PRELOAD_CACHE ' )
- - no - heap - copy If specified , the preloaded filesystem is not copied inside the Emscripten HEAP , but kept in a separate typed array outside it .
The default , if this is not specified , is to embed the VFS inside the HEAP , so that mmap ( ) ing files in it is a no - op .
Passing this flag optimizes for fread ( ) usage , omitting it optimizes for mmap ( ) usage .
- - separate - metadata Stores package metadata separately . Only applicable when preloading and js - output file is specified .
- - lz4 Uses LZ4 . This compresses the data using LZ4 when this utility is run , then the client decompresses chunks on the fly , avoiding storing
the entire decompressed data in memory at once . See LZ4 in src / settings . js , you must build the main program with that flag .
- - use - preload - plugins Tells the file packager to run preload plugins on the files as they are loaded . This performs tasks like decoding images
and audio using the browser ' s codecs.
Notes :
* The file packager generates unix - style file paths . So if you are on windows and a file is accessed at
subdir \file , in JS it will be subdir / file . For simplicity we treat the web platform as a * NIX .
from __future__ import print_function
import os , sys , shutil , random , uuid , ctypes
sys . path . insert (
1 ,
os . path . join (
os . path . dirname (
os . path . dirname (
os . path . abspath ( __file__ )
) ,
2018-10-01 22:52:17 +00:00
' emsdk ' , ' emsdk ' , ' emscripten ' , ' tag-1.38.12 '
2018-09-12 14:55:50 +00:00
from tools . toolchain_profiler import ToolchainProfiler
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
ToolchainProfiler . record_process_start ( )
import posixpath
from tools import shared
from tools . shared import suffix , unsuffixed
from tools . jsrun import run_js
from subprocess import Popen , PIPE , STDOUT
import fnmatch
import json
if len ( sys . argv ) == 1 :
print ( ''' Usage: file_packager.py TARGET [--preload A...] [--embed B...] [--exclude C...] [--no-closure]] [--js-output=OUTPUT.js] [--no-force] [--use-preload-cache] [--no-heap-copy] [--separate-metadata]
See the source for more details . ''' )
sys . exit ( 0 )
DEBUG = os . environ . get ( ' EMCC_DEBUG ' )
data_target = sys . argv [ 1 ]
IMAGE_SUFFIXES = ( ' .jpg ' , ' .png ' , ' .bmp ' )
AUDIO_SUFFIXES = ( ' .ogg ' , ' .wav ' , ' .mp3 ' )
AUDIO_MIMETYPES = { ' ogg ' : ' audio/ogg ' , ' wav ' : ' audio/wav ' , ' mp3 ' : ' audio/mpeg ' }
AV_WORKAROUND = 0 # Set to 1 to randomize file order and add some padding, to work around silly av false positives
data_files = [ ]
excluded_patterns = [ ]
export_name = ' Module '
leading = ' '
has_preloaded = False
compress_cnt = 0
plugins = [ ]
jsoutput = None
from_emcc = False
force = True
# If set to True, IndexedDB (IDBFS in library_idbfs.js) is used to locally cache VFS XHR so that subsequent
# page loads can read the data from the offline cache instead.
use_preload_cache = False
indexeddb_name = ' EM_PRELOAD_CACHE '
# If set to True, the blob received from XHR is moved to the Emscripten HEAP, optimizing for mmap() performance.
# If set to False, the XHR blob is kept intact, and fread()s etc. are performed directly to that data. This optimizes for minimal memory usage and fread() performance.
no_heap_copy = True
# If set to True, the package metadata is stored separately from js-output file which makes js-output file immutable to the package content changes.
