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cdef extern from "stdarg.h":
ctypedef struct va_list:
ctypedef struct fake_type:
void va_start(va_list, void* arg)
void* va_arg(va_list, fake_type)
void va_end(va_list)
fake_type bool_type "int"
fake_type byte_type "char" # can i really do this?
fake_type char_type "char"
fake_type int_type "int"
fake_type short_type "short"
fake_type long_type "long"
fake_type float_type "float"
fake_type double_type "double"
fake_type pointer_type "void*"
2012-08-20 07:35:14 +00:00
cdef parse_definition(definition):
# not a function, just a field
if definition[0] != '(':
return definition, None
# it's a function!
argdef, ret = definition[1:].split(')')
args = []
while len(argdef):
c = argdef[0]
# read the array char
prefix = ''
if c == '[':
prefix = c
argdef = argdef[1:]
c = argdef[0]
# native type
if c in 'ZBCSIJFD':
args.append(prefix + c)
argdef = argdef[1:]
# java class
if c == 'L':
c, argdef = argdef.split(';', 1)
args.append(prefix + c + ';')
return ret, tuple(args)
2012-08-20 07:35:14 +00:00
cdef void check_exception(JNIEnv *j_env) except *:
cdef jthrowable exc = j_env[0].ExceptionOccurred(j_env)
if exc:
raise JavaException('JVM exception occured')
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
2012-08-20 08:34:14 +00:00
cdef dict assignable_from = {}
cdef void check_assignable_from(JNIEnv *env, JavaClass jc, bytes signature) except *:
cdef jclass cls
# if we have a JavaObject, it's always ok.
if signature == 'java/lang/Object':
# if the signature is a direct match, it's ok too :)
if jc.__javaclass__ == signature:
# if we already did the test before, use the cache result!
result = assignable_from.get((jc.__javaclass__, signature), None)
if result is None:
# we got an object that doesn't match with the signature
# check if we can use it.
cls = env[0].FindClass(env, signature)
if cls == NULL:
raise JavaException('Unable to found the class for {0!r}'.format(
result = bool(env[0].IsAssignableFrom(env, jc.j_cls, cls))
assignable_from[(jc.__javaclass__, signature)] = bool(result)
if result is False:
raise JavaException('Invalid instance of {0!r} passed for a {1!r}'.format(
jc.__javaclass__, signature))
2012-08-20 07:35:14 +00:00
cdef bytes lookup_java_object_name(JNIEnv *j_env, jobject j_obj):
cdef jclass jcls = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_obj)
cdef jclass jcls2 = j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, jcls)
cdef jmethodID jmeth = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, jcls2, 'getName', '()Ljava/lang/String;')
cdef jobject js = j_env[0].CallObjectMethod(j_env, jcls, jmeth)
name = convert_jobject_to_python(j_env, b'Ljava/lang/String;', js)
2012-08-20 07:35:14 +00:00
return name.replace('.', '/')
cdef int calculate_score(sign_args, args, is_varargs=False) except *:
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
cdef int index
cdef int score = 0
cdef bytes r
cdef JavaClass jc
if len(args) != len(sign_args) and not is_varargs:
# if the number of arguments expected is not the same
# as the number of arguments the method gets
# it can not be the method we are looking for except
# if the method has varargs aka. it takes
# an undefined number of arguments
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
return -1
elif len(args) == len(sign_args) and not is_varargs:
# if the method has the good number of arguments and
# the method doesn't take varargs increment the score
# so that it takes precedence over a method with the same
# signature and varargs e.g.
# (Integer, Integer) takes precedence over (Integer, Integer, Integer...)
# and
# (Integer, Integer, Integer) takes precedence over (Integer, Integer, Integer...)
score += 10
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
for index in range(len(sign_args)):
r = sign_args[index]
arg = args[index]
if r == 'Z':
if not isinstance(arg, bool):
return -1
score += 10
if r == 'B':
if not isinstance(arg, int):
return -1
score += 10
if r == 'C':
if not isinstance(arg, str) or len(arg) != 1:
return -1
score += 10
if r == 'S' or r == 'I' or r == 'J':
if isinstance(arg, int):
score += 10
elif isinstance(arg, float):
score += 5
return -1
if r == 'F' or r == 'D':
if isinstance(arg, int):
score += 5
elif isinstance(arg, float):
score += 10
return -1
if r[0] == 'L':
r = r[1:-1]
if arg is None:
score += 10
# if it's a string, accept any python string
if r == 'java/lang/String' and isinstance(arg, basestring):
score += 10
# if it's a generic object, accept python string, or any java
# class/object
if r == 'java/lang/Object':
if isinstance(arg, JavaClass) or isinstance(arg, JavaObject):
