| Latest release | `{{PYODIDE_CDN_URL}}` | Recommended, cached by the browser | [link](https://pyodide.org/en/stable/console.html) |
| Dev (`main` branch) | `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/dev/full/` | Re-deployed for each commit on main, no browser caching, should only be used for testing | [link](https://pyodide.org/en/latest/console.html) |
| pyodide.asm.js | The JavaScript half of the main "binary". Direct output from the Emscripten compiler. Contains the Emscripten bootstrap code + all JavaScript libraries used by C + the JavaScript/Wasm runtime interop APIs. |
| pyodide.asm.wasm | The WebAssembly half of the main "binary". Direct output from the Emscripten compiler. Contains all C library code that is statically linked. Also includes enough of libcxx to support things like exceptions in extension modules that use C++. |
| pyodide.js | Exports loadPyodide on globalThis. Legacy support for people who can't use es6 modules for whatever reason. Prefer pyodide.mjs. |
| pyodide.mjs | A small JS loader shim which exports loadPyodide. It manages downloading the runtime and handling user settings. |
| python_stdlib.zip | The Python Standard Library for pyodide. A zip file consisting of the Python Lib folder (except a few things we've unvendored) and the Pyodide Python runtime libraries. Mounted directly into the Pyodide FS and imported using ZipImporter. |
| package.json | Tells node how to use Pyodide, since pyodide-core was primarily intended for use with node. |
| pyodide-lock.json | Lockfile for Python packages, used by pyodide.loadPackage and micropip.install. Necessary in all cases. |
### Additional Files in `pyodide-{{VERSION}}.tar.bz2`
| ffi.d.ts | Typescript type definitions, useful if you want to use Pyodide in a typescript project. |
| pyodide.d.ts | Typescript type definitions, useful if you want to use Pyodide in a typescript project. |
| \*.whl | Contains various Python Wheels like NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, etc. When downloading and including in a project, these no longer need to be loaded from Pyodide's online wheel repository during runtime. |
| \*.metadata | Information about the included wheels, such as name, author, license, dependencies, etc. Allows more efficient package resolution, specified in [PEP 658](https://peps.python.org/pep-0658/). |
| \*.zip | These are shared libraries and unvendored Python standard library modules. |
| |
| python | Bash/node polyglot. Only needed for node <18.|
| pyodide.js.map | Source maps to improve tracebacks. Not really that useful to people outside of the project, probably should be only included in debug builds. |
| pyodide.mjs.map | Source maps to improve tracebacks. Not really that useful to people outside of the project, probably should be only included in debug builds. |
| \*-tests.tar | Unvendored tests from wheels. If a wheel includes a test folder, we take them out and put them here. |