diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0f50c98..25f5e40 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -21,26 +21,57 @@ Features Structure --------- +**Note:** This section only describes the public API. + +* `pydle.featurize` - create client class from given features. * `pydle.Client` - full-featured client that supports `pydle.BasicClient` plus all the features in `pydle.features`. -* `pydle.MinimalClient` - tinier client that supports `pydle.BasicClient` plus some features in `pydle.features`. (currently `ctcp`, `isupport` and `rfc1459`) -* `pydle.BasicClient` - base IRC message handler. Has no functionality. -* `pydle.ClientPool` - a 'pool' of several clients in order to handle multiple clients in one swift main loop. -* `pydle.EventLoop` - asynchronous event loop wrapper. -* `pydle.Future` - the future asynchronous primitive. +* `pydle.MinimalClient` - tinier client that supports `pydle.BasicClient` plus some features in `pydle.features`. (currently `ctcp`, `isupport`, `tls`, `whox` and `rfc1459`) +* `pydle.async` - pydle's asynchronous networking components. + - `pydle.async.EventLoop` - asynchronous event loop wrapper around pydle's asynchronous backend. + - `pydle.async.Future` - the future asynchronous primitive. + - `pydle.async.coroutine` - decorator around functions to indicate they may do asynchronous operations and should be yielded from instead of simply called. + - `pydle.async.FUTURE_TIMEOUT` - the number of seconds a given future has to resolve before being timed out. +* `pydle.connection` - low-level asynchronous network connection functionality. + - `pydle.connection.Connection` - wrapper for a low-level (non IRC-specific) asynchronous network connection. + - `pydle.connection.BUFFER_SIZE` - the buffer size to use when calling `socket.recv()`. + - `pydle.connection.MESSAGE_THROTTLE_TRESHOLD` - the number of messages to send at once before starting to throttle messages. + - `pydle.connection.MESSAGE_THROTTLE_DELAY` - the delay in seconds to hold messages when throttling. +* `pydle.client` - very basic client code. + - `pydle.client.BasicClient` - base message handler. Has no protocol functionality. Useful for features to inherit from, depending on what base functionality they need. + - `pydle.client.ClientPool` - a 'pool' of several clients in order to handle multiple clients in one swift main loop. Also available as `pydle.ClientPool`. + - `pydle.client.Error` - base error class for all pydle exceptions. Also available as `pydle.Error`. + - `pydle.client.NotInChannel` - error indicating the client is not in the given channel. Also available as `pydle.NotInChannel`. + - `pydle.client.AlreadyInChannel` - error indicating the client is already in the given channel. Also available as `pydle.AlreadyInChannel`. + - `pydle.client.PING_TIMEOUT` - the delay in seconds after which to assume the connection died if having received no data. * `pydle.features` - IRC protocol implementations and extensions. - `pydle.features.rfc1459` - basic [RFC1459](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1459.html) implementation with a few commonly-implemented [RF](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2810.html)[C2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2811.html)[81](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812.html)[x](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2813.html) extensions. - - `pydle.features.account` - Basic features for an account system as implemented by services (in progress). + + `pydle.features.rfc1459.RFC1459Support` - RFC1459 support feature. + * `pydle.features.rfc1459.RFC1459Support.DEFAULT_QUIT_MESSAGE` - default quit message. + - `pydle.features.account` - Basic features for an account system as implemented by IRC services packages (in progress). + + `pydle.features.account.AccountSupport` - account support feature. - `pydle.features.ctcp` - [Client-to-Client Protocol](http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/ctcpspec.html) support. + + `pydle.features.ctcp.CTCPSupport` - CTCP support feature. - `pydle.features.tls` - [Transport Layer Security](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246.html) and [STARTTLS](https://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/tls-3.1) support. + + `pydle.features.tls.TLSSupport` - TLS support feature. - `pydle.features.isupport` - [ISUPPORT/PROTOCTL](http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hardy-irc-isupport-00) support. + + `pydle.features.isupport.ISUPPORTSupport` - ISUPPORT support feature. - `pydle.features.ircv3_1` - [IRCv3.1](http://ircv3.atheme.org) support. + `pydle.features.ircv3_1.cap` - [CAP](http://ircv3.atheme.org/specification/capability-negotiation-3.1) capability negotiation support. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_1.cap.CapabilityNegotiationSupport` - CAP support feature. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_1.cap.NEGOTIATING` - constant to return from `on__available` to indicate negotiation is in progress outside of the capability system. Also available as `pydle.CAPABILITY_NEGOTIATING`. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_1.cap.NEGOTIATED` - constant to return from `on__available` to indicate capability has been negotiated and should be activated. Also available as `pydle.CAPABILITY_NEGOTIATED`. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_1.cap.FAILED` - constant to return from `on__availalbe` to return capability has not been negotiated and should not be activated. Also available as `pydle.CAPABILITY_FAILED`. + `pydle.features.ircv3_1.sasl` - [Simple Authentication and Security Layer](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/sasl-3.1) support - currently limited to the `PLAIN` mechanism. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_1.sasl.SASLSupport` - SASL support feature. + `pydle.features.ircv3_1.ircv3_1` - [Miscellaneous](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/multi-prefix-3.1) [features](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/account-notify-3.1) [ensuring](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/away-notify-3.1) [support](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/extended-join-3.1) for [IRCv3.1](http://ircv3.atheme.org/). + * `pydle.features.ircv3_1.ircv3_1.IRCv3_1Support` - IRCv3.1 support feature. Also available as `pydle.features.ircv3_1.IRCv3_1Support`. - `pydle.features.ircv3_2` - [IRCv3.2](http://ircv3.atheme.org) support (partial). + `pydle.features.ircv3_2.tags` - [Message Tagging](http://ircv3.atheme.org/specification/message-tags-3.2) support. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_2.tags.TaggedMessageSupport` - message tagging support feature. + `pydle.features.ircv3_2.monitor` - [Online status monitoring](http://ircv3.atheme.org/specification/monitor-3.2) support. - + `pydle.features.ircv3_2.ircv3_2` - [Miscellaneous](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/userhost-in-names-3.2) features ensuring IRCv3.2 support. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_2.monitor.MonitoringSupport` - online status monitoring support feature. + + `pydle.features.ircv3_2.ircv3_2` - [Miscellaneous](http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/userhost-in-names-3.2) features ensuring [IRCv3.2](http://ircv3.atheme.org/) support. + * `pydle.features.ircv3_2.ircv3_2.IRCv3_2Support` - IRCv3.2 support feature. Also available as `pydle.features.ircv3_2.IRCv3_2Support`. Basic Usage -----------