# If set to False, the package metadata is stored inside the js-output file which makes js-output file to mutate on each invocation of this packager tool.
separate_metadata = False
lz4 = False
use_preload_plugins = False
for arg in sys . argv [ 2 : ] :
if arg == ' --preload ' :
has_preloaded = True
leading = ' preload '
elif arg == ' --embed ' :
leading = ' embed '
elif arg == ' --exclude ' :
leading = ' exclude '
elif arg == ' --no-force ' :
force = False
leading = ' '
elif arg == ' --use-preload-cache ' :
use_preload_cache = True
leading = ' '
elif arg . startswith ( ' --indexedDB-name ' ) :
indexeddb_name = arg . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) [ 1 ] if ' = ' in arg else None
leading = ' '
elif arg == ' --no-heap-copy ' :
no_heap_copy = False
leading = ' '
elif arg == ' --separate-metadata ' :
separate_metadata = True
leading = ' '
elif arg == ' --lz4 ' :
lz4 = True
leading = ' '
elif arg == ' --use-preload-plugins ' :
use_preload_plugins = True
leading = ' '
elif arg . startswith ( ' --js-output ' ) :
jsoutput = arg . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) [ 1 ] if ' = ' in arg else None
leading = ' '
elif arg . startswith ( ' --export-name ' ) :
if ' = ' in arg :
export_name = arg . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) [ 1 ]
leading = ' '
elif arg . startswith ( ' --from-emcc ' ) :
from_emcc = True
leading = ' '
elif arg . startswith ( ' --plugin ' ) :
plugin = open ( arg . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) [ 1 ] , ' r ' ) . read ( )
eval ( plugin ) # should append itself to plugins
leading = ' '
elif leading == ' preload ' or leading == ' embed ' :
mode = leading
at_position = arg . replace ( ' @@ ' , ' __ ' ) . find ( ' @ ' ) # position of @ if we're doing 'src@dst'. '__' is used to keep the index same with the original if they escaped with '@@'.
uses_at_notation = ( at_position != - 1 ) # '@@' in input string means there is an actual @ character, a single '@' means the 'src@dst' notation.
if uses_at_notation :
srcpath = arg [ 0 : at_position ] . replace ( ' @@ ' , ' @ ' ) # split around the @
dstpath = arg [ at_position + 1 : ] . replace ( ' @@ ' , ' @ ' )
else :
srcpath = dstpath = arg . replace ( ' @@ ' , ' @ ' ) # Use source path as destination path.
if os . path . isfile ( srcpath ) or os . path . isdir ( srcpath ) :
data_files . append ( { ' srcpath ' : srcpath , ' dstpath ' : dstpath , ' mode ' : mode , ' explicit_dst_path ' : uses_at_notation } )
else :
print ( ' Warning: ' + arg + ' does not exist, ignoring. ' , file = sys . stderr )
elif leading == ' exclude ' :
excluded_patterns . append ( arg )
else :
print ( ' Unknown parameter: ' , arg , file = sys . stderr )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if ( not force ) and len ( data_files ) == 0 :
has_preloaded = False
if not has_preloaded or jsoutput == None :
assert not separate_metadata , ' cannot separate-metadata without both --preloaded files and a specified --js-output '
if not from_emcc :
print ( ' Remember to build the main file with -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 so that it includes support for loading this file package ' , file = sys . stderr )
ret = ' '
# emcc.py will add this to the output itself, so it is only needed for standalone calls
if not from_emcc :
ret = '''
var Module = typeof % ( EXPORT_NAME ) s != = ' undefined ' ? % ( EXPORT_NAME ) s : { } ;
''' % { " EXPORT_NAME " : export_name}
ret + = '''
if ( ! Module . expectedDataFileDownloads ) {
Module . expectedDataFileDownloads = 0 ;
Module . finishedDataFileDownloads = 0 ;
Module . expectedDataFileDownloads + + ;
( function ( ) {
var loadPackage = function ( metadata ) {
code = '''
function assert ( check , msg ) {
if ( ! check ) throw msg + new Error ( ) . stack ;
# Win32 code to test whether the given file has the hidden property set.
def has_hidden_attribute ( filepath ) :
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
return False
try :
attrs = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GetFileAttributesW ( unicode ( filepath ) )
assert attrs != - 1
result = bool ( attrs & 2 )
except :
