mirror of https://github.com/kivy/pyjnius.git
723 lines
26 KiB
723 lines
26 KiB
from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
from cpython cimport PyUnicode_DecodeUTF16
cdef jstringy_arg(argtype):
return argtype in ('Ljava/lang/String;',
cdef void release_args(JNIEnv *j_env, tuple definition_args, jvalue *j_args, args) except *:
# do the conversion from a Python object to Java from a Java definition
cdef JavaObject jo
cdef JavaClass jc
cdef int index
for index, argtype in enumerate(definition_args):
py_arg = args[index]
if argtype[0] == 'L':
if py_arg is None:
j_args[index].l = NULL
if isinstance(py_arg, basestring) and \
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, j_args[index].l)
elif argtype[0] == '[':
ret = convert_jarray_to_python(j_env, argtype[1:], j_args[index].l)
args[index][:] = ret
except TypeError:
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, j_args[index].l)
cdef void populate_args(JNIEnv *j_env, tuple definition_args, jvalue *j_args, args) except *:
# do the conversion from a Python object to Java from a Java definition
cdef JavaClassStorage jcs
cdef JavaObject jo
cdef JavaClass jc
cdef PythonJavaClass pc
cdef int index
for index, argtype in enumerate(definition_args):
py_arg = args[index]
if argtype == 'Z':
j_args[index].z = py_arg
elif argtype == 'B':
j_args[index].b = py_arg
elif argtype == 'C':
j_args[index].c = ord(py_arg)
elif argtype == 'S':
j_args[index].s = py_arg
elif argtype == 'I':
j_args[index].i = py_arg
elif argtype == 'J':
j_args[index].j = py_arg
elif argtype == 'F':
j_args[index].f = py_arg
elif argtype == 'D':
j_args[index].d = py_arg
elif argtype[0] == 'L':
if py_arg is None:
j_args[index].l = NULL
# numeric types
elif isinstance(py_arg, (int, long)):
j_args[index].l = convert_python_to_jobject(
j_env, 'Ljava/lang/Integer;', py_arg
elif isinstance(py_arg, float):
j_args[index].l = convert_python_to_jobject(
j_env, 'Ljava/lang/Float;', py_arg
# string types
elif isinstance(py_arg, base_string) and jstringy_arg(argtype):
j_args[index].l = convert_pystr_to_java(
j_env, to_unicode(py_arg)
elif isinstance(py_arg, JavaClass):
jc = py_arg
check_assignable_from(j_env, jc, argtype[1:-1])
j_args[index].l = jc.j_self.obj
# objects
elif isinstance(py_arg, JavaObject):
jo = py_arg
j_args[index].l = jo.obj
elif isinstance(py_arg, MetaJavaClass):
jcs = py_arg.__cls_storage
j_args[index].l = jcs.j_cls
elif isinstance(py_arg, PythonJavaClass):
# from python class, get the proxy/python class
pc = py_arg
# get the java class
jc = pc.j_self
if jc is None:
jc = pc.j_self
# get the localref
j_args[index].l = jc.j_self.obj
# implementation of Java class in Python (needs j_cls)
elif isinstance(py_arg, type):
jc = py_arg
j_args[index].l = jc.j_cls
# array
elif isinstance(py_arg, (tuple, list)):
j_args[index].l = convert_pyarray_to_java(j_env, argtype, py_arg)
raise JavaException('Invalid python object for this '
'argument. Want {0!r}, got {1!r}'.format(
argtype[1:-1], py_arg))
elif argtype[0] == '[':
if py_arg is None:
j_args[index].l = NULL
if isinstance(py_arg, basestring) and PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3:
if argtype == '[B':
py_arg = map(ord, py_arg)
elif argtype == '[C':
py_arg = list(py_arg)
if isinstance(py_arg, str) and PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 and argtype == '[C':
py_arg = list(py_arg)
if isinstance(py_arg, ByteArray) and argtype != '[B':
raise JavaException(
'Cannot use ByteArray for signature {}'.format(argtype))
if not isinstance(py_arg, (list, tuple, ByteArray, bytes, bytearray)):
raise JavaException('Expecting a python list/tuple, got '
j_args[index].l = convert_pyarray_to_java(
j_env, argtype[1:], py_arg)
cdef convert_jobject_to_python(JNIEnv *j_env, definition, jobject j_object):
# Convert a Java Object to a Python object, according to the definition.
# If the definition is a java/lang/Object, then try to determine what is it
# exactly.
r = definition[1:-1]
cdef JavaObject ret_jobject
cdef JavaClass ret_jc
cdef jclass retclass
cdef jmethodID retmeth
# we got a generic object -> lookup for the real name instead.
if r == 'java/lang/Object':
r = definition = lookup_java_object_name(j_env, j_object)
# print('cjtp:r {0} definition {1}'.format(r, definition))
if definition[0] == '[':
return convert_jarray_to_python(j_env, definition[1:], j_object)