score += 10
elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
score += 5
return -1
# if we pass a JavaClass, ensure the definition is matching
# XXX FIXME what if we use a subclass or something ?
if isinstance(arg, JavaClass):
jc = arg
if jc.__javaclass__ == r:
score += 10
2012-08-20 14:51:32 +00:00
# check_assignable_from(jc, r)
# return -1
score += 5
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
# always accept unknow object, but can be dangerous too.
if isinstance(arg, JavaObject):
score += 1
if isinstance(arg, PythonJavaClass):
score += 1
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
# native type? not accepted
return -1
if r[0] == '[':
if arg is None:
return 10
if not isinstance(arg, tuple) and not isinstance(arg, list):
return -1
# calculate the score for our subarray
if len(arg) > 0:
# if there are supplemantal arguments we compute the score
subscore = calculate_score([r[1:]] * len(arg), arg)
if subscore == -1:
return -1
# the supplemental arguments match the varargs arguments
score += 10
# else if there is no supplemental arguments
# it might be the good method but there may be
# a method with a better signature so we don't
# change this method score
2012-08-20 07:40:18 +00:00
return score
import functools
import traceback
class java_implementation(object):
def __init__(self, signature):
super(java_implementation, self).__init__()
self.signature = signature
def __get__(self, instance, instancetype):
return functools.partial(self.__call__, instance)
def __call__(self, f):
f.__javasignature__ = self.signature
return f
cdef class PythonJavaClass(object):
base class to create a java class from python
cdef JNIEnv *j_env
cdef jclass j_cls
cdef public object j_self
def __cinit__(self, *args):
self.j_env = get_jnienv()
self.j_cls = NULL
self.j_self = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.j_self = create_proxy_instance(self.j_env, self,
# discover all the java method implementated
self.__javamethods__ = {}
for x in dir(self):
attr = getattr(self, x)
if not callable(attr):
if not hasattr(attr, '__javasignature__'):
signature = parse_definition(attr.__javasignature__)
self.__javamethods__[(x, signature)] = attr
def invoke(self, method, *args):
ret = self._invoke(method, *args)
return ret
except Exception as e:
return None
def _invoke(self, method, *args):
from .reflect import get_signature
#print 'PythonJavaClass.invoke() called with args:', args
# search the java method
ret_signature = get_signature(method.getReturnType())
args_signature = tuple([get_signature(x) for x in method.getParameterTypes()])
method_name = method.getName()
key = (method_name, (ret_signature, args_signature))
py_method = self.__javamethods__.get(key, None)
if not py_method:
print '===== Python/java method missing ======'
print 'Python class:', self
print 'Java method name:', method_name
print 'Signature: ({}){}'.format(''.join(args_signature), ret_signature)
print '======================================='
raise NotImplemented('The method {} is not implemented'.format(key))
return py_method(*args)
cdef jobject invoke0(JNIEnv *j_env, jobject j_this, jobject j_proxy, jobject
j_method, jobjectArray args) except *:
from .reflect import get_signature
# get the python object
cdef jfieldID ptrField = j_env[0].GetFieldID(j_env,
j_env[0].GetObjectClass(j_env, j_this), "ptr", "J")
cdef jlong jptr = j_env[0].GetLongField(j_env, j_this, ptrField)
cdef object py_obj = <object>jptr
# extract the method information
# FIXME: only one call is not working sometimes ????+??????O?O??O?O
method = convert_jobject_to_python(j_env, b'Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;', j_method)
method = convert_jobject_to_python(j_env, b'Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;', j_method)
ret_signature = get_signature(method.getReturnType())
args_signature = [get_signature(x) for x in method.getParameterTypes()]
# convert java argument to python object
# native java type are given with java.lang.*, even if the signature say
# it's a native type.
cdef jobject j_arg
py_args = []
convert_signature = {
'Z': 'Ljava/lang/Boolean;',
'B': 'Ljava/lang/Byte;',
'C': 'Ljava/lang/Character;',
'S': 'Ljava/lang/Short;',
'I': 'Ljava/lang/Integer;',
'J': 'Ljava/lang/Long;',
'F': 'Ljava/lang/Float;',
'D': 'Ljava/lang/Double;'}
for index, arg_signature in enumerate(args_signature):
print 'convert signature', index, arg_signature
arg_signature = convert_signature.get(arg_signature, arg_signature)
j_arg = j_env[0].GetObjectArrayElement(j_env, args, index)
py_arg = convert_jobject_to_python(j_env, arg_signature, j_arg)
# really invoke the python method
print '- python invoke', method.getName(), py_args
ret = py_obj.invoke(method, *py_args)
# convert back to the return type
# use the populate_args(), but in the reverse way :)
cdef jvalue j_ret[1]
t = ret_signature[:1]