result = False
return result
# The packager should never preload/embed files if the file is hidden (Win32).
# or it matches any pattern specified in --exclude
def should_ignore ( fullname ) :
if has_hidden_attribute ( fullname ) :
return True
for p in excluded_patterns :
if fnmatch . fnmatch ( fullname , p ) :
return True
return False
# Expand directories into individual files
def add ( mode , rootpathsrc , rootpathdst ) :
# rootpathsrc: The path name of the root directory on the local FS we are adding to emscripten virtual FS.
# rootpathdst: The name we want to make the source path available on the emscripten virtual FS.
for dirpath , dirnames , filenames in os . walk ( rootpathsrc ) :
new_dirnames = [ ]
for name in dirnames :
fullname = os . path . join ( dirpath , name )
if not should_ignore ( fullname ) :
new_dirnames . append ( name )
elif DEBUG :
print ( ' Skipping directory " ' + fullname + ' " from inclusion in the emscripten virtual file system. ' , file = sys . stderr )
for name in filenames :
fullname = os . path . join ( dirpath , name )
if not should_ignore ( fullname ) :
dstpath = os . path . join ( rootpathdst , os . path . relpath ( fullname , rootpathsrc ) ) # Convert source filename relative to root directory of target FS.
new_data_files . append ( { ' srcpath ' : fullname , ' dstpath ' : dstpath , ' mode ' : mode , ' explicit_dst_path ' : True } )
elif DEBUG :
print ( ' Skipping file " ' + fullname + ' " from inclusion in the emscripten virtual file system. ' , file = sys . stderr )
del dirnames [ : ]
dirnames . extend ( new_dirnames )
new_data_files = [ ]
for file_ in data_files :
if not should_ignore ( file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] ) :
if os . path . isdir ( file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] ) :
add ( file_ [ ' mode ' ] , file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] , file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] )
else :
new_data_files . append ( file_ )
data_files = [ file_ for file_ in new_data_files if not os . path . isdir ( file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] ) ]
if len ( data_files ) == 0 :
print ( ' Nothing to do! ' , file = sys . stderr )
sys . exit ( 1 )
# Absolutize paths, and check that they make sense
curr_abspath = os . path . abspath ( os . getcwd ( ) ) # os.getcwd() always returns the hard path with any symbolic links resolved, even if we cd'd into a symbolic link.
for file_ in data_files :
if not file_ [ ' explicit_dst_path ' ] :
# This file was not defined with src@dst, so we inferred the destination from the source. In that case,
# we require that the destination not be under the current location
path = file_ [ ' dstpath ' ]
abspath = os . path . realpath ( os . path . abspath ( path ) ) # Use os.path.realpath to resolve any symbolic links to hard paths, to match the structure in curr_abspath.
if DEBUG : print ( path , abspath , curr_abspath , file = sys . stderr )
if not abspath . startswith ( curr_abspath ) :
print ( ' Error: Embedding " %s " which is below the current directory " %s " . This is invalid since the current directory becomes the root that the generated code will see ' % ( path , curr_abspath ) , file = sys . stderr )
sys . exit ( 1 )
file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] = abspath [ len ( curr_abspath ) + 1 : ]
if os . path . isabs ( path ) :
print ( ' Warning: Embedding an absolute file/directory name " ' + path + ' " to the virtual filesystem. The file will be made available in the relative path " ' + file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] + ' " . You can use the explicit syntax --preload-file srcpath@dstpath to explicitly specify the target location the absolute source path should be directed to. ' , file = sys . stderr )
for file_ in data_files :
file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] = file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] . replace ( os . path . sep , ' / ' ) # name in the filesystem, native and emulated
if file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] . endswith ( ' / ' ) : # If user has submitted a directory name as the destination but omitted the destination filename, use the filename from source file
file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] = file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] + os . path . basename ( file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] )
# make destination path always relative to the root
file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] = posixpath . normpath ( os . path . join ( ' / ' , file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] ) )
if DEBUG :
print ( ' Packaging file " ' + file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] + ' " to VFS in path " ' + file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] + ' " . ' , file = sys . stderr )
# Remove duplicates (can occur naively, for example preload dir/, preload dir/subdir/)
seen = { }
def was_seen ( name ) :
if seen . get ( name ) : return True
seen [ name ] = 1
return False
data_files = [ file_ for file_ in data_files if not was_seen ( file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] ) ]
random . shuffle ( data_files )
# Apply plugins
for file_ in data_files :
for plugin in plugins :
plugin ( file_ )
metadata = { ' files ' : [ ] }
# Set up folders
partial_dirs = [ ]
for file_ in data_files :
dirname = os . path . dirname ( file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] )
dirname = dirname . lstrip ( ' / ' ) # absolute paths start with '/', remove that
if dirname != ' ' :
parts = dirname . split ( ' / ' )
for i in range ( len ( parts ) ) :
partial = ' / ' . join ( parts [ : i + 1 ] )
if partial not in partial_dirs :
code + = ''' Module[ ' FS_createPath ' ]( ' / %s ' , ' %s ' , true, true); \n ''' % ( ' / ' . join ( parts [ : i ] ) , parts [ i ] )
partial_dirs . append ( partial )
if has_preloaded :