# XXX what about others native type?
# It seem, in case of the proxy, that they are never passed directly,
# and always passed as "class" type instead.
# Ie, B would be passed as Ljava/lang/Character;
# if we got a string, just convert back to Python str.
if r in ('java/lang/String', 'java/lang/CharSequence'):
if r == 'java/lang/CharSequence':
# call toString()
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;")
string = <jstring> (j_env[0].CallObjectMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth))
string = <jstring>j_object
return convert_jstring_to_python(j_env, string)
# XXX should be deactivable from configuration
# ie, user might not want autoconvertion of lang classes.
if r == 'java/lang/Long':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'longValue', '()J')
return j_env[0].CallLongMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Integer':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'intValue', '()I')
return j_env[0].CallIntMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Float':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'floatValue', '()F')
return j_env[0].CallFloatMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Double':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'doubleValue', '()D')
return j_env[0].CallDoubleMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Short':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'shortValue', '()S')
return j_env[0].CallShortMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Boolean':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'booleanValue', '()Z')
return j_env[0].CallBooleanMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Byte':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'byteValue', '()B')
return j_env[0].CallByteMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth)
if r == 'java/lang/Character':
retclass = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_object)
retmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, 'charValue', '()C')
return ord(j_env[0].CallCharMethod(j_env, j_object, retmeth))
if r not in jclass_register:
if r.startswith('$Proxy'):
# only for $Proxy on android, don't use autoclass. The dalvik vm is
# not able to give us introspection on that one (FindClass return
# NULL).
from .reflect import Object
ret_jc = Object(noinstance=True)
from .reflect import autoclass
ret_jc = autoclass(r.replace('/', '.'))(noinstance=True)
ret_jc = jclass_register[r](noinstance=True)
ret_jc.instanciate_from(create_local_ref(j_env, j_object))
return ret_jc
cdef convert_jstring_to_python(JNIEnv *j_env, jstring j_string):
cdef jchar *j_chars
cdef jsize j_strlen
cdef Py_ssize_t buffsize
cdef unicode py_uni
j_chars = j_env[0].GetStringChars(j_env, j_string, NULL)
if j_chars == NULL:
check_exception(j_env) # raise error as JavaException
j_strlen = j_env[0].GetStringLength(j_env, j_string);
buffsize = j_strlen * sizeof(jchar)
# py_uni = (<char *>j_chars)[:buffsize].decode('utf-16')
# Calling directly into c-api for utf-16 decoding due to Cython code gen
# bug for utf-16: https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/1696
py_uni = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF16(<char *>j_chars, buffsize, NULL, NULL)
j_env[0].ReleaseStringChars(j_env, j_string, j_chars)
return py_uni.encode('utf-8')
return py_uni
cdef convert_jarray_to_python(JNIEnv *j_env, definition, jobject j_object):
cdef jboolean iscopy
cdef jboolean *j_booleans
cdef jbyte *j_bytes
cdef jchar *j_chars
cdef jshort *j_shorts
cdef jint *j_ints
cdef jlong *j_longs
cdef jfloat *j_floats
cdef jdouble *j_doubles
cdef object ret = None
cdef jsize array_size
cdef int i
cdef jobject j_object_item
cdef char *c_str
cdef bytes py_str
cdef JavaObject ret_jobject
cdef JavaClass ret_jc
cdef ByteArray ret_as_bytearray
if j_object == NULL:
return None
array_size = j_env[0].GetArrayLength(j_env, j_object)
r = definition[0]
if r == 'Z':
j_booleans = j_env[0].GetBooleanArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [(True if j_booleans[i] else False)
for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_booleans, 0)
elif r == 'B':
j_bytes = j_env[0].GetByteArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret_as_bytearray = ByteArray()
ret_as_bytearray.set_buffer(j_env, j_object, array_size, j_bytes)
return ret_as_bytearray
elif r == 'C':
j_chars = j_env[0].GetCharArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [chr(<char>j_chars[i]) for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_chars, 0)
elif r == 'S':
j_shorts = j_env[0].GetShortArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [(<short>j_shorts[i]) for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_shorts, 0)
elif r == 'I':
j_ints = j_env[0].GetIntArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [(<int>j_ints[i]) for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_ints, 0)
elif r == 'J':
j_longs = j_env[0].GetLongArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [(<long long>j_longs[i]) for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_longs, 0)
