## Manual creation of a Pyodide package (advanced)
The previous sections describes how to add a python package to the pyodide
There are cases where you want to ship additional python libraries without
adding it to pyodide itself. For pure python packages, this can be achieved
reasonably easily. The most straightforward way is to create a Python wheel and
load it with micropip. Alternatively, we can construct a python package
It is helpful to have some understanding of the structure of a Pyodide package.
Pyodide is obtained by compiling CPython into web assembly. As such, it loads
packages the same way as CPython --- it looks for relevant files `.py` files in
`/lib/python3.x/`. When creating and loading a package, our job is to put our
`.py` files in the right location in emscripten's virtual filesystem.
Suppose you have a python library that consists of a single directory
`/PATH/TO/LIB/` whose contents would go into
`/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PACKAGE_NAME/` under a normal python
The simplest version of the corresponding Pyodide package contains two files
--- `PACKAGE_NAME.data` and `PACKAGE_NAME.js`. The first file
`PACKAGE_NAME.data` is a concatenation of all contents of `/PATH/TO/LIB`. When
loading the package via `pyodide.loadPackage`, Pyodide will load and run
`PACKAGE_NAME.js`. The script then fetches `PACKAGE_NAME.data` and extracts the
contents to emscripten's virtual filesystem. Afterwards, since the files are
now in `/lib/python3.8/`, running `import PACKAGE_NAME` in python will
successfully import the module as usual.
To produce these files, download the `file_packager.py` script from
[https://github.com/iodide-project/pyodide/blob/master/tools/file_packager.py](https://github.com/iodide-project/pyodide/blob/master/tools/file_packager.py). You then run the command
The `--preload` argument instructs the package to look for the file/directory
before the separator `@` (namely `/PATH/TO/LIB/`) and place it at the path
after the `@` in the virtual filesystem (namely
`/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PACKAGE_NAME/`). Remember to use the correct python version in the target path. At the time of writing, the latest release of Pyodide uses python 3.7 while git master uses python 3.8.
The `--exclude` argument
specifies files to omit from the package. This argument can be repeated, e.g.
you can append `--exclude README.md` to the command.
**Remark.** The bundled Pyodide packages uses lz4 compression when producing
`PACKAGE_NAME.data`. These instructions skip this step as it requires
additional dependencies, which complicates the process. In general, lz4
compression decreases memory usage and can increase performance. On the other
hand, if your webserver serves the files with gzip compression, pre-compressing
with lz4 could in fact increase the number of bytes transferred.