* Standards-abiding: Based on [RFC1459](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1459.html) with some small extension tweaks, with full support of optional extension standards:
* Asynchronous: IRC is an asynchronous protocol and so should be a library that implements it. Coroutines are used to process events from the server asynchronously.
* Modularised and extensible: Features on top of RFC1459 are implemented as separate modules for a user to pick and choose, and write their own. Broad features are written to be as extensible as possible.
If you want to customize bot features, you can subclass `pydle.BasicClient` and one or more features from `pydle.features` or your own feature classes, like such:
# Only support RFC1459 (+small features), CTCP and our own ACME extension to IRC.
**Q: When constructing my own client class from several base classes, I get the following error: _TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO) for bases X, Y, Z_. What causes this and how can I solve it?**
Pydle's use of class inheritance as a feature model may cause method resolution order conflicts if a feature inherits from a different feature, while a class inherits from both the original feature and the inheriting feature. To solve such problem, pydle offers a `featurize` function that will automatically put all classes in the right order and create an appropriate base class:
# Purposely mis-ordered base classes, as SASLSupport inherits from CapabilityNegotiationSupport, but everything works fine.
Stop! Read the [documentation](http://pydle.readthedocs.org) first. If you're still in need of support, join us on IRC! We hang at `#kochira` on `irc.freenode.net`. If someone is around, they'll most likely gladly help you.