elif r == 'F':
j_floats = j_env[0].GetFloatArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [(<float>j_floats[i]) for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_floats, 0)
elif r == 'D':
j_doubles = j_env[0].GetDoubleArrayElements(
j_env, j_object, &iscopy)
ret = [(<double>j_doubles[i]) for i in range(array_size)]
j_env, j_object, j_doubles, 0)
elif r == 'L':
r = definition[1:-1]
ret = []
for i in range(array_size):
j_object_item = j_env[0].GetObjectArrayElement(
j_env, j_object, i)
if j_object_item == NULL:
obj = convert_jobject_to_python(j_env, definition, j_object_item)
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, j_object_item)
elif r == '[':
r = definition[1:]
ret = []
for i in range(array_size):
j_object_item = j_env[0].GetObjectArrayElement(
j_env, j_object, i)
if j_object_item == NULL:
obj = convert_jarray_to_python(j_env, r, j_object_item)
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, j_object_item)
raise JavaException('Invalid return definition for array')
return ret
cdef jobject convert_python_to_jobject(JNIEnv *j_env, definition, obj) except *:
cdef jobject retobject, retsubobject
cdef jclass retclass
cdef jmethodID redmidinit = NULL
cdef jvalue j_ret[1]
cdef JavaClass jc
cdef JavaObject jo
cdef JavaClassStorage jcs
cdef PythonJavaClass pc
cdef int index
if definition[0] == 'V':
return NULL
elif definition[0] == 'L':
if obj is None:
return NULL
# string types
elif isinstance(obj, base_string) and jstringy_arg(definition):
return convert_pystr_to_java(j_env, to_unicode(obj))
# numeric types
elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)) and \
definition in (
j_ret[0].i = int(obj)
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Integer')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(I)V')
retobject = j_env[0].NewObjectA(j_env, retclass, retmidinit, j_ret)
return retobject
elif isinstance(obj, float) and \
definition in (
j_ret[0].f = obj
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Float')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(F)V')
retobject = j_env[0].NewObjectA(j_env, retclass, retmidinit, j_ret)
return retobject
# implementation of Java class in Python (needs j_cls)
elif isinstance(obj, type):
jc = obj
return jc.j_cls
# objects
elif isinstance(obj, JavaClass):
jc = obj
check_assignable_from(j_env, jc, definition[1:-1])
return jc.j_self.obj
elif isinstance(obj, JavaObject):
jo = obj
return jo.obj
elif isinstance(obj, MetaJavaClass):
jcs = obj.__cls_storage
return jcs.j_cls
elif isinstance(obj, PythonJavaClass):
# from python class, get the proxy/python class
pc = obj
# get the java class
jc = pc.j_self
if jc is None:
jc = pc.j_self
# get the localref
return jc.j_self.obj
# array
elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
return convert_pyarray_to_java(j_env, definition, obj)
raise JavaException('Invalid python object for this '
'argument. Want {0!r}, got {1!r}'.format(
definition[1:-1], obj))
elif definition[0] == '[':
conversions = {
int: 'I',
bool: 'Z',
long: 'J',
float: 'F',
unicode: 'Ljava/lang/String;',
bytes: 'Ljava/lang/String;'
conversions = {
int: 'I',
bool: 'Z',
long: 'J',
float: 'F',
unicode: 'Ljava/lang/String;',
bytes: 'B'
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Object')
retobject = j_env[0].NewObjectArray(j_env, len(obj), retclass, NULL)
for index, item in enumerate(obj):
item_definition = conversions.get(type(item), definition[1:])
retsubobject = convert_python_to_jobject(
j_env, item_definition, item)
j_env[0].SetObjectArrayElement(j_env, retobject, index,
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, retsubobject)
return retobject
elif definition == 'B':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Byte')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(B)V')
j_ret[0].b = obj
elif definition == 'S':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Short')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(S)V')
j_ret[0].s = obj
elif definition == 'I':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Integer')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(I)V')
j_ret[0].i = int(obj)
elif definition == 'J':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Long')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(J)V')
j_ret[0].j = obj
elif definition == 'F':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Float')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(F)V')
j_ret[0].f = obj
elif definition == 'D':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Double')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(D)V')
j_ret[0].d = obj
elif definition == 'C':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Char')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(C)V')
j_ret[0].c = ord(obj)
elif definition == 'Z':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Boolean')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(Z)V')
j_ret[0].z = 1 if obj else 0
assert(retclass != NULL)