cdef jclass retclass = NULL
cdef jobject retobject
cdef jmethodID retmidinit
# did python returned a "native" type ?
jtype = None
if ret_signature == 'Ljava/lang/Object;':
# generic object, try to manually convert it
tp = type(ret)
if tp == int:
jtype = 'J'
elif tp == float:
jtype = 'D'
elif tp == bool:
jtype = 'Z'
elif len(ret_signature) == 1:
jtype = ret_signature
# converting a native type to an Object for returning the value
if jtype is not None:
if jtype == 'B':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Byte')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(B)V')
j_ret[0].b = ret
elif jtype == 'S':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Short')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(S)V')
j_ret[0].s = ret
elif jtype == 'I':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Integer')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(I)V')
j_ret[0].i = ret
elif jtype == 'J':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Long')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(J)V')
j_ret[0].j = ret
elif jtype == 'F':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Float')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(F)V')
j_ret[0].f = ret
elif jtype == 'D':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Double')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(D)V')
j_ret[0].d = ret
elif jtype == 'C':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Char')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(C)V')
j_ret[0].c = ord(ret)
elif jtype == 'Z':
retclass = j_env[0].FindClass(j_env, 'java/lang/Boolean')
retmidinit = j_env[0].GetMethodID(j_env, retclass, '<init>', '(Z)V')
j_ret[0].z = 1 if ret else 0
print 'jtype', jtype
if retclass != NULL:
# XXX do we need a globalref or something ?
retobject = j_env[0].NewObjectA(j_env, retclass, retmidinit, j_ret)
return retobject
# this is not a "native" type, so we should be able to convert it to object
# with populate_args().
# (String, list/tuple, etc.)
populate_args(j_env, (ret_signature, ), <jvalue *>j_ret, [ret])
return j_ret[0].l
# now we need to create a proxy and pass it an invocation handler
cdef create_proxy_instance(JNIEnv *j_env, py_obj, j_interfaces):
from .reflect import autoclass
Proxy = autoclass('java.lang.reflect.Proxy')
NativeInvocationHandler = autoclass('jnius.NativeInvocationHandler')
ClassLoader = autoclass('java.lang.ClassLoader')
# convert strings to Class
j_interfaces = [find_javaclass(x) for x in j_interfaces]
cdef JavaClass nih = NativeInvocationHandler(<long><void *>py_obj)
cdef JNINativeMethod invoke_methods[1]
invoke_methods[0].name = 'invoke0'
invoke_methods[0].signature = '(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;'
invoke_methods[0].fnPtr = <void *>&invoke0
j_env[0].RegisterNatives(j_env, nih.j_cls, <JNINativeMethod *>invoke_methods, 1)
cdef JavaClass j_obj = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), j_interfaces, nih)
#for name, definition, method in py_obj.j_methods:
# nw = GenericNativeWrapper(j_env, name, definition, method)
# j_env.RegisterNatives(j_env[0], cls, nw.nm, 1)
# adds it to the invocationhandler
# create the proxy and pass it the invocation handler
return j_obj
def test():
from .reflect import autoclass
print '1: declare a TestImplem that implement Collection'
class TestImplemIterator(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['java/util/Iterator']
def __init__(self, collection):
super(TestImplemIterator, self).__init__()
self.collection = collection
self.index = 0
def hasNext(self):
return self.index < len(
def next(self):
obj =[self.index]
self.index += 1
return obj
def toString(self):
return repr(self)
class TestImplem(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['java/util/List']
def __init__(self, *args):
super(TestImplem, self).__init__() = list(args)
def iterator(self):
it = TestImplemIterator(self)
return it
def toString(self):
return repr(self)
def size(self):
return len(
def get(self, index):
def set(self, index, obj):
old_object =[index][index] = obj
return old_object
def toArray(self):
print '2: instanciate the class, with some data'
a = TestImplem(1, 2, 3)
print a
print dir(a)
print '3: Do cast to a collection'
a2 = cast('java/util/Collection', a.j_self)
print '4: Try few method on the collection'
Collections = autoclass('java.util.Collections')
#print Collections.enumeration(a)
#print Collections.enumeration(a)
ret = Collections.max(a)
print 'MAX returned', ret
print 'Order of data before shuffle()',
print Collections.shuffle(a)
print 'Order of data after shuffle()',
# XXX We have issues for methosd with multiple signature
#print '-> Collections.max(a)'
#print Collections.max(a2)
#print '-> Collections.max(a)'
#print Collections.max(a2)
#print '-> Collections.shuffle(a)'
#print Collections.shuffle(a2)