# Bundle all datafiles into one archive. Avoids doing lots of simultaneous XHRs which has overhead.
data = open ( data_target , ' wb ' )
start = 0
for file_ in data_files :
file_ [ ' data_start ' ] = start
curr = open ( file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] , ' rb ' ) . read ( )
file_ [ ' data_end ' ] = start + len ( curr )
if AV_WORKAROUND : curr + = ' \x00 '
#print >> sys.stderr, 'bundling', file_['srcpath'], file_['dstpath'], file_['data_start'], file_['data_end']
start + = len ( curr )
data . write ( curr )
data . close ( )
# TODO: sha256sum on data_target
if start > 256 * 1024 * 1024 :
print ( ' warning: file packager is creating an asset bundle of %d MB. this is very large, and browsers might have trouble loading it. see https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/02/synchronous-execution-and-filesystem-access-in-emscripten/ ' % ( start / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) , file = sys . stderr )
create_preloaded = '''
Module [ ' FS_createPreloadedFile ' ] ( this . name , null , byteArray , true , true , function ( ) {
Module [ ' removeRunDependency ' ] ( ' fp ' + that . name ) ;
} , function ( ) {
if ( that . audio ) {
Module [ ' removeRunDependency ' ] ( ' fp ' + that . name ) ; / / workaround for chromium bug 124926 ( still no audio with this , but at least we don ' t hang)
} else {
err ( ' Preloading file ' + that . name + ' failed ' ) ;
} , false , true ) ; / / canOwn this data in the filesystem , it is a slide into the heap that will never change
create_data = '''
Module [ ' FS_createDataFile ' ] ( this . name , null , byteArray , true , true , true ) ; / / canOwn this data in the filesystem , it is a slide into the heap that will never change
Module [ ' removeRunDependency ' ] ( ' fp ' + that . name ) ;
# Data requests - for getting a block of data out of the big archive - have a similar API to XHRs
code + = '''
function DataRequest ( start , end , audio ) {
this . start = start ;
this . end = end ;
this . audio = audio ;
DataRequest . prototype = {
requests : { } ,
open : function ( mode , name ) {
this . name = name ;
this . requests [ name ] = this ;
Module [ ' addRunDependency ' ] ( ' fp ' + this . name ) ;
} ,
send : function ( ) { } ,
onload : function ( ) {
var byteArray = this . byteArray . subarray ( this . start , this . end ) ;
this . finish ( byteArray ) ;
} ,
finish : function ( byteArray ) {
var that = this ;
% s
this . requests [ this . name ] = null ;
} ;
% s
''' % (create_preloaded if use_preload_plugins else create_data, '''
var files = metadata . files ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < files . length ; + + i ) {
new DataRequest ( files [ i ] . start , files [ i ] . end , files [ i ] . audio ) . open ( ' GET ' , files [ i ] . filename ) ;
''' if not lz4 else ' ' )
counter = 0
for file_ in data_files :
filename = file_ [ ' dstpath ' ]
dirname = os . path . dirname ( filename )
basename = os . path . basename ( filename )
if file_ [ ' mode ' ] == ' embed ' :
# Embed
data = list ( bytearray ( open ( file_ [ ' srcpath ' ] , ' rb ' ) . read ( ) ) )
code + = ''' var fileData %d = []; \n ''' % counter
if data :
parts = [ ]
chunk_size = 10240
start = 0
while start < len ( data ) :
parts . append ( ''' fileData %d .push.apply(fileData %d , %s ); \n ''' % ( counter , counter , str ( data [ start : start + chunk_size ] ) ) )
start + = chunk_size
code + = ' ' . join ( parts )
code + = ''' Module[ ' FS_createDataFile ' ]( ' %s ' , ' %s ' , fileData %d , true, true, false); \n ''' % ( dirname , basename , counter )
counter + = 1
elif file_ [ ' mode ' ] == ' preload ' :
