class java_method(object): def __init__(self, signature, name=None): super(java_method, self).__init__() self.signature = signature = name def __get__(self, instance, instancetype): return partial(self.__call__, instance) def __call__(self, f): f.__javasignature__ = self.signature f.__javaname__ = return f cdef class PythonJavaClass(object): ''' Base class to create a java class from python ''' cdef JNIEnv *j_env cdef jclass j_cls cdef public object j_self def __cinit__(self, *args): self.j_env = get_jnienv() self.j_cls = NULL self.j_self = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.j_self = create_proxy_instance(self.j_env, self, self.__javainterfaces__) # discover all the java method implemented self.__javamethods__ = {} for x in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, x) if not callable(attr): continue if not hasattr(attr, '__javasignature__'): continue signature = parse_definition(attr.__javasignature__) self.__javamethods__[(attr.__javaname__ or x, signature)] = attr def invoke(self, method, *args): try: ret = self._invoke(method, *args) return ret except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(e) return None def _invoke(self, method, *args): from .reflect import get_signature # search the java method ret_signature = get_signature(method.getReturnType()) args_signature = tuple([get_signature(x) for x in method.getParameterTypes()]) method_name = method.getName() key = (method_name, (ret_signature, args_signature)) py_method = self.__javamethods__.get(key, None) if not py_method: print(''.join([ '\n===== Python/java method missing ======', '\nPython class:', repr(self), '\nJava method name:', method_name, '\nSignature: ({}){}'.format(''.join(args_signature), ret_signature), '\n=======================================\n'])) raise NotImplemented('The method {} is not implemented'.format(key)) return py_method(*args) cdef jobject invoke0(JNIEnv *j_env, jobject j_this, jobject j_proxy, jobject j_method, jobjectArray args) with gil: from .reflect import get_signature, Method # get the python object cdef jfieldID ptrField = j_env[0].GetFieldID(j_env, j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_this), "ptr", "J") cdef jlong jptr = j_env[0].GetLongField(j_env, j_this, ptrField) cdef object py_obj = jptr # extract the method information cdef JavaClass method = Method(noinstance=True) cdef LocalRef ref = create_local_ref(j_env, j_method) method.instanciate_from(create_local_ref(j_env, j_method)) ret_signature = get_signature(method.getReturnType()) args_signature = [get_signature(x) for x in method.getParameterTypes()] # convert java argument to python object # native java type are given with java.lang.*, even if the signature say # it's a native type. cdef jobject j_arg py_args = [] convert_signature = { 'Z': 'Ljava/lang/Boolean;', 'B': 'Ljava/lang/Byte;', 'C': 'Ljava/lang/Character;', 'S': 'Ljava/lang/Short;', 'I': 'Ljava/lang/Integer;', 'J': 'Ljava/lang/Long;', 'F': 'Ljava/lang/Float;', 'D': 'Ljava/lang/Double;'} for index, arg_signature in enumerate(args_signature): arg_signature = convert_signature.get(arg_signature, arg_signature) j_arg = j_env[0].GetObjectArrayElement(j_env, args, index) py_arg = convert_jobject_to_python(j_env, arg_signature, j_arg) py_args.append(py_arg) # really invoke the python method name = method.getName() ret = py_obj.invoke(method, *py_args) # convert back to the return type # use the populate_args(), but in the reverse way :) t = ret_signature[:1] # did python returned a "native" type ? jtype = None if ret_signature == 'Ljava/lang/Object;': # generic object, try to manually convert it tp = type(ret) if tp == int: jtype = 'J' elif tp == float: jtype = 'D' elif tp == bool: jtype = 'Z' elif len(ret_signature) == 1: jtype = ret_signature try: return convert_python_to_jobject(j_env, jtype or ret_signature, ret) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(e) # now we need to create a proxy and pass it an invocation handler cdef create_proxy_instance(JNIEnv *j_env, py_obj, j_interfaces): from .reflect import autoclass Proxy = autoclass('java.lang.reflect.Proxy') NativeInvocationHandler = autoclass('org.jnius.NativeInvocationHandler') ClassLoader = autoclass('java.lang.ClassLoader') # convert strings to Class j_interfaces = [find_javaclass(x) for x in j_interfaces] cdef JavaClass nih = NativeInvocationHandler(py_obj) cdef JNINativeMethod invoke_methods[1] invoke_methods[0].name = 'invoke0' invoke_methods[0].signature = '(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;' invoke_methods[0].fnPtr = &invoke0 j_env[0].RegisterNatives(j_env, nih.j_cls, invoke_methods, 1) # create the proxy and pass it the invocation handler classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() cdef JavaClass j_obj = Proxy.newProxyInstance( classLoader, j_interfaces, nih) return j_obj