String ------ .. py:function:: pydu.string.safeunicode(obj, encoding='utf-8') Converts any given object to unicode string. >>> from pydu.string import safeunicode >>> safeunicode('hello') u'hello' >>> safeunicode(2) u'2' >>> safeunicode('\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87') u'中文' .. py:function:: pydu.string.safeencode(obj, encoding='utf-8') Converts any given object to encoded string (default: utf-8). >>> from pydu.string import safeencode >>> safeencode('hello') 'hello' >>> safeencode(2) '2' >>> safeencode(u'中文') '\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87' .. py:function:: pydu.string.lstrips(text, remove) Removes the string ``remove`` from the left of ``text``. >>> from pydu.string import lstrips >>> lstrips('foobar', 'foo') 'bar' >>> lstrips('FOOBARBAZ', ['FOO', 'BAR']) 'BAZ' >>> lstrips('FOOBARBAZ', ['BAR', 'FOO']) 'BARBAZ' .. py:function:: pydu.string.rstrips(text, remove) Removes the string ``remove`` from the right of ``text``. >>> from pydu.string import rstrips >>> rstrips('foobar', 'bar') 'foo' .. py:function:: pydu.string.strips(text, remove) Removes the string ``remove`` from the both sides of ``text``. >>> from pydu.string import strips >>> strips('foobarfoo', 'foo') 'bar' .. py:function:: pydu.string.common_prefix(l) Return common prefix of the stings >>> from pydu.string import common_prefix >>> common_prefix(['abcd', 'abc1']) 'abc' .. py:function:: pydu.string.common_suffix(l) Return common suffix of the stings >>> from pydu.string import common_suffix >>> common_suffix(['dabc', '1abc']) 'abc' .. py:function:: pydu.string.sort(s, reversed=False) Sort given string by ascending order. If ``reverse`` is True, sorting given string by descending order. >>> from pydu.string import sort >>> sort('dabc') 'abcd'