# Preload
varname = ' filePreload %d ' % counter
counter + = 1
metadata [ ' files ' ] . append ( {
' filename ' : file_ [ ' dstpath ' ] ,
' start ' : file_ [ ' data_start ' ] ,
' end ' : file_ [ ' data_end ' ] ,
' audio ' : 1 if filename [ - 4 : ] in AUDIO_SUFFIXES else 0 ,
} )
else :
assert 0
if has_preloaded :
if not lz4 :
# Get the big archive and split it up
if no_heap_copy :
use_data = '''
/ / copy the entire loaded file into a spot in the heap . Files will refer to slices in that . They cannot be freed though
/ / ( we may be allocating before malloc is ready , during startup ) .
if ( Module [ ' SPLIT_MEMORY ' ] ) err ( ' warning: you should run the file packager with --no-heap-copy when SPLIT_MEMORY is used, otherwise copying into the heap may fail due to the splitting ' ) ;
var ptr = Module [ ' getMemory ' ] ( byteArray . length ) ;
Module [ ' HEAPU8 ' ] . set ( byteArray , ptr ) ;
DataRequest . prototype . byteArray = Module [ ' HEAPU8 ' ] . subarray ( ptr , ptr + byteArray . length ) ;
else :
use_data = '''
/ / Reuse the bytearray from the XHR as the source for file reads .
DataRequest . prototype . byteArray = byteArray ;
use_data + = '''
var files = metadata . files ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < files . length ; + + i ) {
DataRequest . prototype . requests [ files [ i ] . filename ] . onload ( ) ;
use_data + = " Module[ ' removeRunDependency ' ]( ' datafile_ %s ' ); \n " % shared . JS . escape_for_js_string ( data_target )
else :
# LZ4FS usage
temp = data_target + ' .orig '
shutil . move ( data_target , temp )
meta = run_js ( shared . path_from_root ( ' tools ' , ' lz4-compress.js ' ) , shared . NODE_JS , [ shared . path_from_root ( ' src ' , ' mini-lz4.js ' ) , temp , data_target ] , stdout = PIPE )
os . unlink ( temp )
use_data = '''
var compressedData = % s ;
compressedData . data = byteArray ;
2018-09-17 19:30:25 +00:00
assert ( typeof Module . LZ4 == = ' object ' , ' LZ4 not present - was your app build with -s LZ4=1 ? ' ) ;
Module . LZ4 . loadPackage ( { ' metadata ' : metadata , ' compressedData ' : compressedData } ) ;
2018-09-12 14:55:50 +00:00
Module [ ' removeRunDependency ' ] ( ' datafile_ %s ' ) ;
''' % (meta, shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(data_target))
package_uuid = uuid . uuid4 ( )
package_name = data_target
statinfo = os . stat ( package_name )
remote_package_size = statinfo . st_size
remote_package_name = os . path . basename ( package_name )
ret + = r '''
if ( typeof window == = ' object ' ) {
PACKAGE_PATH = window [ ' encodeURIComponent ' ] ( window . location . pathname . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , window . location . pathname . toString ( ) . lastIndexOf ( ' / ' ) ) + ' / ' ) ;
} else if ( typeof location != = ' undefined ' ) {
/ / worker
PACKAGE_PATH = encodeURIComponent ( location . pathname . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , location . pathname . toString ( ) . lastIndexOf ( ' / ' ) ) + ' / ' ) ;
} else {
throw ' using preloaded data can only be done on a web page or in a web worker ' ;
var PACKAGE_NAME = ' %s ' ;
var REMOTE_PACKAGE_BASE = ' %s ' ;
if ( typeof Module [ ' locateFilePackage ' ] == = ' function ' & & ! Module [ ' locateFile ' ] ) {
Module [ ' locateFile ' ] = Module [ ' locateFilePackage ' ] ;
err ( ' warning: you defined Module.locateFilePackage, that has been renamed to Module.locateFile (using your locateFilePackage for now) ' ) ;
var REMOTE_PACKAGE_NAME = Module [ ' locateFile ' ] ? Module [ ' locateFile ' ] ( REMOTE_PACKAGE_BASE , ' ' ) : REMOTE_PACKAGE_BASE ;
''' % (shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(data_target), shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(remote_package_name))
