Cmd --- .. py:class:: pydu.cmd.TimeoutExpired(cmd, timeout, output=None, stderr=None) This exception is raised when the timeout expires while waiting for a child process. Attributes: cmd, output, stdout, stderr, timeout .. py:function::, wait=True, env=None, shell=False, timeout=None, timeinterval=1) Run cmd based on ``subprocess.Popen``. If ``wait`` is True, ``run`` will return the tuple of ``(returncode, stdout)``. Note, ``stderr`` is redirected to ``stdout``. If ``wait`` is False, ``run`` will return object of ``Popen``. ``shell`` is same to parameter of ``Popen``. If the process does not terminate after ``timeout`` seconds, a ``TimeoutExpired`` exception will be raised. ``timeinterval`` is workable when timeout is given on Python 2. It means process status checking interval. The child process is not killed if the timeout expires, so in order to cleanup properly a well-behaved application should kill the child process and finish communication. >>> from pydu.cmd import run >>> run('echo hello') (0, b'hello\r\n') # Python 3 >>> run('echo hello', wait=False) .. py:function::, wait=True, shell=False, env=None, timeout=None, timeinterval=1) Run cmd with English character sets environment, so that the output will be in English. Parameters are same with ``run``. .. py:function:: pydu.cmd.terminate(pid) Terminate process by given ``pid``. On Windows, using `kernel32.TerminateProcess` to kill. On other platforms, using `os.kill` with `signal.SIGTERM` to kill. .. py:function:: pydu.cmd.cmdline_argv() Get command line argv of self python process. On Windows when using Python 2, ``cmdline_argv`` is implemented by using ``shell32.GetCommandLineArgvW`` to get sys.argv as a list of Unicode strings. On other platforms or using Python 3, ``cmdline_argv`` is same to ``sys.argv``. >>> from pydu.cmd import cmdline_argv >>> cmdline_argv() ['/Applications/', '61253', '61254']