Iter ---- Utils for handling iterations. .. py:function:: pydu.iter.first(iterable) Get the first item in the iterable. >>> from pydu.iter import first >>> first([1, 2]) 1 .. py:function:: pydu.iter.last(iterable) Get the last item in the iterable. Warning, this can be slow due to iter step by step to last one. >>> from pydu.iter import last >>> last([1, 2]) 2 .. py:function:: pydu.iter.all(iterable, predicate) Returns True if all elements in the given iterable are True for the given predicate function. >>> from pydu.iter import all >>> all([0, 1, 2], lambda x: x+1) True .. py:function:: pydu.iter.any(iterable) Returns True if any element in the given iterable is True for the given predicate function. >>> from pydu.iter import any >>> any([-1, -1, 0], lambda x: x+1) True .. py:function:: pydu.iter.join(iterable, separator='') Join each item of iterable to string. >>> from pydu.iter import join >>> join([1, '2', 3], separator=',') '1,2,3'