metadata [ ' remote_package_size ' ] = remote_package_size
metadata [ ' package_uuid ' ] = str ( package_uuid )
ret + = '''
var REMOTE_PACKAGE_SIZE = metadata . remote_package_size ;
var PACKAGE_UUID = metadata . package_uuid ;
if use_preload_cache :
code + = r '''
var indexedDB = window . indexedDB | | window . mozIndexedDB | | window . webkitIndexedDB | | window . msIndexedDB ;
var IDB_RO = " readonly " ;
var IDB_RW = " readwrite " ;
var DB_NAME = " ' ' ' + indexeddb_name + ' ' ' " ;
var DB_VERSION = 1 ;
function openDatabase ( callback , errback ) {
try {
var openRequest = indexedDB . open ( DB_NAME , DB_VERSION ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return errback ( e ) ;
openRequest . onupgradeneeded = function ( event ) {
var db = event . target . result ;
if ( db . objectStoreNames . contains ( PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ) ) {
db . deleteObjectStore ( PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ) ;
var packages = db . createObjectStore ( PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ) ;
if ( db . objectStoreNames . contains ( METADATA_STORE_NAME ) ) {
db . deleteObjectStore ( METADATA_STORE_NAME ) ;
var metadata = db . createObjectStore ( METADATA_STORE_NAME ) ;
} ;
openRequest . onsuccess = function ( event ) {
var db = event . target . result ;
callback ( db ) ;
} ;
openRequest . onerror = function ( error ) {
errback ( error ) ;
} ;
} ;
/ * Check if there ' s a cached package, and if so whether it ' s the latest available * /
function checkCachedPackage ( db , packageName , callback , errback ) {
var transaction = db . transaction ( [ METADATA_STORE_NAME ] , IDB_RO ) ;
var metadata = transaction . objectStore ( METADATA_STORE_NAME ) ;
var getRequest = metadata . get ( " metadata/ " + packageName ) ;
getRequest . onsuccess = function ( event ) {
var result = event . target . result ;
if ( ! result ) {
return callback ( false ) ;
} else {
return callback ( PACKAGE_UUID == = result . uuid ) ;
} ;
getRequest . onerror = function ( error ) {
errback ( error ) ;
} ;
} ;
function fetchCachedPackage ( db , packageName , callback , errback ) {
var transaction = db . transaction ( [ PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ] , IDB_RO ) ;
var packages = transaction . objectStore ( PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ) ;
var getRequest = packages . get ( " package/ " + packageName ) ;
getRequest . onsuccess = function ( event ) {
var result = event . target . result ;
callback ( result ) ;
} ;
getRequest . onerror = function ( error ) {
errback ( error ) ;
} ;
} ;
function cacheRemotePackage ( db , packageName , packageData , packageMeta , callback , errback ) {
var transaction_packages = db . transaction ( [ PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ] , IDB_RW ) ;
var packages = transaction_packages . objectStore ( PACKAGE_STORE_NAME ) ;
var putPackageRequest = packages . put ( packageData , " package/ " + packageName ) ;
putPackageRequest . onsuccess = function ( event ) {
var transaction_metadata = db . transaction ( [ METADATA_STORE_NAME ] , IDB_RW ) ;
var metadata = transaction_metadata . objectStore ( METADATA_STORE_NAME ) ;
var putMetadataRequest = metadata . put ( packageMeta , " metadata/ " + packageName ) ;
putMetadataRequest . onsuccess = function ( event ) {
callback ( packageData ) ;
} ;
putMetadataRequest . onerror = function ( error ) {
errback ( error ) ;
} ;
} ;
putPackageRequest . onerror = function ( error ) {
errback ( error ) ;
} ;
} ;
ret + = r '''
