''' Java wrapper ============ With this module, you can create Python class that reflects a Java class, and use it directly in Python. Example with static method -------------------------- Java:: package org.test; public class Hardware { static int getDPI() { return metrics.densityDpi; } } Python:: class Hardware(JavaClass): __metaclass__ = MetaJavaClass __javaclass__ = 'org/test/Hardware' getDPI = JavaStaticMethod('()I') Hardware.getDPI() Example with instance method ---------------------------- Java:: package org.test; public class Action { public String getName() { return new String("Hello world") } } Python:: class Action(JavaClass): __metaclass__ = MetaJavaClass __javaclass__ = 'org/test/Action' getName = JavaMethod('()Ljava/lang/String;') action = Action() print action.getName() # will output Hello World Example with static/instance field ---------------------------------- Java:: package org.test; public class Test { public static String field1 = new String("hello"); public String field2; public Test() { this.field2 = new String("world"); } } Python:: class Test(JavaClass): __metaclass__ = MetaJavaClass __javaclass__ = 'org/test/Test' field1 = JavaStaticField('Ljava/lang/String;') field2 = JavaField('Ljava/lang/String;') # access directly to the static field print Test.field1 # create the instance, and access to the instance field test = Test() print test.field2 ''' __all__ = ('JavaObject', 'JavaClass', 'JavaMethod', 'JavaField', 'MetaJavaBase', 'MetaJavaClass', 'JavaException', 'cast', 'find_javaclass', 'PythonJavaClass', 'java_method', 'detach') from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from functools import partial import sys import traceback include "jni.pxi" include "config.pxi" IF JNIUS_PLATFORM == "android": include "jnius_jvm_android.pxi" ELIF JNIUS_PLATFORM == "win32": include "jnius_jvm_desktop.pxi" ELSE: include "jnius_jvm_dlopen.pxi" include "jnius_env.pxi" include "jnius_utils.pxi" include "jnius_conversion.pxi" include "jnius_localref.pxi" IF JNIUS_PYTHON3: include "jnius_nativetypes3.pxi" ELSE: include "jnius_nativetypes.pxi" include "jnius_export_func.pxi" include "jnius_export_class.pxi" include "jnius_proxy.pxi"