# XXX do we need a globalref or something ?
retobject = j_env[0].NewObjectA(j_env, retclass, retmidinit, j_ret)
return retobject
cdef jstring convert_pystr_to_java(JNIEnv *j_env, unicode py_uni) except NULL:
cdef bytes py_bytes
cdef jstring j_str
cdef jsize j_strlen
cdef char *buff
py_bytes = py_uni.encode('utf-16')
# skip byte-order mark
buff = (<char *>py_bytes) + sizeof(jchar)
j_strlen = len(py_bytes) / sizeof(jchar) - 1
j_str = j_env[0].NewString(j_env, <jchar *>buff, j_strlen)
if j_str == NULL:
check_exception(j_env) # raise error as JavaException
return j_str
cdef jobject convert_pyarray_to_java(JNIEnv *j_env, definition, pyarray) except *:
cdef jobject ret = NULL
cdef jobject nested = NULL
cdef int array_size = len(pyarray)
cdef int i
cdef unsigned char c_tmp
cdef jboolean j_boolean
cdef jbyte j_byte
cdef jchar j_char
cdef jshort j_short
cdef jint j_int
cdef jlong j_long
cdef jfloat j_float
cdef jdouble j_double
cdef jstring j_string
cdef jclass j_class
cdef JavaObject jo
cdef JavaClass jc
cdef ByteArray a_bytes
if definition == 'Ljava/lang/Object;' and len(pyarray) > 0:
# then the method will accept any array type as param
# let's be as precise as we can
conversions = {
int: 'I',
bool: 'Z',
long: 'J',
float: 'F',
basestring: 'Ljava/lang/String;',
conversions = {
int: 'I',
bool: 'Z',
long: 'J',
float: 'F',
bytes: 'B',
str: 'Ljava/lang/String;',
for _type, override in conversions.iteritems():
if isinstance(pyarray[0], _type):
definition = override
if definition == 'Z':
ret = j_env[0].NewBooleanArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_boolean = 1 if pyarray[i] else 0
ret, i, 1, &j_boolean)
elif definition == 'B':
ret = j_env[0].NewByteArray(j_env, array_size)
if isinstance(pyarray, ByteArray):
a_bytes = pyarray
ret, 0, array_size, <const_jbyte *>a_bytes._buf)
for i in range(array_size):
c_tmp = pyarray[i]
j_byte = <signed char>c_tmp
ret, i, 1, &j_byte)
elif definition == 'C':
ret = j_env[0].NewCharArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_char = ord(pyarray[i])
ret, i, 1, &j_char)
elif definition == 'S':
ret = j_env[0].NewShortArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_short = pyarray[i]
ret, i, 1, &j_short)
elif definition == 'I':
ret = j_env[0].NewIntArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_int = pyarray[i]
ret, i, 1, <const_jint *>&j_int)
elif definition == 'J':
ret = j_env[0].NewLongArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_long = pyarray[i]
ret, i, 1, &j_long)
elif definition == 'F':
ret = j_env[0].NewFloatArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_float = pyarray[i]
ret, i, 1, &j_float)
elif definition == 'D':
ret = j_env[0].NewDoubleArray(j_env, array_size)
for i in range(array_size):
j_double = pyarray[i]
ret, i, 1, &j_double)
elif definition[0] == 'L':
defstr = str_for_c(definition[1:-1])
j_class = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, <bytes>defstr)
if j_class == NULL:
raise JavaException(
'Cannot create array with a class not '
'found {0!r}'.format(definition[1:-1])
ret = j_env[0].NewObjectArray(
j_env, array_size, j_class, NULL
# iterate over each Python array element
# and add it to Object[].
for i in range(array_size):
arg = pyarray[i]
if arg is None:
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, NULL
elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
j_string = convert_pystr_to_java(j_env, to_unicode(arg))
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, j_string
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, j_string)
# isinstance(arg, type) will return False
# ...and it's really weird
elif isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
nested = convert_pyarray_to_java(
j_env, definition, arg
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, nested
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, nested)
# no local refs to delete for class, type and object
elif isinstance(arg, JavaClass):
jc = arg
check_assignable_from(j_env, jc, definition[1:-1])
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, jc.j_self.obj
elif isinstance(arg, type):
jc = arg
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, jc.j_cls
elif isinstance(arg, JavaObject):
jo = arg
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, jo.obj
raise JavaException(
'Invalid variable {!r} used for L array {!r}'.format(
pyarray, definition
elif definition[0] == '[':
subdef = definition[1:]
eproto = convert_pyarray_to_java(j_env, subdef, pyarray[0])
ret = j_env[0].NewObjectArray(
j_env, array_size, j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, eproto), NULL)
j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, 0, eproto)
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, eproto)
for i in range(1, array_size):
j_elem = convert_pyarray_to_java(j_env, subdef, pyarray[i])
j_env[0].SetObjectArrayElement(j_env, <jobjectArray>ret, i, j_elem)
j_env[0].DeleteLocalRef(j_env, j_elem)
raise JavaException(
'Invalid array definition {!r} for variable {!r}'.format(
definition, pyarray
return <jobject>ret