function fetchRemotePackage ( packageName , packageSize , callback , errback ) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
xhr . open ( ' GET ' , packageName , true ) ;
xhr . responseType = ' arraybuffer ' ;
xhr . onprogress = function ( event ) {
var url = packageName ;
var size = packageSize ;
if ( event . total ) size = event . total ;
if ( event . loaded ) {
if ( ! xhr . addedTotal ) {
xhr . addedTotal = true ;
if ( ! Module . dataFileDownloads ) Module . dataFileDownloads = { } ;
Module . dataFileDownloads [ url ] = {
loaded : event . loaded ,
total : size
} ;
} else {
Module . dataFileDownloads [ url ] . loaded = event . loaded ;
var total = 0 ;
var loaded = 0 ;
var num = 0 ;
for ( var download in Module . dataFileDownloads ) {
var data = Module . dataFileDownloads [ download ] ;
total + = data . total ;
loaded + = data . loaded ;
num + + ;
total = Math . ceil ( total * Module . expectedDataFileDownloads / num ) ;
if ( Module [ ' setStatus ' ] ) Module [ ' setStatus ' ] ( ' Downloading data... ( ' + loaded + ' / ' + total + ' ) ' ) ;
} else if ( ! Module . dataFileDownloads ) {
if ( Module [ ' setStatus ' ] ) Module [ ' setStatus ' ] ( ' Downloading data... ' ) ;
} ;
xhr . onerror = function ( event ) {
throw new Error ( " NetworkError for: " + packageName ) ;
xhr . onload = function ( event ) {
if ( xhr . status == 200 | | xhr . status == 304 | | xhr . status == 206 | | ( xhr . status == 0 & & xhr . response ) ) { / / file URLs can return 0
var packageData = xhr . response ;
callback ( packageData ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( xhr . statusText + " : " + xhr . responseURL ) ;
} ;
xhr . send ( null ) ;
} ;
function handleError ( error ) {
console . error ( ' package error: ' , error ) ;
} ;
code + = r '''
function processPackageData ( arrayBuffer ) {
Module . finishedDataFileDownloads + + ;
assert ( arrayBuffer , ' Loading data file failed. ' ) ;
assert ( arrayBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer , ' bad input to processPackageData ' ) ;
var byteArray = new Uint8Array ( arrayBuffer ) ;
var curr ;
% s
} ;
Module [ ' addRunDependency ' ] ( ' datafile_ %s ' ) ;
''' % (use_data, shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(data_target)) # use basename because from the browser ' s point of view, we need to find the datafile in the same dir as the html file
code + = r '''
if ( ! Module . preloadResults ) Module . preloadResults = { } ;
if use_preload_cache :
code + = r '''
function preloadFallback ( error ) {
console . error ( error ) ;
console . error ( ' falling back to default preload behavior ' ) ;
fetchRemotePackage ( REMOTE_PACKAGE_NAME , REMOTE_PACKAGE_SIZE , processPackageData , handleError ) ;
} ;
openDatabase (
function ( db ) {
checkCachedPackage ( db , PACKAGE_PATH + PACKAGE_NAME ,
function ( useCached ) {
Module . preloadResults [ PACKAGE_NAME ] = { fromCache : useCached } ;
if ( useCached ) {
console . info ( ' loading ' + PACKAGE_NAME + ' from cache ' ) ;
fetchCachedPackage ( db , PACKAGE_PATH + PACKAGE_NAME , processPackageData , preloadFallback ) ;
} else {
console . info ( ' loading ' + PACKAGE_NAME + ' from remote ' ) ;
function ( packageData ) {
cacheRemotePackage ( db , PACKAGE_PATH + PACKAGE_NAME , packageData , { uuid : PACKAGE_UUID } , processPackageData ,
function ( error ) {
console . error ( error ) ;
processPackageData ( packageData ) ;
} ) ;
, preloadFallback ) ;
, preloadFallback ) ;
, preloadFallback ) ;
if ( Module [ ' setStatus ' ] ) Module [ ' setStatus ' ] ( ' Downloading... ' ) ;
else :
# Not using preload cache, so we might as well start the xhr ASAP, potentially before JS parsing of the main codebase if it's after us.
# Only tricky bit is the fetch is async, but also when runWithFS is called is async, so we handle both orderings.
ret + = r '''
var fetchedCallback = null ;
var fetched = Module [ ' getPreloadedPackage ' ] ? Module [ ' getPreloadedPackage ' ] ( REMOTE_PACKAGE_NAME , REMOTE_PACKAGE_SIZE ) : null ;
if ( ! fetched ) fetchRemotePackage ( REMOTE_PACKAGE_NAME , REMOTE_PACKAGE_SIZE , function ( data ) {
if ( fetchedCallback ) {
fetchedCallback ( data ) ;
fetchedCallback = null ;
} else {
fetched = data ;
} , handleError ) ;
code + = r '''
Module . preloadResults [ PACKAGE_NAME ] = { fromCache : false } ;
if ( fetched ) {
processPackageData ( fetched ) ;
fetched = null ;
} else {
fetchedCallback = processPackageData ;
ret + = '''
function runWithFS ( ) {
ret + = code
ret + = '''
if ( Module [ ' calledRun ' ] ) {
runWithFS ( ) ;
} else {
if ( ! Module [ ' preRun ' ] ) Module [ ' preRun ' ] = [ ] ;
Module [ " preRun " ] . push ( runWithFS ) ; / / FS is not initialized yet , wait for it
ret + = ''' %s
} ) ( ) ;
''' % ( '''
Module [ ' removeRunDependency ' ] ( ' %(metadata_file)s ' ) ;
function runMetaWithFS ( ) {
Module [ ' addRunDependency ' ] ( ' %(metadata_file)s ' ) ;
var REMOTE_METADATA_NAME = Module [ ' locateFile ' ] ? Module [ ' locateFile ' ] ( ' %(metadata_file)s ' , ' ' ) : ' %(metadata_file)s ' ;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
xhr . onreadystatechange = function ( ) {
if ( xhr . readyState == = 4 & & xhr . status == = 200 ) {
loadPackage ( JSON . parse ( xhr . responseText ) ) ;
xhr . open ( ' GET ' , REMOTE_METADATA_NAME , true ) ;
xhr . overrideMimeType ( ' application/json ' ) ;
xhr . send ( null ) ;
if ( Module [ ' calledRun ' ] ) {
runMetaWithFS ( ) ;
} else {
if ( ! Module [ ' preRun ' ] ) Module [ ' preRun ' ] = [ ] ;
Module [ " preRun " ] . push ( runMetaWithFS ) ;
''' % { ' metadata_file ' : os.path.basename(jsoutput + ' .metadata ' )} if separate_metadata else '''
loadPackage ( % s ) ;
''' % json.dumps(metadata))
if force or len ( data_files ) :
if jsoutput == None :
print ( ret )
else :
# Overwrite the old jsoutput file (if exists) only when its content differs from the current generated one, otherwise leave the file untouched preserving its old timestamp
if os . path . isfile ( jsoutput ) :
f = open ( jsoutput , ' r+ ' )
old = f . read ( )
if old != ret :
f . seek ( 0 )
f . write ( ret )
f . truncate ( )
else :
f = open ( jsoutput , ' w ' )
f . write ( ret )
f . close ( )
if separate_metadata :
f = open ( jsoutput + ' .metadata ' , ' w ' )
json . dump ( metadata , f , separators = ( ' , ' , ' : ' ) )
f . close ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
sys . exit ( 0 )